Afterbirth? More like Stillbirth, because this game is dead on arrival

Afterbirth? More like Stillbirth, because this game is dead on arrival.

Supposedly this bullshit was going to fix EVERYTHING wrong with Rebirth, after Rebirth fixed EVERYTHING wrong with Isaac. At this point, I knew better, but I felt morally obligated to safeguard a future generation of potential victims from Isaac's shittiness by detailing how Afterbirth fails to deliver upon the expectations

>Edmund's freudian issues continue, items like the binky continue to expand upon Edmund's obsession with infantilization in a disturbing way much how like many items reinforced his corprophilia and urolangia.

>Voice acting for pill and card effects, superficial elements designed to attract and entertain small children and the mentally disabled

>New boss is a lazily done bullet hell, with Isaac's wonky hitboxes not getting hit without a defensive item like dry baby is stupidly difficult.

>Greed mode is literally 5 rooms plus a button to stand on to fight waves of enemies, fighting more is a no-brainer because if you can't tackle them and get devil rooms you're already fucked.

>Fixes a minor number of bugs from rebirth as if that's supposed to be an accomplishment rather than patch notes for the version of the game everyone already paid for.

>Content withheld to punish a small minority of players. In a stroke of fedora-tier brilliance, this punishment had an effect on everyone save the people it was intended to punish.

>STILL a buggy piece of shit, awful game-ruining glitches like the character's head disappearing mid- Boss Rush and becoming completely unable to fire tears.

>Fails to track Mega Satan kills from regular rebirth, enjoy fighting him with every character all over again since Ed's a hack.

Don't buy this game, it's more full of shit than a big room with Card Against Humanity.

I got Eternal God and 1001% and I still say it's shit.


i love this game. i only started playing a few months ago but its the only game i play right now. cant wait for the expansion

>greed mode is fucking bullshit and i hate it

Greed mode is incredibly easy, it's just boring.

How are you having any difficulty with it?


Worth a reminder now that Afterbirth+ is on the horizon and there's an upcoming generation of would-be Isaac victims Edmund will try to fleece

>Voice acting for pill and card effects, superficial elements designed to attract and entertain small children and the mentally disabled

What the fuck is this even supposed to mean? Is this like MonHun threads where the OP pretends to be the average retard criticizing the game?

It means that having pill effects read aloud is meant to be "cool" and epic". Which I guess it is, if you have a significantly below average IQ or you're a child impressed by deep voices.


I don't know how to dumb it down any further. I guess you just like hearing a deep voice read the names of tarot cards and pills out loud when used, instead of having a game that performs/is balanced properly.

what the fuck is your problem, holy shit
I'm astounded

I don't have a problem with you. I have a problem with Edmund and his shitty game.

Unless you're steakfag himself, in which case you can fuck right off.

what the fuck is a steakfag
oh my god someone help me

>Edmund makes a big deal about the lost as an unlockable character
>Gets butthurt as shit when players datamine how to unlock the character from the game
>Compared his turd of a game to a fine $100 steak and says dataminers "Swallowed [the steak] in one big gulp."

So yeah, if you're Edmund you can go fuck yourself.

>Encyclopedic knowledge of this games creator
>Obsesses daily about it
>Enough to rant to strangers on a Chilean basket-weaving forum

If it took you 1001% completion to realize the game is shit then you must be an idiot for playing it in the first place.

Get help, loser

Jesus dude you need to get out more, your autism is showing

>Play the game and don't 100% it

>Play and 100% it

Go to bed Edmund

cant wait to pay for mod support so other people can fix his shit game

>buy Afterbirth
>it's the most underwhelming fucking garbage
>notice I can refund it
>refund it
>get my money back
>Afterbirth is still there

Eat shit Edmund

the only downside is you still have afterbirth