Can we have a JRPG thread? How do you think this year has been so far and what did you play?

Can we have a JRPG thread? How do you think this year has been so far and what did you play?

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Anyone played Natural Doctrine?

Been craving some more lately, really enjoy FFF.

>mfw megadimension neptunia was the best 2016 rpg

I really liked FFF even though I'm not a fan of Neptunia. Omega Quintet was nice too.

Two weeks until Cold Steel 2 boys.

I'm going to marry Alisa to the bench!

How is the re-release? Has anybody tried it?

I haven't bought anything new besides Nier, DQ 4, and 5. I've been trying to finish SMT IV after 3 years, and I think I'm almost done. I'm in infernal Tokyo and beat some Digital looking floating head.

Didn't know there was one, I'm playing what ever came out on PC recently.

I've played little else but JRPGs for the last two years, but I haven't played any JRPGs made in 2016 yet. Been playing old SMT games lately. Not sure about Berseria, Tales hasn't been that good for a long time. Slightly tempted to play it if not just to see how much easier it is to play than Zestiria when it came out, since my Japanese has improved significantly since then.

Haven't played any new games recently but I'm playing Valkyrie Profile for the first time. I'm a few hours in and so far there's been a couple half-decent puzzles in the dungeons but the combat's been pretty boring so far; everything ends in one round with super-effective weapons equipped. Does it get better later on? Same with the story, I can tolerate the cheesy voice acting for each einherjar's introduction scene but I don't like how their stories are so self-contained.

This is my most anticipated game of the year

Everything else sucked this year but I have hope for trails since i loved the first one

Berseria saved Tales, removing Baba wasn't just a meme

dont talk to me or my son ever again

Will have to try it sometime. Two years of JRPGs (most in Nip at that) is a bit taxing, and I've got enough left on my list of JRPGs I want to play to keep going for at least another two years if I don't take a break.

Only played TMS so far, really liked it.
Will buy Odin Sphere on PS4 when it gets cheaper.

I'm just gonna throw this in here since my thread is dying.

Cyber Sleuth, Atelier Sophie, and Tokyo Mirage Sessions were great. I only got around to playing Tales of Zestiria this year, and honestly I really liked it. The game gets way too much shit. Also played Ar Nosurge Plus, which was fantastic.

I tried Neptunia VII and hated it. It's improved over previous games but it's still a subpar game. One day I'll stop falling for the Neptunia meme. Omega Quintet was decent though, so Compile Heart has some hope. Maybe I'll try FFF.

Looking forward to FFXV despite all the shitposting and memeing. Next year has Persona 5 and Atelier Firis which I'm excited for.

I liked Star Ocean 5

Trying to force myself through that world of ruin in FF6

I really enjoy the mobile game and am really looking forward to this, if only to see the characters and world in a "real" game. If it has Vampy I'm preordering immediately.

Playing Atelier Totori Plus and I think I liked Rorona Plus better so far.

Each location being a single screen isn't nearly as satisfying to explore as working my way down a dungeon. Gathering materials taking half a day each turns what should be relaxing down-time into a stressful experience. Having the world map take SO long to traverse ironically makes me feel like I can't explore and adventure as I'd like and must constantly stick to a plan. I liked having constant goals segmented by passing time rather than being told to go and do whatever and progressing through achievements.

I mean, I'm still having a lot of fun, the crafting is still great and the characters make me smile, but this isn't quite the game I fell in love with and burned through in three days.

>How do you think this year has been so far and what did you play?
Pretty bad. Cool looking characters, pretty graphics, but the JRPGs have just been boring. Fairy Fencer F was probably the only JRPG that I enjoyed this year.

"Dark Souls of JRPGs" makes it sound challenging, but you quickly realize that the game is just bullshit. All the concepts taught to you are used nonstop by enemies, well before you can even get a grasp. Then to top if off, there are instant death mechanics and massive level gaps between enemies and your level. Check out GameFaqs and other places to get an idea of what it is like.

It's everything Odin Sphere wasn't, entertaining and fun. There are now ending branches for the females and two new story paths that are actually different from the original story.

