How casual are you, Sup Forums?
How casual are you, Sup Forums?
>I like MGS1!
>"this is how the game is meant to be played"
man, the lengths they will go to make casuals feel good about themselves.
>the game is not meant to be played as Deus Ex
Not casual enough to play this shit game
I noticed that. Jesus H Christ.
>not picking Give Me Dude Sex
Fucking normies.
Doesn't 2 give you a mask that lets you impersonate Raikov though?
You get the mask no matter what.
What the hell is the "Breach"?
>I Never Asked for This
Is this fucking real?
I like E-sports
The way it's meant to be played.
>I Never Asked For This
>i never asked for it
>greyed out
is it the "you have to beat the game to unlock the highest difficulty" shit?
This surprises you? DooSex devs are huge memelords.
yes, so you not only have to "ask for it" by selecting the mode, you have to actually expend effort on unlocking the mode in the first place
You beat the game to unlock it. It's a One-life mode.
Neither was HR.
I don't even see the point, it feels like a joke mode. Who the fuck wants to try and finish a 24 hour long game on 1 life?
Pretty sure they didnt outright state that Deus Ex mode wasnt the way it was meant to be played compared to challenge, but I dont remember for sure
That's the difficulty I played that game on. Does that answer your question or is it a totally irrelevant non-sequitur?
>It's a One-life mode.
Fuck yes.
No idea. Witcher 2 had that mode as well. Youd be insane to attempt something like that.
I think they're speaking to two audiences at once.
'Give me deus ex' is clearly meant for older hardcore types that remember the original deus ex.
Give me a challenge is meant for the typical modern gamer.
>I Never Asked For This
Absolute Madmen
I wonder what Sup Forums easter eggs they added in this time?
You can cuck Pritchard, but this causes him to cuck you back. It causes a "cuck-off" side quest that spans the entire game. Jensen starts calling Pritchard a beta neet, and he calls Jensen a nu-male cuck back at several points.
Well so far there's this..
"this is how the game is meant to be played"
>labels the next difficulty after the games title
so incompetent.
It always felt weird they just give you the Raikov mask in you inventory at the start of the Virtuous Mission regardless of whether you picked "I like MGS2" when Raikov has nothing to do with that mission, and none of the team know at the start of Operation Snake Eater you'll eventually have to impersonate him. It might have made more sense for EVA to give Snake the mask if you didn't pick MGS2.
Made for great bantz on the codec though.
90 percent of games these days are balanced around normal or easy and the only thing they change for hard is ramping up enemy health and damage so it's just length padding with no actual gameplay changes.
This never even occurred to me when I was playing but nothing gets past you autists does it?
...Not that you're wrong or anything.
Sounds like this game was written by low-IQ Sup Forums monkeys. Pass.
If you took that post seriously you really have no business calling anybody "low-IQ"
You get upset over buzzwords: the post and somehow I'm the one that's triggered? Give your head a shake man.
This, to be honest family
>rushing to the defense of the gay skinhead love circlejerk squad
>easiest bait since feminine penis invented
I consider my original "low-IQ Sup Forums monkeys" remark proven.
Deus Ex difficulty or GTFO.
Crack when?
>implying I'm paying real money for an optimized console port with pay2win microtransactions included
What the fuck happened between HR and MD?
Squeenix got jewier.
This image proves the ride never ends and Kojima is a sadistic genius.
>responding seriously to so called monkeys in the first place
You're retarded if you really took that post at face value, there's no getting around that fact.
>what is bait
I'm done because this is just sad now
>what is bait
Certainly not this fucking post of yours. That's just you being an idiot.
>I'm done because I've run out of buzzwords and canned responses
ftfy. Later sweetie.
>>what is bait
>Certainly not this fucking post of yours
>someone uses word 'cuck'
>make fun of muh white race Sup Forums losers
>works every single time
Seemed pretty effective to me. I'll be laughing about this one all night while race mixing with your white daughter. Stay mad, nazifag.
>>>what is bait
>Gets triggered by Sup Forums buzzwords and tries to save face using Sup Forums buzzwords
lol you're not fooling anyone you triggered little faggot.
>I'll be laughing about this one all night
>Stay mad
Spoken like a truly buttflustered individual. So cute.
>picked hardest
>do stealth all the time so their is no difference anyay
>a good story
Not casual enough to play this pandering garbage that's for sure.
>this pandering garbage
Looks like we caught an exceptionally low-IQ specimen! Keep reeling him in! What, are you having a tantrum because you can't automatically get a middle-class job despite being an uneducated white guy? Too bad, all jobs have already gone to a deserving black woman through our affirmative action programs. And there's nothing you can do about it because Donald Trump is headed for the most epic loss in a general election since 1980.
