What podcasts does Sup Forums listen to?

What podcasts does Sup Forums listen to?

Bonus points for lesser known (but gud) podcasts

My usual lineup is
>Giant Bombast (everyone knows them)
>Lasertime (Pop culture and comics, etc)
>Sleepycast (OneyNG and crew)
>SOGOpod (Sup Forums related, confirmed lurkers)

Post em. I got room for at least two more.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's a goddamned mess of a show, but funny sometimes

I occasionally listen to Geeks of the Industry, but I'll give these others a go.


I flop between History of Rome, Nerd Poker and Adventure Zone. Can't stand just listening to people sit around and chat, there has to be some purpose.

Mega64 podcast
The number one video game podcast in the world

I stopped listening to GotI, but I forget why... Might pick them back up. Lasertime has a vidya centric show, too, but I forget what it's called.

I read that in Reinhardt's voice. I don't know why...

dick show

>History of Rome
Absolutely based, it really sucks that there aren't any good games about Rome.

Talk is Jericho is a great listen for when I am farming trophies.

Good to see some lasertime representation.

Bombcast hasn't been consistently worth a listen since Ryan passed.

Talk is Jericho has been pulling in some good guests lately and the guy is a legitmely good interviewer.

Easy Allies

>Super Best Friendcast
>UltraChen TV

Easy Allies is pretty good and the only video game podcast I listen to. Other than that I also listem to This American Life, Radiolab and Flop House.

I wanted to like Game is a Four Letter Word, but they only had a few good ones.

How can you stand them talking at a rate of 20 words a minute and needing to constantly add ADHD appeasing sound effects every few seconds?
I always feel like they're insulting my intelligence.

'Nuther for sogopod

Really, that's the only one I listen to. The OnlyAfro interview started me on them, so I'll have to pick up some more.

>That One Video Gamer
I just started and its pretty good, a bit short, but its not too long which is nice.

>Gaming Illuminaughty
A bunch of PCfags talking about video game news and have a segment where they shit on Nintendo (complete with sad music) Real fun group

>Easy Allies
Missed the GT days, but these guys are really cool, nice chemistry and what not.

and non vidya
>Double Toasted
Movie reviews, and casual talks about whatever, also a video game podcast with different members. The vidya part wasn't really my cup or tea
>Brilliant Idiots
>Bill Burr's monday morning podcast
>Anime World Order
A bit dry, but It picked up later on, real informative.

You made it Weird
This week in Jackin
Keith and the Girl
Universe City

Comedy bang bang, Monday morning, and risk occasionally

Why the fuck would I listen to a "gaming" podcast? Last one I did was ELR/The Instance in like fucking 2009

Well, it was one of the first podcasts I started to listen, and I really like the themes of many of their episodes.

Back in my Play, retro game podcast, analysis oriented, tries to get experts and creators on

This Year, a supercut of the best moments from various podcasts.

A Life Well Wasted, only has a few episodes and now seems to be dead, but an investigative snap judgement/this american life type show about video games.

>A bunch of PCfags talking about video game news and have a segment where they shit on Nintendo
Sounds perfect for a HARDCORE gamer like me who doesn't play baby games. Sign me the FUCK up.

i like them, they're fun

Super best friendcast
Joe rogan whenever he gets a decent guest

What's so great about Giant bombast?

Its not ass bad as I made it sound, they just shit on Nintendo's poor decisions, and it just kind of happens. A lot.

Love me some SModcast. Kevin Smith is always great.

Beyond that, I casually pick up Mega64, SOGOpod, Rebel FM(rarely), and one random BDSM Podcast that I came across by accident. It's actually really entertaining.

Jeff Gerstmann is knowledgeable compared to most video game podcast personalities, but never pretentious and has a healthy appetite for the stupid things in life.

Dan Ryckert is LOL SO RANDUM

I wouldn't recommend it over all, I only listen to it because I've been listening to Gerstmann for over a decade now.

Good shit nigga

Giant Bombcast
Super Best Friendscast
The Dick Show
The Best Debate in the Universe
Bill Burr's Monday Morning Podcast
Hour of Goon

R.I.P Sleepycast and The Biggest Problem in the Universe

Oh, right... Sleepycast is kill...
RIP in peace, sleepyheads

No one listens to Welcome to Nightvale?

Thanks user, Jeff seems like a cool guy.

it's not that good tee bee ayych

>Cox n Crendor in the morning
Good chemistry, great when they review movies

Either great or completely retarded, entertaining either way.

>Adventure zone
Brothers and father play 5e, smoothtalks plants.

>DM's block
Listen to get idea juices flowing, they also separated the 3 segments to release on different weekdays, which is nice

Buncha people getting together, then learning and talking about conspiracy/fetish/idiot inventor communities and people through user submitted documents

ayy, I know Kinder from discord.
He's a breddy cool guy, I didn't know his podcast was this popular

Listening to these three while playing is the peak

Yeah, I started it out and was disappointed. I thought it was really popular though.

I don't listen to any podcasts. I don't see the point.

Just to hear someone talk?

Sell me on it Sup Forums.

They're good for when you're doing other things.

It's like reading an article, but you don't have to do work and you can zone out.