Totori is a good game but it's the weakest of the Arland Ateliers. Actually it's probably the weakest out of all the PS3/Vita ones. Rorona Plus meanwhile is one of the best, so it's understandable you'd enjoy that more.

It's slightly less mediocre than the original version.

How is Berseria? I stopped playing Tales games after Graces F which I loved. Never got around to Xillia because I heard it was a shit show and heard nothing but terrible things about Zestiria. Berseria looks a bit interesting to me besides the MC's outfit which could be changed with a costume.

I've done nothing but play Ys VIII for the past 3 days. Fucking amazing game.

Is there any strategy to FFF battles or is it just 'use the best skill you have' all the time?

What is this? NA release?

Has there been any info about the new SaGa game recently? When is it coming out?

I haven't played a single game in that series. Kinda unsure how I want to go about it, since I generally play a series in release order, but the remakes sound great and it'd be weird to, say, play a Vita remake and then play the next game, the latest version of which was made 20 years earlier. Not that I have a problem with old games, shit, I like NES RPGs. Still, fixing to download the demo now, maybe it'll impress me and my Vita can stop collecting dust.

If it makes you feel better, Berseria is a pretty easy import. The world map marks not only the main story but also various side quests you have. The UI is pretty intuitive, in my opinion.

Plus there's the fact that Berseria unfucks seemingly most, if not all, of Zestiria's lore, the combat is fun again, there's a lot of mini-games, in-game costumes, etc etc. I really like the customizable arte tree, you can go as in-depth as you want to go with it. It will update automatically as you learn artes if you haven't assigned an arte to a slot yourself, so you could just go with whatever the devs gave you, or you can go to town on it. I'd probably say this is the most novel addition to the gameplay.

There's no mechanic that fucks multiplayer as well, and you don't have to jump through hoops to chain more than five artes. Plus the equipment and skill system is most like Vesperia, which is ultimately what drove me to decide to be impatient.

And the plot has been pretty good for a Tales game, could be one of the best, and the cast is pretty great.

Basically Berseria is going to go down as a good, maybe great entry to the series.

Haven't gotten to play many JRPGs from this year so I've been playing through NepNep instead. Good games suprisingly.

Got a database of JRPGs (and a few WRPGs) ready to note playtimes and shit but most of the games on there are from popular franchises like DQ, FF, Pokemon, and Tales of. Could you guys help an user out by suggesting some lesser-known but top-notch games?

It feels like the first "complete" Tales of game in years and has a shit load of content in it. The main cast is great and the boys are top tier. The only things I don't like about it personally is a lack of a classic world map and the ex dungeon is full of timers.

>weakest out of all the PS3/Vita ones

That makes me feel a little bit better, if I can still find some enjoyment in this one I have all the rest to look forward to.

That sounds good to hear. I was put off by how Xillia 1 sounded like it was a dlc fest (not saying Graces wasn't, holy shit those costumes), but it sounded like it was made so 2 could be made. Also, who is the cutie in the OP? The angry eyebrows are cute as shit.

>Check out GameFaqs and other places to get an idea of what it is like.
I already got it and played a few battles, at first i was enjoying the challenge but i think it will piss me off quickly because it's slow as fuck and you fight 10+ guys while there's only 4 of you

The battles are easy enough, but it can quickly turn into a pay to win situation with the DLC fairies being so overpowered. Not all of them, but about four faeries are better than any that you will even get in this game.

>If it makes you feel better, Berseria is a pretty easy import.

Nah, that's not the case, I've been studying Japanese for a few years now and I played Zestiria when I still wasn't used to playing games in Japanese. A year and a half and 20ish JRPGs in Nip (as well as some other games with a lot of reading like the Fatal Frames) and it's not really a concern anymore.

Nice to hear that it fixes a lot of Zestiria's fuck ups. I can barely even remember that game I was so uninterested in it. I couldn't believe they even went as far as removing fucking arte shortcuts.

More interested in it now. Well maybe my JRPG break can wait another few months.

So I'm starting Star Ocean 2; about 4 hours into it.

