He hasn't knelt in worship of the Literally Perfect Goddess today

>He hasn't knelt in worship of the Literally Perfect Goddess today
On your knees boy


go away Hope/Toriyama/Bhunivelze



You can't make me like a shitty character by appealing to my femdom fetish.




Go away Hope, I won't join your crazy religion based around your waifu.


>Games are shit, I hate Lightning
>Hear LR is Lightning only
>No way I'm buying this
>Finally get it years later, after online support has been dropped
>Game is actually good
Shaking my head




cute! CUTE!

Hope stop with your obsession, it's bad for your health. She is dead man, dead. Go out with Alyssa and drink some coffee, it will do you some good, Director.

Why are you posting pictures of flat planks of wood

Posting the real goddess.

Get the fuck out

I'd worship her feet if you know what I mean







I do that everyday.
Image related. My wallpaper.


Better body for sure, but that frogface could be improved.



im playing 13-2 right now will i ever figure out why lightning is some valkyrie in valhalla at the start of the game or did i already miss the reason?


All will be revealed


so it goes beyond simply "time paradox" as an explanation?

Yes. The game will explain it halfway.


>When Fang exists
You have a shit taste.

Meh, more like three-quarters in terms of story.

>a girl with a dick
Fuck off.


>wanting a Strayan lesbian

I like Lightning but she is not my goddess

>Not wanting a 'Strayan lesbian stronkfu
Nice job projecting your gay fetishes

I'm mad one of her outfits wasn't Squall's

I can think of 2 things that put her in front


I am not a boy

Fuck off autist.






Snow get your friggen hands off my sister


So is she a waifu worth spending 1000 years working to meet her? Why did Hope see in her to go so crazy over her?

Stop making these threads Toriyama.

They belong together

user, /ss/ is bad and you should feel bad for shipping them together. Why did Square make the face of one their main games a shotacon?


They make me crave some chocolate.


It's the purest form of love

You are sick.

>not Quistis, Stella, Ultimecia, Garnet, Tifa, or Ashe


>Literally eating shit
Typical of Lightning.


Yeah. I don't remember what exactly happened but it was pretty dumb.

Nobody could possibly love her the way he does and he's her charge

Post ass first.


Not bad.
Y-You mean Rinoa?
Trash GTFO


Dating kids is not cool, Lightning should know better than to lead the kid on.



>People believe the dumbshit Ultimecia = Rinoa theory
>Said people also hate Garnet
Only a Lightningfag could have this trash of taste while being full retard.

The world is a cruel and uncaring place, full of dangers and unseen terrors
She is his partner and it's her responsibility to protect him

Kill yourself

Lightningfags are closet homos.




>he doesn't know the truth about Alyssa

Tifafags are disgusting. She not even that hot. I don;t get why you fags think she is. Fucking Terra is my waifu in all on FF.


Alyssa is a trusted partner of the Academia, user. She has remained by the side of the Director for many years, and has earned everyone's trust. There is no way she would do anything that would harm Hope.


>she's not even that hot

Wew lad.

No, it's not that. Something else about Alyssa that you and Hope don't know.


I will say this, XIII holds up amazingly well even today visually. It's pretty much as AAA a title as you can get.

Fucking Aerith is 10x better than that cumslut Tifa.

>Tina the best

>says Tifa is not hot
>posts the most bland looking girl
wew lad