Steam icon flashes

>steam icon flashes
>it's an update

Other urls found in this thread:

>Sup Forums thread is made
>it's a weeb

>steam icon flashes
>its my bf

no one believes that you fool


knock knock
its me
your bf

no youre not, back off

>steam crush messages me
>before I start typing see them typing again
>"oops wrong person"


Keeping online friends is hard, man. At least for me. I quickly run out of things to talk about and then I never speak with the person again

>someone quietly removes you when your back is turned when you're offline or asleep. fucking despicable cuntlords who lack sincerity.

what games you play?
we could never speak with each other together

Give me the full image, user.

Well actually I don't play video games on steam all that often

>steam crush

taahts cool man me neither

I find group chats are pretty solid, if not rare and a bit exclusive
>go to a steam group with people who play the same game
>welcomed in and talk a bit
>they add me
>rarely talk one on one because everyone just chills and talks in chat
>you can just sit there and throw in an occasional comment without it seeming rude or awkward

>adds more shit for Windows 10 fuck ups
>fixes some obscure VR nonsense
Fuck no I don't want to restart.


Cebby doesnt come here anymore
he has school now and its better for him

That's good to hear. Send him my regards and tell him to ganbatte.

I can't help it user, they're just really cute.

>people getting this salty about being removed
Kek, I just cleaned up my friends list.

>join group chat
>my awkwardness seeps heavily through the text
>when I do say something it's ignored or dismissed quickly
>exit chat and leave group
>go back to playing games alone

The who are you? His bf?

You guys are so fucking gay, nothing wrong with that tho
add me up losers

I don't get it . Can anyone explain? Are updates that bad?

>285 friends
>4 mutual friends

I will maybe its better not to remind him of this place though
>The who are you? His bf?

>it's a sissy white boi thread

he thought it was a message

>its another thread ruined by cebruz

Fair enough, I can understand that.

Thanks ;) I don't have steam. I only have generic steam acc with 0 hours played to buy games which I respect. I still use pirates

>last online 6 days ago
Nice meme

Cerbuz post your steam pls

add me up losers

back off
hes not here

Am I missing something? How the hell did you two nerds just instantly understand each other through nothing but vague images and a namedrop?

>Furry ERP on f-list
>Bang all the subby bitches with giant shemale cock
>Lots of steam adds
>Come home from work
>Steam flashing
>All these furry bitches that wana play vidya
>Hop in game
>Several join on me
>Most are crazy good at vidya
>Obey my orders and avenge my deaths
>tfw tear games up with a my pack of faithful furry faggots

Feels good to be Queen.


>tfw I'm Saku desu

>Sup Forums icon flashes
>its a bunch of fat neckbeards thinking they're cute

It's a literal circlejerk

POST ID ;__;

Cebruz is an avatarfagging paki with a small penis so user instantly recognizes him