ITT: Post the last boss that kicked your shit

ITT: Post the last boss that kicked your shit

i finished this shit when i was a kiddo like 10-15 with trouble boot it up yesterday on emulator and its a breeze

Clyde triggered me so fucking hard when I was a kid, holy shit


>when he's on his last phase and his collision gets all fucked up and you slam him over and over without hurting him

>Try to bounce on him
>Nothing happens
>Butt Bounce repeatedly
>He takes me up with him
>Butt bounce for my life as he rises up above the stage
>Finally get the 2 hits
>Realize the 1-up and all health wedges are gone
>mfw last life and only 2 hits to kill me

>Get 2 of these assholes in the chest with crap pickups

Why is Cain so shit?

This asshole, I think.

He wasn't wearing a cape though

You go fast or you die.

He isn't a boss though, is he?

He is really just your next opponent in the coliseum. He isn't even top 10

Does this count as a Last Boss?

Fuck this faggot

Harder than the final boss. This fight was fucking intense, whenever my brothers and I attempted it we all watched with anticipation, and if you beat it, you felt like a legend.
Great game

>have low speed and mediocre damage
>"here bro have a couple of these ;^)"

I still spend a couple days trying to defeat Spooky each playthrough. Clyde doesn't have shit on him honestly

he's really easy once you get his pattern down.
Radical Larry is way worse

fuck the British

The hardest part of Plague of Shadows.

He unlocks post-game and is more difficult than Ninebreaker despite being the most recent newcomer. He uses the same crazy ass sword and energy rifle while moving faster and having more AP. Only thing he doesn't have are missiles, but those are usually nullified one way or another.

And no, he's an arena contestant, but I feel like those are harder 1v1 scenarios while missions are battles of preparation and resource management.

>And no, he's an arena contestant
Oh then yeah he is a boss.

Good luck user, He will probably destroy you.

>not using machineguns and fast thrusters to help you get away all day every day until the opponent dies

Nameless King ds3

Was it just me or was that last match insanely difficult

That was the point.

Hardest boss in that game.

I have the PS1 game after I picked it up at a flea market for $2. Still haven't played it; is it any good?

Oh, I already whooped him using the same energy weapon.
>he can practically run circles around you while firing nonstop
>sword does 3000 fucking AP of damage
>tfw you finally get good enough to land all your shots while out strafing the opponent

The controls my be from the ps1 era, but goddamn does it feel good to master boosting.

dude crossbow lmao
who thought an invisible health draining AOE was a good idea? I just sprint through the dungeon, fuck that whole area

Fucker took me 67 trillion times

Reminds me of a God Hand villain that was easy as shit.

Who is he?

What are you all talking about, Clyde was easy!

trying to beat the final level in super bomberman 3 coop with my bro

you start with 3 lifes shared between both players and have to go through 7 levels before reaching the boss, and they feature enemies with fucking bullshit AI that will just steal a couple guys before you're even up against the final boss with no way to avoid it and then you face the guy and he has bullshit attacks which are virtually unavoidable too

spent like 10 hours on this shit, no dice

I claim it's impossible without godly RNG

The music is literally burned in my brain. End my suffering.