Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma Thread

Haven't seen a thread for a while so let's start up another ruse cruise.

>confess something that you never have said before about the ZE series

I like the shitty animations in VLR and ZTD.

To be honest, I wouldn't have been so bummed out about how ZTD turned out if I hadn't invested so much time into being hyped about it. Sure it was disappointing, but what really hurt me was that feeling that I wasted so many months for nothing besides memes and pain.

At least I didn't wait years...?
D-damn, this confession hit me like a rock.
Do you like them ironically or unironically?

Go ahead, don't bump the thread.

Don't worry I won't get archived


It's just personal taste, but I think they add a bit of low-budget charm to the game. I like games with more heart that budget like Deadly Premonition and Drakengard. I know the animations suck, but I just like them. And that's my confession.

I hated VLR for the endless "To Be Continued..." especially the one where Sigma just passes out for no reason after finding Alice, but ZTD's fragment system honestly wasn't better.

I think the fragment system was ambitious, but flawed in its own ways like like with the different branches in VLR. The main problem is that players can pick them in an order that really detracts from the game. For me, though I have positive feelings toward ZTD, I do feel like I picked the fragments in a terrible order.

I think every game in the series just has its flaws. VLR is still my favorite by a longshot though.

Hmm, other than the "Delta was actually evil all along" and the alien conspiracy one, I wonder if anyone has made any other complex canons.

I wanted to see memes be born from it but I guess it was never meant to be.

That neurotic circumcision dude made a complex canon long before Uchi even endorsed doing so.

All of you know that threads die without memes, correct?

So are there really aliens?

I thought it was just a silly story and the machine was just really advanced human technology like the pods, robots, and AI.

Gab was Kyle all along.

The Carlos is the fanatic meme was a relatively popular one back in the day.

It's a shame that this can't be the ultimate destiny of him in every grain of sand/timeline, though. That'd be quite a twist.

Are you guys ready for your shitty artbook PDF, to go along with your 2 month delayed watch?

>artbook sounds nice
>digital copy

By alien conspiracy canon do you mean this one? Not sure if I've seen any other one.

Not quite, but it gets props from me by actually being complex.

at least post fully updated

Even if that wasn't the game I expected it

That game made me to appreciate Eric and his moments.

The memes made me feel better but in hindsight, the game was kinda disappointing.
>No full cast meetup till very late game
>Underused game themes like the amnesia agent
Then there's Mira's bullshit, you'd have no idea if they didn't add Delta's one line of dialogue on the subject.

And the fucking Force Quit Box. WHY? I suppose so that they would all SHIFT, but it's still bullshit. There was no big exciting mystery in plain sight like VLR. Besides muh wheelchairman, the biggest twist is fake fucking wards. Radical-6 is already developed and sitting on a fucking desk. Delta's whole cult is MIA. No mention of his """brother""" Left. Dio makes NO SENSE now, if he ever did, because all timelines just branch anyway and Delta would want VLR to succeed to aid the ZTD.


>tfw named Eric
Why are almost all Erics in fiction seemingly assholes or crazies?

Confession time? Well then...

I have absolutely no issues with the Delta was there all along reveal. It is a twists for twists sake, but it can be justified by the bootstrap, and I can't be angry because of the sheer ballsiness of the move

But I just gotta bump this thread.

Can't blame you for waiting and seeing.
There was a pretty active thread recently, but I think it was mainly fueled by angst and bitterness more than anything else...
Not that I didn't find it enjoyable.

>Uchikoshi mentioned that he kept up with fan theories and said some were right, even answered a Twitter question about "?", but never thought to tell us that it wasn't canon
>Uchikoshi stated that we'd find out about what happened to the 999 cast during the apocalypse but they barely got passing mentions
>4infinity, "We are all men of our word", and "The longest night will have an end" never got explained
>Uchikoshi rewrote the story because he was bored of the original one with the "out of this world" ending
>Uchikoshi promised that we'd see Akane's questionable moral views due to her near-infinite life and we'd question right and wrong

I could keep going all day. I can't believe I waited four years for this story just for it to be re-written into utter garbage. What a hack, I'm not buying Uchikoshi games again until he publicly recognizes the BS that he said about ZE3 before it come out. I used to have so much fun on GameFAQs discussing ZE3 theories and how it'd all fit together and it was all for nothing but complex motives and memes

This is now a Gab thread. Post Gab.


Consider the following: Hyper-advanced human civilizations could, and probably would, be aliens to us.

