Yooka-Laylee Fail
>Yooka-Laylee Fail
Hello newfag wishing to experience Tortanic.
>yooka-laylee fail
>not yooka-failee
what the fuck is tortanic?
But how are the platforming and movement mechanics? On a scale of Mario 64 to Donkey Kong 64.
Every thread for every new game this year has been this way. It's the worst I've ever seen.
>Music does not change
That's it I'm taking the bait.
That's a lie. The Toybox had that.
It'll suck because it is a trash genre coasting on nostalgia.
It's shit and doesn't belong in the new world
You forgot
>It's a kickstarter game
>Ugly character designs
Yeah, I really don't get people's obsession these past few months with wanting to see stuff fail.
I'm also not seeing a source on that OP image's claims, we have seen very little of the game and I don't believe it's possible to judge it in such a negative light given we have seen jack-shit.
You know that not every post discussing how badly something is going to fail is the TORtanic, right?
This is a video games discussion board. You can talk about games sucking.
Yeah, all the new games that are coming out are way better. You guys played No Man's Sky? That sure put nostalgiafags in their place.
Banjo kazooie is so slow and clunky. yooka laylees i much faster
Correct, but what discussion is there with "Yooka Laylee will suck" coupled with a list of lies?
>Everything was better when I was 10
>the current state of videogame industry is terrible but I also shit on every single upcoming game that tries to be somewhat different while secretly hoping it will fail so I can shitpost on an anonymous image board about it
>that is the only way I can feel emotions and a sense of belonging because my very soul has drowned itself in everlasting cynism
yep sounds like v
yep sounds like Sup Forums
I agree but it'll still be better than the last Banjo game.
So you're saying that Y-L is basically Banjo Tooie?
Thanks for selling me on this, I loved Tooie despite how massive it was.
Nuts and Bolts is the only good Banjo game.
let it come out, be a 7, still sell well, and then they make improvements with the next one
You're going straight to heck for that one
Do they take place in the same universe?
>Doesn't like Banjo-Pilot.
Nice Bait.
Forgot about that, 2 good Banjo games.
>Google Yooka Laylee to see if anything new has popped up
>Pic related right at the top
I dunno why, but I chuckled.
sup 2008
Tooie potentially without the backtracking
cant wait for yooka laylee to be blunder of the year
ive been saying it ever since the kickstarter
I preferred Tooie to Kazooie, and Y-L seems to be more like Tooie. First day buy.
Bite me shitposter.
Forced juvenile humor isn't funny.
Fart Bubbles aren't funny.
Mud creatures named "Mr.Poo" aren't funny.
Except even the developers said there would be backtracking.
one hundred times this. we have seen almost nothing about the game.
All four of those are either lies or good things
Haven't you played the Toy Box? Yooka fucks Laylee in the ass and Laylee says "...roight in the shitter"
I saw the video, what they talked about doesn't sound much more risque than anything in the Banjo games.
>He didn't like the Opera that is the Great Mighty Poo Boss Fight
You sir, have shittier taste than the shit you so taunt.
>tfw "collectathons" are 3D platformers that had to invent an excuse for their movement mechanics being shit
I will murder you if you don't take that back.
>past few months
You mean
>every waking moment since tortanic
Literally every game is some "epic flop" or "blunder of the century" if it isn't flawless (which it never is)
The only thing that is worse than shitposts like those are when people photoshop that "just fuck my shit up" scalp onto whomever.
I half expect 2 replies to go "ur just mad"
It can't possibly be worse than Tooie, are there seriously only going to be 5 gargantuan worlds?
hurr ur just med is only gaem
Yooka layle will be fun, and no amount of shitposting will change that
I mean it sped the fuck up since people found out Mighty No. 9 would be ass, literally one in every 30 threads is "X sucks" with no other content whereas before it was more like 1 in 100.
Grim Dawn was shit, it's very watered down for an ARPG. Even Torchlight 2 had more content and better polish.
Wasteland 2, while it had good bits, was also very broken up and not very well polished which can be forgiven due to them using a fucking mobile-game engine for some arbitrary reason.
Banner Saga is shit
Shadowrun was shit, the only good one was Dragonfall
Volgarr was a meme game, lost a lot of its fun once you got the hang of it
FTL is shit
Broken Age is ultra-shit
Try again
>MS Paint comic
Wew lad really got me there
No, the developers said the levels would expand and change. Not that there's backtracking. We've seen this in action with making the cloud rain in the gamescom trailer
its a bait image, this one is posted often with Banjo-Tooie on the right. Its modified slightly to fit what we know with Yooka-Laylee (example: 5 levels instead of what Banjo-Tooie had)
Nice opinions.
