Another beloved franchise utterly ruined

>another beloved franchise utterly ruined


>beloved franchise
>only the first game is good

DE:HR wasn't bad, it was just okay.

I thoroughly enjoyed HR as well

better than invisible war at least. it's kinda like star wars episode 7. just ok, but so much better than ep 1-3 that we were generally ok with it

>wasn't bad
>literally five of the six available paths after escaping the school insta-kill you

And I'm enjoying MKD. Why the hate?

It looks worse, runs worse, and has a worse story than HR.

I really wish they did something else besides "muh racism" but with augs

>Episode 7 is better than Episode 3

Game is great, don't worry, you'll play it in 8-9 months when it gets cracked

I just realized the lights make it seem like Jensen has angel wings..

Yeah I'll probably pick it up when it goes on sale if they ever fix the optimization

At least wait for a full playthrough on YouTube

>episode 3
>better than anything except episode 1 and 2

even then only barely by technicality

>uses denuvo
Enough reason to not buy the game

>3 was better than 7
are you fucking retarded

Mankind divided is at least better than Invisible War, right?

>another beloved franchise utterly ruined
This. I just went to play the original Deus Ex but for some reason the .exe just launched Mankind Divided. So I tried uninstalling Mankind Divided and launch Deus Ex but it launched my steam client and started redownloading MD instead.

Decided to get my old laptop which I haven't touched for over a year, made sure wifi was disabled before turning it on and tried to play the original. Instead of launching a pop up window came up that said "You didn't really think that was going to work did you? Go play Mankind Divided. It's fun!"

It's a shame that this game has somehow made the original literally unplayable.

>I cant pirate it so I'm not going to buy it


>Just fuck my drive up


Oh, it effects your drive in some way?

I'm playing it on Xbone. I'm enjoying it very much. None of you can stop me.

there's a made up meme that denuvo damages SSDs.

But that is what OP was implying wasn't it?

I just don't support shit drm

>None of you can stop me.

And who would?

>tfw people had hope for Mankind Divided after Thi4f


I still have the Gameinformer issue explaining all the perks of Thi4f. Man was I ever excited.

>it's a Sup Forums massively over-reacts to minor flaws in a new game episode

*Yawn* somebody change the channel

I played a few hours of it and I fucking love it.
Better than HR.

Can someone actually talk about what are the issues?