Want to say Dodger is cute and she's the only reason anyone is watching this fat disgusting british hypocrite

>Want to say Dodger is cute and she's the only reason anyone is watching this fat disgusting british hypocrite
>This happens

Why the fuck is this allowed?

get cancer and die

Why didn't you make a thread about videogames instead?


>2016 Sup Forums is people making threads crying about having to pay to shitpost in some eceleb's twitch chat

This place is a fucking joke and videogames are fucked if this is the next generation

Uhhhhh, this is a thread about videogames?


>fat cancer man


Id fuck her jesus christ


>le e-celeb is cute thread
No, get fucked

What's the ESRB rating for this "game"

>4'11" (151cm)

cute toes

they are like little gum drops you can suck on

>Want to say Dodger is cute
She isn't though.

Where's that gif of her masturbating on cam?

If it wasn't video games it would be banned from Twitch

>ad free (with limited exceptions)

And thread over


posting the REAL cutest girl

Twitch has a "social eating" category now and the website is full of camwhores who don't give a fuck about videogames



she knows

who the fuck are the bottom two

better question yet, why are e-celebs so famous for doing ABSOLUTELY nothing

Nice shop

>That right breast
Way too generous, but I'll take it.

Holy shit who created this, a fucking 12 year old with his first attempt at photoshop


Actually it's complete shit

Almost, but a shit shop

>get banned

So people like you don't say that shit

Still not the worst

I like the BJ vid she did

Except that wasn't her.

sure thing Brooke

>i'm enough of a douche to proudly pretend that I don't watch other douchebags on youtube

video games

Who and who?

>decide to watch a TB vid
>theyre playing a board game or something
>TB is being a massively controlling cunt, gets pissed to the point of yelling when people stray from the rules even 1%
>even if its just for fun
>other people say nothing

all these people are using this faggot solely for money, how does he not see this

>e-celeb discussion is banned
>Sup Forums has better threads about them than regular games

This is why Sup Forums before nazi mods was better

you got a link?

Sup Forums has better discussions about anything other than games, that's just how it works

>Play a game
>Break the rules
>"lol who cares y u so mad"
Then why are you even playing?

to break the rules, bitchboi

here goes nothing


>sorry crossposting
are you canadian?

Celebrities seem to randomly change height from photo to photo. Pretty sure they secretly have some sort of deal worked out where certain people are allowed to seem taller than certain others. Probably in exchange for sex.

it's common courtesy when shitting up other boards I don't visit

literally a dwarf

>I might be canadian
how do you feel about your prime minister?

so, yes

I'm a yuropoor so I don't know how I feel about being called Canadian
could be worse I guess

>what is sarcasm

so you'd rather scream at your friends for bending the rules in a casual game, rather than go along with it and have fun?

im guessing you dont have a lot of friends

Good thread.

Dont worry user, I appreciate you

>social eating
Also, this board is for videogame as a medium, not videogame related media

Oh shit, Matt's on.

She's a bit taller than me so she's not that short.

Could have Australian

You answered your own question, faggot.

That's a pretty robust posting etiquette you have there, I wouldn't call posting related content in the correct thread "shitting up" though.

>I wanted to shitpost on a twitch chat and realized only people who care about the streamers enough to pay a subscription can post in chat.

are you a pygmy? you guys have internet in the rainforest?

>a gay man tries to evaluate female attractiveness
Just stick to dicks Freddy, nobody expects you to like girls anyway.

I'm not familiar with /gif/ board culture and I don't lurk there, that's why. But thanks.

>10,500 viewers

If they didn't have subscription only mode on the chat would be spammed with garbage anyways and no one would even see your comment.

Look at Kripps chat. He has half those numbers but his chat is an absolute cesspool.

shit meant to quote this guy
sorry friend

> i wanted to be a shitposting faggot on twitch but they wouldnt let me so i went and was a shitposting faggot on Sup Forums
good job

>ctrl+f video games

0 results

Half? He's often got +20k viewers

It's like 50 fags chatting though, rest is viewbots

some celebs only accept to take photos on a pedestal, or at least in front of stairs.

RPGs are not casual games
Yes, I scream at my party until they learn the rules

they're everywhere

Needs a fifth panel comparing Kit and ManlyTears.

twitch chats are cancer my dude
if they didn't have subscriber modes it would all be lost in a chat that probably pushes through thousands of messages a minute, 99% of which would be memes, hate (such as yours, warranted or not - i don't follow TB so idk) and other such worthless spam

>board games are serious business

>dumb shits harass them on Twitch in the middle of a podcast
>force people to pay to use the chat for comments
>dumb shits still harass but now they're giving up $$$ to do so
Sounds like it works to me. I mean, it's not like DODGER IS MAI WAIFU would've really added anything to the chatlogs, so you haven't lost anything by this.

She's 4'11"
That's short.

not all though