Are there any vidya where you play as a paranoid schizo / autistic person?
Or a game where you need to keep moving?
Are there any vidya where you play as a paranoid schizo / autistic person?
Or a game where you need to keep moving?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Or a game where you need to keep moving?
Any endless runner game?
vampire the masquerade bloodlines lets you play as a literal madman that speaks in riddles.
This kid freaks me out
How so user?
is he ok
I unironically enjoy reviewbrah's videos and have watched dozens of them.
they are pretty great.
Real life.
Is he really living in his car? What happened to him?
Sup Forums made "operation: break the brah"
The rest is history...
Cataclysm Dark Days ahead, you can play as a schizophrenic who lives / sleeps in his car while traveling and filling his car with bits and pieces.
I just found out about him through a Sup Forums thread a few months ago and his videos were pretty enjoyable and I don't even like fast food. Shame Sup Forumstards have to always go and ruin a good thing.
They hacked his account? Wew
Sent to FBI. Enjoy your van
>Enjoy your van
Holy shit this is hilarious. Sup Forums really is the new Sup Forums.
what the fuck are you talking about faggot
it was some stalker from Sup Forums
>I am okay and this channel will continue to operate as usual
Fucking based reviewbrah
who is the guy with reviewbrah in the top right?
>it was some stalker from Sup Forums
No, it was a Canadian from Sup Forums
This ALL started on Sup Forums, link me a Sup Forums thread where they broke into his house
>it was Sup Forums
It was some faggot from Sup Forums. Quit false flagging kike.
This makes me mad, kid is smalltime and looked like he actually enjoyed making his videos.
Link to a Sup Forums thread that proves it originated there. The burden of proof is on you and multiple people are calling you out.
that's his father. he kicked the brah out of the house.
Prove it then you angsty autist
Racists don't deserve your pity.
The burden of proof is on you to prove it was Sup Forums kike.
Nothing is sacred anymore, humanity is cancer
Anyone else thought it was adorable how he got distracted by his cat in that vid a couple weeks back?
Sup Forums has become such a shithole with the nonstop racebaiting false flagging. It's exponentially more extreme than it ever was in the past.
>Sup Forums has become such a shithole with the nonstop racebaiting
Spot the newfag.
it was someone
he used a proxy
Here it is nigger, now prove it was Sup Forums
he's right it was much more just trying to be edgy in the past. real white supremacists moved in in recent years and are killing this place
He stabbed his father in an autistic fit of rage and was forced to spent almost a year in the psych ward.
He lives with his mother now and is on heavy meds. All he does now is review fast food and listen to shortwave radio, because that is what he used to do with his dad.
pic related.
>someone was so autistic about their hate that they wanted to see him suffer
i am the one you are talking to kek
that was the thread linked on his reddit
as to where it originated from, no one knows
it looks like something serious i want to help reviewbrah
this is not okay
reviewbrah is based as fuck
>as to where it originated from, no one knows
It's a Sup Forums thread, what are you talking about?
OP is the stalker.
Report the thread.
>I just have to keep moving.
>tfw you need to keep moving
are there any games where you just have to keep moving?
Is that the same guy from the gif where he eats a piece of pizza but throws the crust away like a savage?
>/cow/ presents
As in, lolcow? Is /cow/ a gatorchan board?
Is he our guy Sup Forums?
Probably came from