The battle system feels a little rough, as though you just sort of mob enemies without a lot of strategy. The voice-acting is awful and the translation is... noticeably dry. I am enjoying the light mix of sci-fi and fantasy and the characters though, though admittedly I am playing in starts and stops. Anyone else like/hate SO2?

I am also playing the remake of Wizardry 1-3 for the PS1, and that game is a real ball-breaker. It's not quite a JRPG, given it was originally made by DnD nerds in the early 80s, but these games man. They are not for the faint of heart. Everything kills you. Every chest is a trap, with 3 gold pieces inside of it. Dark zones. Pits. Teleporters. Resurrections that cost more than you can possibly make, and get more expensive the better your character is. And can still fail, killing your character forever. Everything to possibly confuse you and fuck you over, all in one game. It's really intense!

Zestiria wasn't complete garbage or anything - It was rather weak compared to the other games in the series but I still played it all the way through and enjoyed it. Might as well give it a try. Berseria seems better in every single way though, I have to say.

The fuck? This is actually good? I like neptunia for the metahumor but I wouldn't say the gameplay is amazing. How it's fare here?

I've been playing conception and it's pretty much a dating simulator with dungeon crawling lazily tacked onto it. You can genuinely just set yourself to auto and win every battle, and there's no penalty to wasting MP or HP because you can just leave the dungeon and recover, not to mention the monsters don't catch up to you so you can just run away. Waifus are ok but everything else is just pure shite. The game in general just feels fucking unfinished or lazily rushed. The main story is just a boring tropefest and all resolutions between characters outside of dating are rushed and stereotypical. MC and the Rival fight and then they're completely bros after with just gentle indifference first. Jesus fuck why am I playing this.


Still going going through Sora no Kiseki SC Evolution but I recently beat Seven Pirates a few days ago, got true end.

It was a very erotic game but very barebones and really bland. I did get true end but I wouldn't recommend it at all unless you can get it for an extremely cheap price.

Also going through Kurobana no Valkyrie which is pretty good if not for all the endless fucking sidequests to progress the story.

you dont play an rpg because its a jrpg
you play it because its good
fucking weebs

what is this game ? another self insert game where you fug girls ? or a re skinned neptunia ?

steam release date W H E N

JRPGs are good user, that's why there's a market for it. I have nothing against western RPG but to ignore a whole genre because an artstyle triggers you is pretty petty my man.

>Was going to download the demo last night
>Forgot that I need to upgrade my system software to access the store
>Didn't even know I had to update it to back up my data, what the shit

Goddamn it. I want to see if recent Vita cracking developments go anywhere first.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions was a ton of fun. I still have to play Bravely Second.

Anyone else playing FFXI via nasomi?

I love Star Ocean 2, probably one of my favorite JRPGS.

I think you misunderstood the point he was trying to make.

Been playing Berseria, just finished the second to the last dungeon and am cleaning up sub events now.

It is, quite literally, the best fucking game right now.

This shit is hysteric. Namco really put a lot of love into this game.

Why are JRPGs so fucking low budget now? They all look so empty and lifeless.

I just beat YS II yesterday after playing YS I. I've never played any of the other ones. They were... very interesting games, but I definitely recommend playing them first. It would be extremely hard to get through them after playing a modern game.

I hope you like bumper cars.

oh man. The main game is pretty easy but wait until you get the Seraphic Gate. It's the biggest dungeon you've ever seen this side of D&D.

Been playing this, it's pretty shit 2bh. It starts off okay, the combat is fun and the characters are nice, but it gets formulaic fast. Especially when you realize there's only one dungeon that you constantly return to. You go deeper and deeper after each tournament match, but everything looks exactly the same so it all blurs together as one big unmemorable chore. And when I say exactly the same I mean literally the same tilesets are reused for 50 fucking floors.

but I guess this is what I deserve for playing some forgotten literally who JRPG for the GBA

Were you in a coma for the last decade?

but lesbians!

No, I was very aware of it. Shit like soulless crap Neptunia has taken over the JRPG space.


