Why don't more games feature anthro protagonists? Pic related

Why don't more games feature anthro protagonists? Pic related


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Fuck the sharks, I want Duke.

those characters look hella retarded

Did they really get The Duke for this shitty game?

...in a different timeline a new, good Duke Nukem game exists. In our time line, shitty furry shmups...

Furry autism

because its usually just fetish bait or autism

id play a game with furry characters if it were either well written or fun though.

>dissing sharktits


>id play a game with furry characters if it were either well written or fun though.

This. Save to say everyone is waiting for Yooka Laylee to not suck

>my autism is better than your autism
what you have is autism, don't you fucking get it?

get laid


They look retarded and you know it
>Sceneshit hair
>The same "I'm smug therefore the best" horseshit smile on everybody

Are there some games that have both humans and furrys in the same setting? That's something I rarely ever see.

I want to fuck these sharks.

their music isn't half bad


sharktits are a Sup Forums classic

Every fucking game that uses a typical fantasy setting except the furries are called "beast races"

Maybe if you weren't so hateful about everything you wouldn't be so angry about everything

What happened to Mayhem? Why Rapist McQueerstone leave her?

Suikoden series,

Cave Story
Animal Crossing

Because furries are as cancerous as feminists and will eventually all be destroyed by your constant infighting.

You faggots will argue over anything. Here's proof: What's the best fetish?

So, basically Early-2000's games?

>website doesn't work
>"shark attack game" on google only shows lists of games with sharks
I bet he wonders why his game doesn't sell.

I didn't say anything about sharktits being bad or that I hated them you retarded furry fuck, I have only ever referred to those characters that were posted specifically as being bad and that I hate them.
If you're gonna try to shit up this board with your furry garbage at least take the extra minute to actually read what's being posted.

Furfags are still degenerate, most people just jerk off to it now because they're also degenerate.

I just want a game with playable insect people. Or at least a brawler where you can rip and tear like the Street Sharks. Is that so much to ask?

Maybe if you'd stop fapping to pixar, you wouldn't be such a fucking loser.


Every fursona ever.