Please tell me why Sup Forums hates this game? Its genuinely horrifying, along the vein of The Evil Within, and the only other game besides Evil Within and Layers of Fear that even got me spooked.
Please tell me why Sup Forums hates this game? Its genuinely horrifying, along the vein of The Evil Within...
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It's not scary it sucks
I'd personally rank among my top 3 SH games, next to Shattered Memories and SH2. Even though everyone goes hurrdurr combat, at least it had something apart from the garbage combat from the previous games.
The big "reveal" was cliche as fuck, though. I did like the monster/boss designs in this one.
You SERIOUSLY had to make a brand new thread for this shit?? Fine, SH:HC sucks ass, because:
-UFO ending is OFFICIAL and can be acquired on your first playthrough. My fucking jaw dropped.
-Everything's copypaste from SH Movie: Pyramid head, titty-nurses, the "burning" otherworld-shift, the gasmasked cultists...
-Human cultist enemies. With guns.
-That fucking quick-heal button
-That clunky circle-menu... I wasted tons of supplies because of it.
-Saw and Hostel references... for real?
-That slide-panel puzzle.
-Tons of empty, pointless running.
-Shit puzzles.
-Can't-see-shit-capt'n because of shitty flashlight, darkness and obscuring filters.
-Knife's the most powerful weapon, and hit-hit-hit-StrongHit-dodge -combo stuns every foe, allowing you to save ammo for the Siams.
Believe it or not, I find HC the least offensive out of the unholy shit-trio of Origins-HC-DP, but it's still crap.
SH:SM has been the ONLY relatively decent western SH game.
>good or scary in any way
you need to play more horror vidya.
Like, the original SH games, maybe??
SH3=SH1>SH2>SH4>P.T>SH0>Homecoming>SHSM>BoM>Miscellaneous GBA, Mobile, and Arcade Games>Shit>>>>Downpour
>the garbage combat from the previous games.
the OG games had far superior combat that fit the games' style and pace. HC just tried to do the same to SH series as what RE4 did to RE-series: action-ize it to hell.
Thats why I hated the originals, I played homecoming first. I tried to go back when someone told me "homecoming is shite go play 3 noob" but I hated it. What the actual fuck is that control scheme about? What the fuck is with the camera? The game is unplayable...
Because it has "Silent Hill" on the bix art.
bad bait is bad, and reminder that you should instantly euthanize anyone trying to claim such crazy talk out in the public.
>Its genuinely horrifying, along the vein of The Evil Within, and the only other game besides Evil Within and Layers of Fear that even got me spooked.
What's it like having this shit of an opinion?
why do people like SH3 so much?, it was worse than 1 and 2
What makes it worse than SH1 or SH2, friend?
>enemies are mostly recycled from 1 and 2 (muh lore i guess?)
>riddles and puzzles are not that great
>characters are boring and unmemorable, except for Douglas "i'm to old for this shit" and shaddy wellspoken sewerboss.
>Heather as a person, and character arc is worse than Harry or James
>areas feel not that great, except for the freaking amusement park
but we can forget all of this because Heather is Waifu bait
Combat in HC is pretty good. Fighting enemies requires memorizing their movement knowing when to attack and dodge. Still, yeah, it's trying to be more action base than the traditional Silent Hill games and you can probably run past most of them like any other SH game. Also I fucking hate that the camera can't be inverted, but aiming with gun can.
Its bad
>Fighting enemies requires memorizing their movement knowing when to attack and dodge.
You mean just using the knife to stunlock them?
this. The Knife is the most OP weapon in the game, and everything can be taken care of with simple slash-slash-slash-HeavySlash-dodge-repeat combo. I had fucktons of ammo at the end of game because of this.
Still, the fact that the first thing that comes to mind when talking about HC is its combat already tells that it's a very lackluster SH title. On top of that, it recycles the terri-bad film's designs and ideas.
Out of all the post SH4 games, I think this is the worst mainline one, unless Book of Memories counts.
At least Downpour kind of played like a PS3 game, HC looks and plays like a budget PS2 game.
please, elaborate
>At least Downpour kind of played like a PS3 game
Like hell it did!
DP was fugly as fuck, and literally managed to look worse than PS2 originals more often than not. It also had slooowly streaming textures, tons of copypaste BUILDINGS as whole, and still tons of framerate drops and pure freezes.
HC literally looks better than it in every single possible way, and also has superior gameplay to boot. They're both still shit games, but HC is notably more solid shit.
>bad puzzles
"Pure eyes, blue like a glassy bead —You are always looking at meand I am always looking at you.Ah, you're too meek —beautiful, unspoiled:thus I'm so sad, I suffer —and so happy, it hurts.I want to hurt youand destroy myselfWhat you would thinkif you knew how I felt.Would you simply smile,not saying a word?Even curses from your mouthwould be as beautiful as pearls.I place my left hand on yourface as though we were to kiss.Then I suddenly shove my thumbdeep into your eyesocket.Abruptly, decisively,like drilling a hole.And what would it feel like?Like jelly?Trembling with ecstasy, I obscenelymix it around and around: I musttaste the warmth of your blood.How would you scream?Would you shriek "It hurts!It hurts!" as cinnabar-red tearsstream from your crushed eye?You can't know the maddeninghunger I've felt in the midst ofour kisses, so many of themI've lost count.As though drinking in your cries,I bring my hopes to fruition:biting your tongue, shredding it,biting at your lips as if tastingyour lipstick.Oh, what euphoric heights I wouldreach, having my desires fulfilledlike a greedy, gluttonous cur.I longed, too, for your cherry-tintedcheeks, tasty enough to bewitch mytongue.I would surely be healed,and would cry like a child.And how is your tender ear?It brushes against my cheek;I want it to creep up to my lips soI can sink my teeth into its flesh.Your left ear, always hearing wordswhispered sweet as pie —I want it to hear my true feelings.I never lied, no...but I did have my secrets.Ah, but what must you think of me?Do you hate me? Are you afraid?As though inviting you to the agonyat the play's end, if you wish, youcould destroy me — I wouldn't care.As you wish, you may destroy me— I wouldn't care."
I like the designs and the film, don't know about it's sequel. But yeah, I don't see any reason to really defend it in HC, they were trying too hard on what was shown in the film.
the movies were garbage.
both as SH titles, and as films.
the 2nd one is just hilariously awful.
felt such a pro when I figured this out on my own, using pen & paper, back in 03. Kinda good thing we didn't have an internet access back then.
becuase its bad
so is evil within
Welp, this remotely looks like a SH thread, doesn't it? I guess that calls for the latest SH PC GUIDE + the DL links:
SH2 torrent:
SH3 torrent:
Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" fix works as a no-cd crack as well, and is included in the pack.
In case you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.
Xinput gamepads do not work out of the box with 2-4; you need to use the Xpadder, or get a DirectInput controller. Or just stick to KB+M!
>so is evil within
you remember that great horror moment where you were shooting a turret from the back of a jeep?
here's the recommended emulator settings for SH1. Works great on all other games too.
The plugins used are:
-Pete's OpenGL 1.78; (more options & better performance than 2.x version)
-Eternal's SPU Engine.
alternatively just use a software renderer for very 1:1 PS1-like graphics, including 240p only.
...OR just buy the game from PSN Store for few bucks.
You could also try the new PGXP emulator, that adds Perspective Correction to PS1 textures.