are there a worse people on videogames than the frogs?
Are there a worse people on videogames than the frogs?
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Russians and spics.
compared to the frogs? nah.
Russians, Chinese and Brazilians, and if you're playing a fighting game, nigs.
oh god french people are the fucking worst
like what the fuck is wrong with them
Russians are the worst, then poles, then frenchies, at least in cs go..
Proud frog here, I don't play online multiplayer, care to explain? Is it because they won't speak your meme language or is there an actual reason?
In rocket league there's a 98% chance your raging teammate is french and there's a 99% chance he will ragequit after mic spamming "omelette du fromage" crap.
after 1 goal with 4:00 left on the clock
there's nothing worse than the french on rocket league.
Why are nigs so easily triggered when losing fighting games. I've noticed this too
You come to our servers and won't speak our language, even though you can, general obnoxiousness and you guys are just plain shit at video games.
Do the french still suck at Monster Hunter? They were infamous back in MH Tri for being absolute trash with close to no exception.
What? Theyre okay, its like playing with north americans, theyre so varied its hard to stereotype them
If you think frenchies are the worst then youre some eurocuck that hasnt played a single game against peruvians or brazilians
Frog here.
It's true, hell I avoid the most I can to play with my countrymen.
It's surreal how retarded our players are.
Un problème l'amerloque ?
I was playing Soul Calibur 4 with one, from the minute we got paired he was talking shit, making fun of my CaS characters, then I slapped the shit out of him with it and he pulls the plug. Fucking wrecked.
in the americas you have the BRs
in Europe we have the frogs
>theyre so varied its hard to stereotype them
>any body that le dislikes me must be le american!
You should stop. Yanks are actually of the few who like frogs.
Everybody hates ruskies but they always are so much fun if I make an effort to speak russian and basically all start trying to teach me how to speak it.
Try not saying cyka blyat the second you notice they might be fromeastern yurop
perfect example.
>even though you can
Actually french education system is a joke and the vast majority of the people can't
They're the best in RO2
I fucking hate anyone that speaks Spanish because 9 out of 10 times seeing that pigshit means they're going to be horrible at the game and of course they're on your team.
>Yanks are actually of the few who like frogs.
Nice one. What about those "freedom fries"?
>Get that ass banned
>even though you can
I'd say but I can confirm that we can be a fucking burden for other poeples considering so few of us can speak a decent english .....
u BRs and 555Thais
why do french think anyone in europe gives a fuck about their language?
they're just the secondary language kids can pick in school and none of them usually do...
Yes xD the Germans xD
What even classifies as a frog anymore? Aren't half of them either Algerian or some flavor of sandmonkey at this point? What does it even mean to be European or American or Australian or whatever anymore?
>He actually thinks FREEDOM FRIES were a thing
It was some dumb shit idea by one dumb shit senator or something, holy shit how thinskinned are you faggots? Grow a pair. You're America's oldest ally.
French people are bad ingame and in real life. Rude and smelly, t.b.h. f.a.m.
fuck off brit, you fags are the worst with your stupid superiority complex and self-infatuation
no, you are not "classy" to the rest of the world, no, you are not "humble" no matter how hard you believe it...
you faggots are the most salty, shitflinging online gamers ive ever had the displeasure of meeting
please kindly fuck off to your containment, id much rather play with fucking BR's or ruskies instead of your faggot asses
brush your fucking teeth and eat a fucking salad you fat sheep-fucking inbreds
>Play badly
>Refuse to speak English
>Voice chat is full of talk about what I presume to be surrendering
But the gosota man. Don't you like ass?
Not sure what this has to do with the post you replied to.
This shit is true for Spain too
They teach us fuck all in school
>mfw a German tries to be funny near me
(le insecure frogman thinks i'm brit)
how fucking insecure are you?
This tbqh. Some of us like to joke about it and be complete arses but the thing is French education is third-world tier when it comes to foreign languages. Fuck I wouldn't be surprised if some third world countries had a better English fluency rate
I love Latina ass and that 1 out of 10 times the Spanish speaker might be good and even a pretty cool guy, it's just rare.
>tfw can't tell if i'm playing with actual french or faggots from Quebec
Do you not know how to meme arrow?
Mexicans are nice but they just don't speak English. Russians are asshole and Frenchies are pretentious cunts.
(meme arrows are too mainstream)
>insecure brit things im a frog
how fucking retarded are you, i even implied i wasnt a fucking frog in my post
seems obvious you cant speak english, so therefore you must be some form of brit, or possibly canadian... canadians are even fucking worse than brits in their self-deluded fantasies about how much better and nicer they are than anyone else when its actually the fucking exact opposite
I am sorry for your ability to appreciate.
Quebecois exaggerate sounds. They elongate syllables much more than French from France.
going by Sup Forums the average border jumper has better english than the average american
French frog here
Can confirm most of the "gamerzzzz" here are complete shit and are really bad at videogames.
