
The original has been ported and remade a billion times. What's the definitive version? Don't say the original all release. I've already beat it.

the Wiiware only one

That's a remake of the Gameboy title.

The Adventure/Rebirth isn't a remake of the original game.

The original NES version is the best, and there isn't any actual remake of it. If you mean ports, I guess you can play it on the virtual console, but it's the same as on the NES.

There are other games that might be referred to as remakes or ports, but none of those is actually the same game.

NES OG version is the way to go.

X68K easily. Don't listen to the SCIV shills. It's both a bad castlevania and a bad remake.

Whoops, that was meant for OP

good ost though

X68K isn't a remake of the first game, and SCIV isn't a bad castlevania and also not a remake.

Stop parroting memes you read on Sup Forums.

Isn't Castlevania Chronicles on the PS1 a legit remake?

So what you're saying is you played neither of those games then.

Cvc is literally a remake of the nes game, just with the updated art from sotn.

No, it's not, it's a port of X68K, which is also a re-telling of the Simon story, but with whole different game design, bosses, etc.

There is no actual remake of Castlevania 1.

No, it's not, stop trolling.

It's a remake of the X68K version which was itself a port/remake of the original on NES. It also includes a port of the X68K game called 'Original Mode'

Fuck off retard. It's literally a remake.

>art from SOTN

X68K was released in 1993, you mongrel.

It's a remake of the x68k version which was itself a remake of the NES game.

You never played Castlevania 1 then.

X68K is a re-telling of the first game, like Haunted Castle, Vampire Killer (MSX) are, but none of those (including X68K) is a literal remake.

Same 'plot', areas(with some additions), characters and major enemies. The game play and graphics are altered. That's what most remakes are.

Jesus christ, this devolved into semantics shit flinging faster than /vr/ threads do.

>areas(with some additions)

More like completely different other than the first stage in the castle (which is in almost every castlevania game including those that aren't re-tellings of the first game, it's a CV staple).

If you can find me a level which map actually matches with pic related on X68K (and all the other "remakes" while you're at it), I'll concede you've won the argument, but you won't.

Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles on PSP is a remake of Rondo of Blood (same levels with minor variation and some extra areas).
X68K is a completely new Castlevania game, based on the Simon plot from the first original game, but if you play X68K, you haven't played the original Castlevania, you're playing a different game. Different levels, enemy patterns, bosses.

If you're talking about the different variations of Simon's adventure, Chronicles is by far my favorite of the bunch.
None of them are actually the same game though. They're all different Castlevania games at a gameplay level, they just use the same framework.

Super Castlevania 4 is the true definitive remake.

They only added a 4 for the english markets

>tfw 8 way whipping
>tfw mode 7 insanity

CV4 is also not a remake of the first game. In fact, IV and X68K have more common stages (like the swamp, for example), than they do with CV1.

>definitive anything

>/vr/ memes

The guy who invented that meme is the least respected poster on /vr/.

You just hate Australia for being so right.

>CV4 is also not a remake of the first game

Your wrong though, it's called Devil's Castle Dracula in Japan. Same name as the Famicom original. It's like going from PS1 Resident Evil to the gamecube remake of Resident Evil

4 is not my favorite in the series, but it's a good game. Australia-kun is ridiculed for liking Amiga Castlevania which is actually shit.

SCIV is okay.
It'd be a lot better if its levels weren't so drawn out.

See: Find me a level from Castlevania IV which map matches that, and I'll concede you're right.

By the way, the japanese version of X68K is also called Akumajou Dracula (which is why people refer to it as X68K or Chronicles). Haunted Castle, the arcade game, is also called Akumajou Dracula. But none of those are remakes of the original NES game.

i thought it was pretty neat that half the levels were you making your way up to the castle

Were your parents relieved it wasn't their fault when you were diagnosed with Aspergers?


Symphony of the night

Circle of the Moon is a better remake of Castlevania 1.

How the fuck is IV a remake when barely anything matches up? Dracula Chronicles X is what a remake looks like.

I just bought castlevania dracula x chronicles today, i it just SoTN without any change?

DXC is a remake of Rondo of Blood.

It includes the original Rondo of Blood (PC Engine CD version) and SOTN as extras, you need to unlock them by playing the remake.
SOTN is the same as the original with added features from the japanese release (which were taken out of the west version), playable Maria Renard and a new dub (so yeah, no "WHAT IS A HUMAN" dub). The good thing is that you can select japanese audio with english subs, so you get the original japanese SOTN cast.

it's a rondo remake.
you can find sotn and the original rondo game though

I'm thinking about getting into Castlevania, what game should I play first?

Castlevania 1

If you find it too hard or frustrating, go with Rondo of Blood or Castlevania IV.

the first game, iv, castlevania x chronicles/rondo of blood

It's WHAT IS A MAN? you heathen. Speaking of which is there an un-re-dub somewhere?

Same fucking plot.

Taco Belmont takes a massive shit in Dracula's coffin.

That's not what a remake means, video games aren't cinema.

To put it clear: if you want to play Castlevania because of the plot, then uh, yeah, I guess play any of the Simon games.
If you want to play Castlevania because of gameplay and game design, then don't skip or replace Castlevania 1 for anything because that game wasn't replaced. It's still great to play today and doesn't have any enhanced port, unless you count VS Castlevania which is a timed arcade competitive version of it.