IGN Sweden know what's up, why don't you?
IGN Sweden know what's up, why don't you?
Other urls found in this thread:
>paid score
this game is tailor-made for swedcucks: you gather resources like a capitalist pleb while enjoying muh multicultural space filled with animals that don't give a fuck about you.
NMS HATERS BTFO (blown the f**k out)
>muh pretty colors
>it just FEELS good
>crashes and low fps are minor issues :^)
>sweden giving good grades to Nu Male's sky
>NMS HATERS BTFO (blown the f**k out)
Really now?
even mentioning sweden is gonna bring the Sup Forumsacks lmao
>Freedom of choice is incredible.
>Sense of purpose.
Sweden here, mudskind but whatever. Swedish gaming journalism is a joke. They hate anything from the east, and would gladly do paid reviews. They even have movie reviewers do game reviews from time to time.
This must be fake, you won't ruse me.
Is this suppose to be a surprise? I mean they have such a high tolerance in Sweden that even UK is talking shit about them regularly on the news.
I mean, they are right, but I wouldn´t focus on that.
Sadly its not.
This article forgets to mention how the parents of the little girl had to pay black people restitutions afterwards. It also doesn't mention all the white people who got knifed to death by black people and Muslims the following day and then the police arrested the corpses which were then put on trial for racism.
Of course it's fake you imbecile.
This man is a giant snake. He is lying to you.
Pic related is real, though, but that's just what happens when black people get their own newspaper.
You posted this fully knowing this is just going to be a Sup Forums thread.
>Swedish hipsters defend Swedish hipster indie shit
Surprising, what does Notch think of NMS?
Sweden Yes!
black dick is expensive
How do you pronounce that without spitting all over yourself ?
I'm waiting for someone to post those gay Swedish kids from that gameshow. You know the ones.
go play Duskers
it's on Steam
Es tut mir leid.
I appreciate your recommendation lainbro.
It's too bad they can't spell.
>raping a child
it's fake.
Refugees do suck, though.
I wish I wasn't redpilled sometimes...
fri*k you
It's not fake.
I have the original court documents
Also he had to pay an 800 SEK fine
You drop the t at the end and learn Norwegian instead.
Consider posting the whole thing in a language the majority of people on this site actually speak.
Or finding a credible person to lend their name to a translation of it.
>Severe case of rape
>Sentenced to 6 months of youth rehabilitation
>mfw Sweden yes is not a meme
>Your entire country is burning
>More Mudslimes and Somalis in some parts of you major cities
>housing crisis since the rapefugees are taking up actual housing that students and low-income families need
>can't do or say anything since you'll be arrested for racism or lose your job since the SJW are watching your every fucking move
>your country has an actual feminist party
>migrants are an actual protected class
These guys just popped some mushrooms while gaming to forget the fact that their country is turning into Somalia 2.0 while 10 mosques are blaring prayers while their GFs are being raped to death by refugees.
Dom = judgement
slut = end
So it means like final judgment, I guess
I'm italian and while I look white I still have brown hair and eyes, can I come to Sweden to rape cute 16 year old girls and only get a fine?
>Sweden, nu-male capital of the world, gives Nu-Male's Lie an almost perfect score
Yeah, and?
>trusting homosexual vikings
>brown eyes
>google "muhamed ida"
>plenty of search results to different articles about the case popping up
Go back to tumblr you faggot
Kek this comic was made for this thread
>can't do or say anything since you'll be arrested for racism or lose your job since the SJW are watching your every fucking move
there's been like 2 questionable cases where this happened
>your country has an actual feminist party
that has no power and no seats in congress, they're like your libertarian party
>migrants are an actual protected class
100 USD for fucking a 12 year old is within my budget
swedish games media is 50/50 brilliant and the absolute worst
>fria tider aka far right hyperbolic newspaper, "jewsnews" kek, and breitbart, aka Milo 'I was supposed to show the world about the dangers of going through an immigrant neighborhood but they told me it was too dangerous so I didn't ' Yiannopolis newspaper
>Aisha Muhudin
Before you know it, she'll be driving a truck through the streets of Stockholm
>sense of purpose
men va fan, vem skrev det här?
hello tumblr
Anything below a 10 is garbage, so yeah, that's about right.
>Aaron "Cucklord" Ringhog
welp, looks like it's actually real, it just didn't seem to warrant enough attention for a story in the larger newspapers which is a shame. The problem with these didnus is that they hide behind being just below legal age and come in to the country claiming another age that they're not. This guy was given a low penalty in consideration of his supposed low age.
We went from vikings (the most badass men in history) to this.
>it's a "foreign language outside of Sup Forums" level
I'm ashamed just by sharing sea with them.
They are so much lost.
eleanor stay strong, dont vote fi
>Swedish criminal case
>Expect their courts to write everything in English
>it just didn't seem to warrant enough attention for a story in the larger newspapers which is a shame
You should know why it doesn't get that much media attention Sven.
18 year olds are also quite old enough to realize the consequences of rape and to spend a few years in a correctional facility.
No joke, I feel like reviewers like this expected the game to be very well received by fans and critics alike and he is probably embarrassed as fuck that he rated it so high now.
Why is every meme about Sweden 100% accurate 100% of the time?
Your nation died with Charles XII
>Mfw the politically correct things you read on the news don't seem to make any sense to a large portion of the population like my family and all the friends I know
>Mfw just yesterday the neighbor commented on my parents getting home from the holiday with a tan and called them "jävla hobbynegrer"
seriously though there's a serious disconnect going on here, I expect a racewar or radical rise from the right...or we'll just end up like france with giant ghettos that we just put a lid on and no one enters them and just put the integration which will never work on eternal hold
t. Swedish pop culture history education
sluta glorifiera vikingar, du , skämmer ut dig johan, du lyssnar säkert på sabaton också din jävla bög
This, there's a reason why SD is getting so many votes. There's a huge disconnect between Swedish media and the Swedish population, or at least most parts of it. As always, it's upper class retards that are the SJW, just like in the US.
People are tired of their regular politicians not listening to them and media, that are supposed to be on the side of the people, calling them racists, sexist, -ists in general.
Sweden loves to suck any cock they see.
>clears throat loudly
>sips wine
>applies entire slice of cheese to saltine
>realigns “God Bless This Mess” sign
>checks time on fitbit
>puts on chapstick
>doesn’t add salt
>eats kale
they're just really enthusiastic about the concept of going somewhere and not being surrounded by brown people
>tfw no twink swede to have as my BLACKED bottom slut
more like "court decision" you thick fuck
>As always, it's upper class retards that are the SJW
Remember: The only people who don't have a problem with minorities are those who don't experience them.
Nah, that'd be Americans, already got safe spaces in schools and have trouble getting Trump elected.
Meanwhile, the Swedish population has managed to vote in a party that were nazis in the 90's into the government because they're tired as fuck of Swedish media and politicians ignoring what they want.
And Americans can barely get some rich businessman elected. Absolutely pathetic.