For the most of them, they are "Geeks lol" because they play to (Insert casual game here) 1 hour non-stop.
French people should have some kind of videogame school (We also need good regular schools)
Most of them are shit talkers, are the worst people to play with.
France is doomed. My country is doomed.
Good French players don't mention that they are French online.
Bad French player can't restrain themselves from doing so.
The tree which hides the forest.
you're so terrible at banter you should give me a list of insults to pick for you to use against me.
Stop saying stupid shit fag.
Some Frenchies are proper lads/lassies.
The average shitposter is not the same as the average gamer.
Blame dubed TV and films, poeple in France dont get exposed enough to forein languages in general, plus, our education system is shit tier so its either you are born and raised with english or you willingly do something to get a decent level of english, now I'm glad I pirated so many games films and anime during my high school years, it gave me the basics so I could build upon them.
Look at that french ASS.
I'll never get it. Germans are for the most part the nicest persons you'll ever meet to the point it's embarassing. You try to banter with them saying they're shit and all and they'll just lower their heads and admit it rather than banter back. Is this something similar to white guilt amplified by ten because of Hitler? That's my theory.
How do you feel about us Strayan's? Be as merciless as possible.
But its the truth, you can go there yourself you know?
Try it out Makes sense
>[PNOY]DevilMitsubishi238512356 has joined the server
This is the most french english I've ever seen.
I hope you actually know that you're one of these "gamerzzzz" and "Geeks lol".
well, that confirms it. you are a fucking leaf
There can never be enough hate for the french
You're cunts but that's mostly excusable because of your criminal ancestry.
french here
we're tied for the "worst people in video games" with spics and br
No one cares you're just irrelevant fags lol
There's australians in online games?
pinoys are funny fuckers, I knew one from online gaming and he genuinely considered himself the best at everything
they even dub movies and tv series, i can understand cartoons because of the kids but ffs, movies should always be subtitled.
fuckers don't even know the real voice of iconic movie stars.
i love strayans, fucking fun to hang around and not pretentious at all like fucking other half-american races. such as canadians or sheep fucking brits
> online game
> see French speaking on my team
> gg
considering almost all of the autistic people i see online seem to originate from there
I hate how you guys teleport around everywhere.
They picked a good symbol for France, j'aime Marianne!
>le confirmed meme
fucking terrible, 1/10
Who the fucks cares about Kangaroos?
You cunts are just a more irrelevant version of America.
>Playing Rainbow Six: Siege
>Some frog is yelling incoherently in broken english at me.
>We both end up dead and he yells some frog bullshit and says "FUCKING RETARD!"
>Tell him to speak American and start chanting USA! in the chat
>Others join in
>He spergs the fuck out and rage quits
The french are by far the worst people to play with, most unpleasant people you'll ever know. They're total shit as well and are always a burden to the team. I'd take a br or slav over a frog anyday.
no, i don't claim that. I don't claim to be a "hardcore gamer".
I'm a regular videogame player, not some kind of "PR0 G4M3R 0F D34TH"
russians, polacks, BR, turks
There's a reason Je suis monte is a meme user.
Speaking spanish is awesome because you can understand them, but they don't know it, and so they keep saying stupid shit.
A submissive figure who opens her legs to anyone. Fits their history of surrendering.
that was a french canadian you retard
Absolute fun lads to play with and good to let off some steam with.
Don't you mean Algerian?
>don't know the language
>complain anyway
you've got no idea how lucky you are if you can't understand what they are saying
It's all they know and they can't handle being worse than you at the one thing they should excel at
>rocket league match starts
>either my team or theirs score a goal
>either winning or losing they always do the same
>"FONFON FON HON HON HON" over terrible quality mic
>followed by ragequit if they are losing
french should be banned from online games.
Yeah this is true most Americans are either Frankphiles or Anglophiles same could be said for the Japanese they're obsessed with France until they actually get there that is
I'm not even American you butt plug, pretending to be American is the quickest way to get under the skin of frogs. Just say "speak American" to any EU player and watch how hard they sperg out.
Nignogs are the best though. Since the saltnmeme is so ingrained in their culture you can audibly hear their restrained, seething anger after a match, and in the rare case they go ape you just laugh at them and make them even madder.
To be fair, they sound like tradies and they're always mad as fuck until they get home and rip some bongs.
Picture a child coming straight from the 15-18 who try to act though like some ghetto big shot.
Here you have it: stupid, bad, uncooperative and arrogant.
Of course their level in English AND French is abyssal.
>start chanting USA!
>Implying there is any difference
They're just as insufferable as actual French people.
BRs and Slavs.
>gib moni plox i repot yu
I don't decide which is worse.
I only ever see French in Mario Kart 8. They're usually pretty passive, friendly and skilled racers. I like them.
Japanese are the worst. They always use the cheapest builds and win by the cheapest techniques. They are actually pretty skilled players, but their obsession with winning makes them not very fun to play against.