What if Gab only makes me feel despair?

And if you don't agree that ZTD was a "perfect conclusion" to the series, you are "emotionally unstable" due to apologist logic.

Nolan pls

Nolan didn't invent that concept, champ.

I could just be imagining things, but didn't you say the exact same thing in prior threads despite the worst apologists being long gone?


you must have SHITTed here from a thread in another history


Someone said that to me during an exchange several days ago, and, in all honesty, it is one of the most profoundly and wholly stupid comments I have ever seen within the entirety of the ZTD threads that I cannot help but mock it in its entirety.

That user probably is referring to a standoff that occurred few days back. I think there was one solitary apologist saying those retarded things and a few people were triggered.

I'm a second sighter, not a shitter.

Got it. Weirdly enough people have made some references to it in some of these threads (adding smiley faces for extra passive aggressiveness)--damn, it must have been pretty horrific.

Still, sometimes I can't help 2nd guessing stuff like that and wondering if people like that are just shitposting. Could be wistful thinking, though.

For some reason, a lot of people think EVERYONE who claims to like the game is a shitposter who is clearly lying, and vice versa, as well. Don't be one of those faggots.

Don't worry, I was referring to the extremist "ZTD was perfect and a perfect conclusion to the series!" user. There's a huge difference between liking the game and that comical level of ignorance or bad taste.

meant for

>no gab

In this moment I am euphoric. Not because of some phony SHIFTer's blessing, but because I am enlightened by my own complexity

I like to create overly complex ways of retconning stuff that was established from ZTD
>Delta not being evil+his complex motives
>Carlos not being related to Left

It's autistic as fuck, but it's also pretty therapeutic.

>Delta saying this as he's being locked into a mental institution post-ZTD


Who wins this, the girl or the guy?


>the girl, or the guy?
What will you decide?

I'm assuming you're a rando from Sup Forums.

The girl think the man's at fault for killing another team member and he's trying to defend himself. Both of them have lost their memories, thus they don't know for sure. Two things happen depending on the decision the guy/the player makes:

>he decides that he's the murderer because she couldn't have killed their friend, and thinks himself too dangerous to live on, killing himself in order to protect the girl by slitting his throat with the axe
>or he decides that the girl killed the guy and she lashes out, cutting off his hand. This is the face he makes at this moment before he kills her with the axe in a fit of mania

Tl;dr, no one does but the guy technically gets two kills

A girl rips out the heart of a cuck for no reason other than "lol im a serial killer"

This thread is boring. Post memes.

>Where can i see this without playing the game?

By playing the game.

I read "fit of mania" as "fit of maria" at first.

What was the deal with her being a serial killer, was it actually significant in any way?

Team Q is really gay. I wish they didn't have that much screen time. They all suck.

Did you not pay attention to the entire underlying subplot?

>tfw Carlos gets the highest kill and death count in the game
>he's his own worst enemy
I probably shouldn't be but I find this as sobering as it is hilarious.

It's shit user don't bother
If you can handle VNs and like murder mysteries like Ace attorney check out Umineko
It has some sweet femdom about 10 hours in
Don't expect H-scenes tho

She was Delta's accomplice for some reason. Also she killed Eric's mom and Akane's dad was framed, indirectly leading to the events of 999 and was the reason for the events of VLR.

I hope someone reads this and gets spoiled.

Just got my wife to start VLR, she only has the Dio end so far and rigjt now she is convinced that K or Luna is Zero and that jumpei is a Gaelum because of his old age. (still convinced its around christmas of 2028.) i dont have the heart to keep it quiet because she is on the right track, just with the wrong people.

Honestly im excited for the memes of ZTD she will gp through.

I beg to differ--it really depends on who caused the 6 billion deaths.
Not sure who it'd be between Diana, Mira, Delta, and Carlos...

>she only has the Dio end so far
You are a terrible husband.

I enjoyed ZTD, but to be fair I wasn't expecting much. Didn't hype it or anything. It does have plenty of flaws but overall it's a fun experience all the same.
I should get around to reading Ever17, keep putting if off. Does it also have multiple timeline fuckery or is it more down to earth?

All of the above. Mostly Diana.

Why don't you go ahead and read it instead of asking for spoilers?

Hey not my fault she fell in lpve with Luna because ot matched her personality and she wanted to clear the whole left branch first. Im only there to watch.


I'm not asking for spoilers, I'm asking for incentive to read it.

