>it's real
Well, no reason to buy a PS4 now. Pretty great news actually.
>streaming garbage
This didn't work, why do they keep trying?
It will literally never ever work unless every single one lives next door of his ISP with a glass fiber connection and a ping lower than 1ms.
You guys realize that now only have some old ps3 titles right?
You realize eventually they will upgrade it to include ps4 games in a year or 2.
>Buying this adaptor
Why not just buy a Bluetooth dongle?
Dunno why they even bother
No one is going to sub to this sonycuck garbage
Give me Little Big Planet 2 or 3 for PC
No they won't.
Even if they did, they'd have to increase the price to something even more ludicrous than what it already is.
Sony still jewing people out of the games tho. If I own it digitally on PSN, I should be able to play those games on the service for free.
>paying for a subscription when you already pay for internet
We don't do that. I won't do that. I'm not a retard.
>$25 Bluetooth adapter with light
Glad I'm not an idiot.
ps4 will need 10x more powerful renderfarms
by the time they will set it up there will be integrated graphics to play 8 gen in 1080p 30fps
I don't get it, are these PC ports or what?
native sub-720p stream from actual ps3 mobos
with additional 90ms latency due to server distance
TLOU multiplayer is really good. I don't understand how this will work, are these PC versions?
Are you people fucking retarded that can't read or doesn't know what PlayStation Now is?
Enough spoonfeeding. Learn how to google.
It's a fucking streaming service Sony has been shilling for quite some time now.
Does this mean I won't have to keep using DS4Windows?
>Streaming service.
Fuck that shit.
I was almost excited for a moment.
>I'm not a retard
And yet you played swtor
Playstation Now was launched 3 years ago. Nothing about the service is going anywhere. Sony spent too much money on this and want a way to put out the fire of money it's cost them.
Playstation Now is streaming, NOT EMULATION. Everything is handed locally by Sony's server side of hundreds of PS3 motherboards. PC is only getting a Video Out image with controller support, ie STREAMING TECH.
Crash Bandicoot for pc mark my words
I would feel like I wasted money buying uncharted for 5 apiece, if I had not felt that way after playing them already.