I listen while I cut grass, or put one on while doing housework

>being normal
choose one

>sell me on it
Nigger who gives a fuck. If you don't like it, you don't like it.
For me it's a way to be entertained while doing some grinding in an RPG or playing a puzzle game. It's not complicated.


Has grillz (they're incapable of being funny).
No Stamper


It's something too listen while doing something else. I usually listen when driving to and back from work.

>ATP Live
>Super Desperation Radio
>Super Best Friendcast
>Mega64 Podcast

>no girls allowed!
Looks like the feminists were right about faggots like you existing

Easy Allies Podcast / Frame Trap
8-4 Play
Giant Bombcast
thats pretty much it

But girl only podcasts invariably suck.

>Keith and the Girl
Are chemda and her """boyfriend""" still shitting up the show with their progressive bullshit? Would love a solo keith show desu

I, too, listen to these two idiots.
kinder's voice is so cute, when he accidentally lets the southern twang through, desu :3
They're really good at referential humor, and it's so fucking great

It ain't vidya but Distorted View

I listen to "DudeSoup" too but that's on youtube.

forgot pic

How is this videogames, why isn't there an all-purpose internet personalities board already.

Does EsayAllies Podcast have an RSS subscription link?

nvm, found it


This. Guest appearances on sleepycast really throw off the whole flow of the cast, and Stamper is the funniest guy of them all hands down, i miss him.

Super Marcato Bros.
>informed discussion applying music theory
>the hosts are almost internet illiterate so no faggot memes or pandering
>still literally whos so they haven't been corrupted
If you care about vidya music it's one of the GOAT resources.

I usually play some Tetris 2 or Panel de Pon while listening to Comedy Bang Bang.
Any episode with Paul F Tompkins is a fucking riot.
Failing that, I usually listen through the entirety of That Mitchell and Webb Sound again.
Comedy goes perfectly with puzzle games because my hands can work entirely on reflex while my mind is focused entirely on the show.

Did Frank ever go back to WRA?

Mein nigger

Am i the only person who didnt like stamper? Him and mick werent funny at all, they were just gross and annoying.

Lost everytime, t b h

Mechagamezilla's Mean Bean Machine is the only podcast you need. It even features Fitz on occasion

Been listening to KBMOD (Keyboard + Mouse or Die) podcast for years now.

28 Plays Later
2 on the Vine
BITF Podcast
Scared Yet
Pizza Party Podcast
Friday night Comedy/Comedy of the week from Radio 4

>Pizza Party Podcast
i need to get them back in my rotation. good shizz

Kinda Funny stuff and Easy Allies.

I actually started preferring KF recently, after being a GT apologist for years.

Run Button Podcast


>try listening to the sleepycast
>pick a random episode
>that guy with the intensely nasal voice ruins it
>slurs and mumbles everything
>won't stop talking

Please tell me he's just a guest and not a regular member

Some episodes are fucking gold, others are terribad.
It's a crapshoot, really...

Easy Allies
Cox & Crendor
Night Vale

>Search SOGOpod
>Pick an episode
>Daniel Bryan clip plays
>"Do you play videogames?"
>"NO! Videogames are for idiots"


Jim and Them. It's not really about video games, and the one guy who really cares about video games has pretty shit opinions, but you know whatever. It's really funny.

are you 13?

That's because they are. I don't like them either and I liked them when they were the only podcast I knew existed.

>listening to vidya garbage

Megustalations and Hail Satan motherfuckers.

>having garbage taste
Welcome back to your home board, friend

The Billy Redface podcast
the lovely Nia everyone!

Really? I actually thought the girls on Sleepycast were some of the only tolerable podcast females. I really liked Sabs stories.

Cane & Rinse anyone?


>Giant Bombcast
>My Brother, My Brother, and Me
>Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
>Welcome to Nightsvale
>Super Best Friendcast

I need more radio drama styled podcasts desu. Preferably with an episodic naƕrative rather than continuous.

I like Nia. She adds a bit of color to the podcast.

The only one i enjoy,

I've only recently gotten into podcasts, and haven't touched many video game podcasts for fear that the hosts might be shit and give me Vietnam flashbacks of my highschool video game club days. But here is a few definite hits I've tried:

>The Way I Heard It - Mike Rowe explaining the backstory of people or things
>Freakonomics Radio - Economics related shit. Massive backlog, and for some reason my go-to listening when I go running
>Sword and Scale - Crime related podcast, goes over horrible crimes across history. Mass Murders, etc
>Dan Carlin's Hardcore History - History podcast that makes me wish I could afford buying the pay-for episodes due to the sheer quality of the free ones
>Detective - This one is finished, but it's a series about all the things that go on in the life of a detective. Family struggles, the ones that get away, etc.
>Philosophize This - Philosophy podcast, from the very inception of the concept of Philosphy to today, on a person by person basis.

Anything else is hit or miss for whatever reason. I liked Chipod Ironicast but they update once in a forever and are sporadic as fuck, so yeah.

Yes they are

I would love that too. Would get VIP just for my name is Keith but eh

Forget what I said about Detective, apparently they were just taking their time with the second season. Definitely recommend.