>this thread

The snail should be on the Right Decision path

Why is the snail so bad anyway? Will it ever be explained? And please don't respond to me in memes.

It's a meme you dip
The snail created the timeline where Delta is born and humanity doesn't go extinct
literally the hero of ZE

Does Uchikoshi realise how disappointed people are with this game? Does that fucker know?


It's meant to be a dilemma, normally you would pick right but that would mean avoiding the snail.

I think this was a great game on par with VLR and that everyone here is suffering from hype recoil. The game does have some very noticeable story flaws,like aliens, but I still love it and hope to see more from Uchi

Just have a beer and discuss the game with friends, user! :-)))))))))))))

Actually, the "parasite" controlling it was the real hero of ZE.

I like VLR models the best.
Found them more aesthetically pleasing than the sprites in 999.

Too bad we will never get a game with a similar looking model :(


It's got a lot of good press,so Uchi is probably fine.

>it's the masterpiece that we've been waiting for, and the ones that the fans deserve
Stopped reading, closed the image, already mad.

I only know of this series because I saw a meme thread on Sup Forums, then watched a 100% completion run on Youtube and then read the rest of the series on a wiki. How does that make you feel?

>love 999, like VLR a lot, disappointed by ZTD

>read Ever17 and Remember11
>love them

>start reading Root Double
>can't even be bothered to finish it
Should I keep going, or is this VN being good just a meme? I've only started the After route, and I don't think I'm very far in. Just got to the part where they activate the sprinklers.

Can anyone who's already finished RD spoil me on whether or not the Captain has someone else's face?

Because it seems pretty obvious given some of the dialogue.

I thought it was pretty bullshit how Delta was the 4th option in the shoot out. Like, how out of left field. Apparently there were subtle hints though. I remember once early on when Zero told all of Q Team to go to sleep, I heard 4 thumps, and thought it was a mistake because there were only 3 people on the team.

>Delta falls of his chair for no reason

I always just took it as one of them fell to their knees before falling over. Didn't actually think the thuds were representative of something.

Also, on that subject, wasn't Delta in a wheelchair every time the drugs kicked in?

Here's what I thought ZTD would be like. What do you think, Sup Forums?

>The purpose of the Mars simulation was to test out Radical-6 on the participants.
>Radical-6 was a drug that would make the trip to Mars seem a lot faster, so it wouldn't feel like an entire 6 months to the astronauts.
>The problem was, Radical-6 had the bad side effect.
>The Left clone was there under Brother's orders to try to release Radical-6.
>Zero (whoever he is) is actually evil, and Kyle's purpose was to enter Zero's body so he can take control of the game and keep Sigma and Phi safe/try to prevent Left from succeeding.
>Left keeps succeeding and Radical-6 escapes in every timeline, just in different ways.
>You realize Brother is so powerful since his plan keeps working in every timeline.
(The rest is inspired from Ever17. Spoilers below.)
>The only way to stop him is to summon "?" to go back in time and save Left so Brother won't turn evil.
You save Left, but it causes a paradox, meaning ZE series could never happen, and "?" could never be summoned.
>You go back to the past, take over someone's body, and become Left's killer.
(I have no idea what happens after that, or how you would finally stop Brother.)

Confession: I feel like there has to be another ruse cruise or a wild ride waiting around the corner for us, but each time I look there's nothing there...

It's a shame that this fandom doesn't have a talented writer to fix ZE3 for us.

there was a shitpost a couple weeks back in which an user suggested for the game's final puzzle room, which would be the Morphogenetic Field itself, you would play as Blick Winkel.

I was expecting, at the bare minimum, Akane, Sigma, and Phi to be in different bodies. Brother to be in the body of one of the participants, and another of the participants potentially being a Left clone. Too bad none of that occurred.

There's a twitter post by Uchi which says that Blick Winkel IS the morphogenic field.

Pretty good, I'd play it. I mean VLR suggested that Rad-6 was inevitable yet that's not true at all. Going back to the past to fix things would have been hype, going to kill Left would have been maximum hype


I feel fine. ZTD was my first game into the series. It was flawed in some ways, enjoyable, and Mira was an insufferable selfish autistic cunt. In retrospect I'm glad I only played the last game in the series, if I played the first two I would've been over hyped and expected too much of this game.


How do you even do that? The story in ZTD makes no sense without the other two.

Obligatory post.

>The story in ZTD makes no sense


It's kind of uncanny being responded to with my edit and filename from my hall of memes all at once.