Hyper Light Drifter

What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this? Worth getting? It looks decent.

It is ok.
Didn't live up to my hype for it.

this. it's decent but i personally didn't like the genre so it wasn't for me. should be good for kids tho

Is it Kino?

I thought it was pretty good. Music was great, bosses were all pretty fun.

Some stuff I wasn't a fan of:
blue enemy bullets on a blue background FUCK
walking segments in between bosses seemed silly

I dunno. 7/10.

Uh shit I thought I clicked on a Furi thread? My bad guys, I need to sleep

HLD was great, though, I had a lot of fun with it despite its flaws. 8/10, go ahead and play it.

Wasn't a "three years' hype" kind of game, but I did play it enough to get all the trophies. Very fun, nice aesthetic, good music, very cozy. Highly recommended, user.

It is an purple/blue sword based indie game my man, it happens at least you weren't driving desu.

This is Kino.

they spent all the ks money on getting the game ported to consoles and so youre left with 3 hour long linear game with average gameplay and lame bosses

Yeah, I liked it. I'm a sucker for exploration and secret areas, plus the combat's fun

FUCK that samurai though.

Good game, great action, art, and sound. A little too short.

>I'm a sucker for exploration and secret areas
then what the fuck about this game appealed to you

all the explorations and secrets fall under A) find invisible platform get puzzle piece or B) follow barely hidden offscreen path get puzzle piece

relax, man. maybe that's what he liked about it. hidden in plain sight stuff. i certainly enjoyed that about it.

Game felt too short and shit only started getting good once you collect the 16 triangle bits, and then the game just ends

It's a pretty decent game for an indie, so yea worth getting.
>Nice atmosphere
>Nice soundtrack
>Nice exploration
>Nice combat
>Nice mini games
>Ok dark soul like story that lets you grind the 'how did it become like this' question

so he likes the feeling of exploring without actually exploring?

Those parts of the game annoyed me the most. I really dug the combat and atmosphere but rerunning through the water area and trying to find all of those switches just annoyed me endlessly. Single pixel lines showing where an off screen platform is just dumb.

If you have to buy it then buy it cheap, you're really not missing much by skipping it. It looks stylish but it's really barebones gamewise and really short.

Was a nice and simple game. Rather short, but probably for its best as the art style was the only outstanding part.
If I remember correctly (at least) one of the Devs is a fucking idiot though.



That was my favorite part!

Pretty much this.

Don't forget Kanye West

Did they actually help with this?

>Kanye West
What. Is this real? What did he have to do with it?

>Linear game
>When the game is the exact opposite of linear

The framerate really does kill it

30FPS with drops

That is actually a huge hindrance. A fast paced game with a combat focus and a huge penalty for getting hit really needs 60 fps, and there's really no excuse for the devs to not have achieved that.

That being said I'd still say it's a solid 7/10.

>Didn't live up to my hype for it.
Then that is your own fault, not the game's.

>should be good for kids tho
If that were true, then a manchild like you would have loved it

It's completely sub par gameplay wise.

Atmosphere WOULD be great if the story telling was better, but ends up falling flat.

Music is phenomenal.

Overall strong 5, light 6, you're better off investing in CRAWL if you want an indie "retro" game with some replay-ability.

Very artsy. It's cool at first, but every minute past the second hour was a chore.
Awesome music, typical disasterpeace. Though I'm pretty sure all the direction he was given was "remember that fez OST? that was pretty cool"

It's fun, but it seems to get laggy if there are a lot of things going on. Mostly input-lag, but the fps can go down.

easily 7/10, maybe 8/10. It's much better than no man's sky, that's for sure.

Visually stunning and atmospheric. Gameplay was good, if a little repetitive. Some of the later segments were frustrating, when checkpoints were sparse between rooms with loads of enemies.

800 chain dash and soccer are bullshit, don't bother doing them.