Too bad you're objectively wrong
>Grim Dawn was shit
Holy wewlad
>tfw this and The Last Guardian are the only games that I'm hyped for
You're in big trouble if you don't change your opinion right now, young man.
>FTL is shit
Its not amazing but its not shit, you are shit.
>Except even the developers said there would be backtracking
>Source: My arse
Playing the demo would show you that plenty of that is false.
The humor is fresh, music is perfect, level design is well thought out.
The dicks were a hell of a lot bigger, that's for sure.
Yooka-Laylee's areas just looks too big
BK's levels were very tightly designed and what I've seen of Yooka it looks like a lot of sprawling empty areas
I will not.
What, not even the "THICC ROBUTT" Sim that is Haydee?
Shovel Knight?
>what is
fucking leave
Literal poetry user
I've been burned by kickstarter too many times
Every Kickstarter game I've played has been shit
Mighty Number 9 is the biggest flop ever in recent years
How can ANYONE trust Kickstarter games anymore?
What the fuck was that taco Castlemania kickstarter game? I heard good things from that.
I donated $75 to the System Shock remake kikestarter.
I'm weak
Short even with the DLC but good
I've played many Kickstarter games that i've enjoyed. Just don't back them and play them when they come out, it's that simple.
>The humor was organic and a result of the characters personalities and a self awareness that was unique for the time.
No. The only thing it's good for is ripping the model and making SFM porn. As of now the game is extremely lacking, even for a lite-porn game.
>I am calm and win
>you are angry and unreasonable and lost
>donated to maxofs2d
You're the weakest of all, user. Jesus Christ.
>Every kickstarter I've backed had critical acclaim
Must suck to have bad foresight user
TLG will be shit though. It's like an ugly Ico.
If nothing else the schadenfreude that will result when the game releases and people in mass have an epiphany that collectathons are trash will be fun.
Literally worse than Slag, Infune and Tim combined
>something new
since when are retro rehash cash-grabs 'something new'?
>an uglier Ico
Warren Spector endorsed it, man...
So basically it'll be like the superior Banjo-Tooie?
I think big areas can work, but there needs to be something to entertain players while they travel. For example, SM64 had buttjumping, which gave players some tech skill to practice while traveling while also rewarding them with speed. Sinilar in MKDS. This is probably the ideal way in platformers, while other genres can entertain players by having complex menu systems to browse through and organize. Even just some artificially fun reward, like a shiny sparkle or animation at random times while jumping, is better than othing.
Warren Spector made Epic Mickey.
>Game is extremely lacking
That was the demo tho.
That said, I found the Demo to be exceptionally large, not even accounting for the model.
Then again, I did literally everything, even reached every room I could in the Yellow Chambers.
I can't wait man.
>always, ALWAYS try to explain to Sup Forums that Mario 64 was infinitely better than Banjo
>"B-banjo isn't a platformer! It's about exploring and collecting!"
Even without bringing up the fact that good movement mechanics aren't mutually exclusive with collecting and exploring (even, in fact, improving those elements) people somehow convinced themselves Banjo Kazooie wasn't a platformer just so it didn't have to be compared to Mario 64.
He also made SS1, SS2, and Deus Ex
Epic Mickey was a good game though.
The second not so much.
So Yooka Laylee wii be like Tooie I guess it will suck then
>Autist strawmans arguments to make himself look good the post
>hurr the humor is immachuer
You mean like Conker's Bad Fur Day which this game is attempting to emulate more than Banjo?
Warren Spector is a fucking retard then
I've heard Banjo Tooie is a 3D metroidvania and not a platformer. I haven't played it but it sounds like it could be accurate.
I just think the characters are so unbelievably UGLY.
Who is the artist who designed these piles of puke? Seriously, It's going to hurt my enjoyment of the game.
>FTL is shit
Hello Mr. I-couldn't-even-beat-the-flagship-on-easy
I've got two words for you
Shovel Knight
I pirated the toybox and am one of the backers for the Steam version of the game. Can I honestly say that the game sucks? The characters control awfully, it feels like an amateur indie game, not something made by Rare employees. Also, the fucking jump. How in the hell does it have a different height every single time? Also the level design is basic and not really inspired, the world being so big doesn't look like fun, it just looks like padding.
I beat the game multiple times; it's a boring and shallow experience that reminds me of Starbound in many of the worst ways.
Seaman's surprise you say (((;
Tooie is basically that, you gotta cycle between a bunch of areas getting shit bit by bit, only the first world IIRC can be completed in one sitting.
You didn't need all that text to explain why Yooka-Laylee will suck, OP.