Is anybody playing this on PC?

Is anybody playing this on PC?

How is the performance?

I get 37-40 fps on my 760 and i7 920

I've seen people with 290s say they get 60 fps on high presets. I think it'll get even better on their cards when dx12 rolls along

I get 54-60fps with everything maxed out in 1080p using a 980ti

I don't get all the criticism

I have an R9 390X and it runs flawlessly.

I cant even start the fucking game
I get a big black screen and if i fix the black screen it crashes after the intro logo
send help

works for me :^)

Congrats, do you want a prize?

the background represents my REEEing as this happens

Keep crashing at the end of the first cutscene

90% chance these are AMDfags right here

solution: Stop shitting in the street and buy a Nvidia

No Drivers Evolved™

It runs just fine on high settings on a GTX 970. Better than console quality and performance too. I don't know what the fuss is about.

>AMD users cucked again

I don't know what the fuss is about.

>I don't know what the fuss is about.

Just the few resident sonycucks pretending 8X MSAA is necessary when their shitstations already fall to sub 20 fps without it even running on the ps4.

Glitches everywhere

On an AMD branded game, the best part of it all.

45-60 fps on muh 770 on high presets

Didn't happen to me, it was running pretty smoothly on my 290x/4790k.

Anyone playing the 3DM version?

Decent on my 980ti... however the game itself is a 6/10 at best.

Performance is fine for me, haven't had any issues.

I'm fucking stuck on this bullshit though, 0 praxis and the primary objective is locked behind a level 2 keypad. Looked around for ages now and can't find the code or another way into the server room to plant the whisper chip, fuck me.

>AMDfags can't even run an AMD game

Post yfw you didn't fall for the AMD meme.

25-30 FPS on 980 SC SLI with i7 4.2ghz and 32 GB ram with no MSAA on High @1440p

Kind of a bad port.

Remember AMDniggers, you get what you pay for.

meme70 here

game runs flawlessly on very high settings