Best JRPGs I can play on my phone? Emulation or otherwise

The reason I'm not into the potential Vita piracy scene right now is because I have every game which I wanted, and after Cold Steel II there's nothing I want. If it happened 2 years ago I would have done it.


In terms of official releases I think a good portion of the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest games are available officially on mobile. Emulating anything from the PS1 and before should be fine.

I'd honestly like to hear which ones are good on iOS/Android. I know SE is killing it in that market but I don't want to buy into mobage that's not at least on the level of old FFs/PStar

Pretty much how everyone feels really. Most people already have the games they want. Honestly they should just go to figure out on how to emulate it for people who will never buy one after they crack it.

>some forgotten literally who JRPG for the GBA
You've never seen Sup Forums sucking this dick's game? Every single GBA thread, without fail. Played it myself and wasn't too impressed. I don't understand the love, all these people crying out for the third game to be translated, I'm sure some learned Japanese just to play it too.

As for OP, been playing this if it counts as a JRPG. Good shit.

What are some PS2 JPRGs worth emulating?

Priest is talking about Velvet's bangin' bod being sinful.

>Ys VIII on PC never ever
It hurts.

Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy XII
Kingdom Hearts 1
Kingdom Hearts 2
Dragon Quest VIII
Tales of the Abyss
I need more

i don't feel mustard enough.

She needs to learn the term "less is more"

7th Dragon III: Code VFD is the best JRPG I've played this year, and in a long time. It's on 3ds, it's a cross between a standard FF game and Etrian Odyssey.

Atelier Iris series
Ar Tonelico series
Mana Khemia series
Shadow Hearts
Grandia 3

I suggest if you're not playing on hard that you restart and do so as you're missing out on the best dungeons and will miss out on much of the post game content playing on normal, and yes, there are more than a few difficult fights in the game.

.hack games

That should keep you busy for a few hundred hours.

Oh thank god it's good. I was really happy to see this was finally announced for European release.
That opening though

It's super good. By far the best JRPG of the year for me Although I haven't played ToB yet so that may change

For JRPGs? Horrible so far. Maybe the worst in a while.

I only got a Vita recently, so as long as waiting pays off, it'll be good for me. Can understand why people who've had a Vita longer than I don't care though, I felt the same way when Wii U piracy became a thing.

Thanks homie. Is the rest of the Atelier series worth playing? Anything to say about the other games?

PCfag here

what are some JRPGs I can play on the pc that aren't 2D indieshit?

so far I've played
>Last Remnant
>Nep 1 & 2 (didn't really like it)

>cyber sleuth
>Tales of the Abyss
>Trails in the Sky SC
>Cold Steel
>currently playing Vepseria on my cfw PS3 in prep for getting fucked by Atlus USA for P5

All pretty good but mostly older games. Rest of the year seems alright.

I've done a little "I Am Setsuna", but that's it.

I loved JRPGs back in the day, but nothing in the last 10 years has really done anything for me.

>Why is this genre dead?
>Please be good, P5

Bought Rorona Plus last night to take a little break from Re;Birth 1, got around to playing a smidgen of it this morning.

The PS2 Ateliers are kind of the outliers of the series, playing more like traditional JRPGs. The PS3 games went back to the original formula of being heavily based on gathering ingredients and crafting items. They're all really good though, but very laid back and low-key by JRPG standards.

Have you played the sequels to FFXIII? Also FFX is available on PC now. Other than that:
-Tales of Zestiria
-Tales of Symphonia (PC version is shit apparently)

And there are a lot more.

Onto the database the series shall go then. Thanks, user.

The new areas all look really nice compared to Zesty except that engine is terrible with grass.

>tfw EU

These are all good. The sequels to XIII got better and better so if you liked the original definitely give them a shot. Zestiria is far better than its made out to be.

Just import

You should look into emulation if you're not scared by old games. Most official ported JRPGs on steam currently are pretty bottom of the barrel.

>-Tales of Symphonia (PC version is shit apparently)

PC version is fine if you dl this mod

Also mod for 60fps Zestiria

not But how good does Zestiria get? I really didn't enjoy playing it on PS3, mainly because of performance issues but also because I wasn't too interested in the world.