How is it possibly "Give Me Deus Ex" if that's not the way it's 'meant to be played'? So "Give Me A Challenge" is the actual Deus Ex, and Deus Ex is not actual Deus Ex?
I agree, it's just trying to make casuals feel better, because the hardest difficulty is still quite easy and doesn't feel fake like in Total War or Bethesda games.
>the existence of Sup Forums triggers this nigger
Yes, buzzwords, which the entirety of your posts have consisted of after you were chastised for being a fool. I'm glad we're on the same page now.
>I'm done here!
>lacks the self control to stop himself from replying to every post anyway
It's good to know that if the housing market ever crashes again I'll always have a comfy home under your skin.
At least they're self aware.
>It's good to know that if the housing market ever crashes again I'll always have a comfy home under your skin.
Nah, white people are going to be poor forever now. You won't have jobs or homes when the socialist jew commies take over through a series of black and/or female presidents. Prepare for the imminent extinction of your race and culture.
I didnt even fucking notice a difference between Challenge and Deus Ex in HR.
>Nah, white people are going to be poor forever now
This is terrible bait because literally nobody is stupid enough to believe that. You're just so triggered by Sup Forums you're furiously typing away at your keyboard with anything your little mind can muster because you assume that I'm white and your hate for white people somehow bothers me. Which is funny because if I revealed my nationality you would have to switch up your whole charade. Seems like alot of effort for someone who's "not triggered" and was "done posting" several posts ago
Wow, how many times can I get you to respond to my original bait post? This might be a new record.
>no u!
At least try, please.
>surely he won't keep going
>also this was bait the whole time bc I'm actually the white guy
This. It was amusing for a few posts but fuck.
I'm such a casual that I believe all the difficulties should be available right at the fucking start without the need to unlock them by playing through the game once already. Why do developers fucking pull that shit?
>I'm actually the white guy
You say that like it wasn't blatantly obvious from the moment you started "ironically" Sup Forums-posting.
This is our thread now.
There are plenty of Deus Ex threads where they are actually talking about the game.
Nothing can stop this lolcow! He just keep going and going and going
They want to shoehorn in replayability. People are probably more likely to buy DLC or something the second time they jump into a game.
On my first playthrough I usually go on normal just to get a feel of the game and enjoy the story more casually.
Second time I always challenge myself and kick up the difficulty.
>I'm done posting because this is beneath me but what I really mean is please stop bullying me
I could kiss you, really.
>these fucking conversation bosses
i have no idea how to read these social cues even with the augmentation for it. just like real life.
>I'm done posting because this is beneath me
It started amusing me again when it became obvious that you're dumb enough to keep posting forever.
People that don't play on the hardest mode are the biggest of bitches
Barely any game actually have a stupid hard mode.
How do you fucking losers play video gamea all day for your entire life and aren't even good at it.
>no u! again!
If I'm dumb think about what that makes you. You got triggered by the word cuck and then proceeded to do everything you can to seem like you were pretending, and you're still doing it now. I happen to enjoy telling retards that they are retarded. Less retards makes for a better board.
>>no u
>literally replies with no u in first sentence
>retard retard retard
Please keep going. This is truly excellent low-IQ theater. I've even gotten some popcorn for this show.
>Please keep going
no u
I'm playing on my Xbox via gameshare from my friend, so I just picked middle difficulty, but I picked the bottom choice for controls. I wanna see if I enjoy the game before making it hard on myself.
What's wrong? Baby ran out of temper tantrum? You going to take a nappy nap now?
No u
This is just too easy.
So is this what you do when you're on vacation from shit-spamming trap threads on Sup Forums?
Your mom was too easy, squirt.
Oh boy he's throwing out psychological projections of himself now I've been waiting for this
Oh gosh, you're right. How could I possibly compete with the fresh, original humor you bring to this board? Good thing we've got Captain Retard, defender against all retardedness to protect us.
I thought you'd appreciate me bringing myself down to your level. I'm forcing you to be creative if you want to keep this up.
>How could I possibly compete
You could start by not being so easily triggered by words like "cuck". Try standing in front of a mirror and saying it out loud or something if you have such thin skin.
Reddit: the thread
>Reddit: The Board
Oh, cuck doesn't trigger me in the least. It's just a sure sign that fresh, easily-baitable fish is in the water. And what a bounty of laughs you have provided.
I like this guy
Shit. Good point.
>cuck doesn't trigger me in the least
You aren't convincing anyone here, but if you keep telling yourself that it might come true.
>I never asked for this