Feel lonely playing vidya

>feel lonely playing vidya
>ask to join a group of steam friends game
>join their skype call
>they're all passive aggressive, are way better than me and clearly don't want me here
>end night feeling sadder than before
>thinking about therapy

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Get better friends mate.


No one at work shares my niche hobbies, and I live in buttfuck nowhere so can't go to shit like D&D meetups.

The internet.

haha @ pathetic nerd

You're fucked m8. Best is to move to someplace were there are things outside of your you enjoy going to. Remember that it's better to be alone than to be with shitty people

Be more specific?

on 4 chan

Sup Forums

how, in like friend threads?

Mate right here. Go pick a general on /vg/ or something and drop in their Discord/Teamspeak/Skype Group/Ventrilo(kek) and just shoot the shit with people who have similar interests.

>make a game thread
>anyone wants to play with me?
>my ign is autisticanon3

I made all my friends on a Sup Forums MLP roleplay IRC. I'm not proud.

>adding and accepting any add from Sup Forums

found your problem. anyone from Sup Forums on steam is a shithead shitter who's incapable of containing their aspergers and autism

add me up losers

You deserve to be bullied,

>Implying is Sup Forums exclusive
I added someone from KF2 that played well and was a cool dude, everything was fine and dandy until he felt the need to spam the discord with pony reaction pics and as of recent, straight up fucking horse porn

>New guild
>I'm hot shit because I actually started in vanilla and know how to fucking tank
>people invite me left and right
>Invite me on TS
>whatever what the fuck
>group of older people, chick in chat
>be confident and witty, am the center of attention
>chick pbviously attracted, so is everyone else
>they all add me
>neither accept or refuse
>quit game again the next day
>never hear from any of them again
>the guild master even paid for a month of gametime because they wanted me to tank


add me up loser

Me on the right

>used to play from time to time with this group called virgin down
>the group leader was a huge nigger faggot and ended up killing the fun for all

Its a real shame because I had the best multiplayer moments with those guys, always playing Raven Shield and PR and stufff like call of duty united offensive

I'm really looking for a community like that, people playing really cool multiplayer games that makes you feel youre just in a lan good lan party

Autists gotta aut

>not adding everyone you see until you find a decent person