>The early augmented in the Deus Ex games end up being violent psychopaths under government control
I'm okay with this.
Overwatch, NMS and now Deus Ex. Fucking everything is tainted by the nu male fucktards who are too stupid and pathetic to reject the MUH SOSHUL JUSSTIS agenda.
Christ, it sickens me that these people have jobs in the industry.
It's an accurate representation of what would happen in reality though. You really think that if we had real life augs and there were tensions between augs/vanilla that people wouldn't make a movement literally called "aug lives matter"?
Republicans are inherently unable to work in creative fields.
it's pretty cringey desu when games want to be topical.
and you're not stupid and pathetic?
the difference is that conservatives don't need to use their creative works as a soapbox.
Because every creative field is ruled by liberals and thin skinned individuals (I'm guessing much like yourself)
>game is about a social divide between the augumented minority and natural majority
>fedorafag gets upset when topics of social divide and radicalization is in the game
>implying they're allowed in
>still arguing about a fucking fan-art.
this place is pathetic.
liberals cannot accept opinions that differ from their own.
Is it in the game or not?
Don't you understand depiction equals endorsement?????????
>There exist PEOPLE who have DIFFERENT OPINIONS THAN ME and that makes me SICK
>How can anyone think differently than I do?
Anyone know the password to the computer in the cultist apartment
>Sup Forumsacks and SJW's are mad over this
Truly this was a bleesing
>The Wizard must be stopped
Because conservatives don't have creative work
I like sublety
>people got paid for this
>Liberal-leaning series continues to lean liberal
>Somehow this is shocking
inb4 some retard argues Deus Ex isn't liberal despite loads of evidence saying otherwise
OP's pic is not in the game. it's a fan-art.
If you have to yell you matter, guess what you don't really matter.
two sides of the same coin
actually, seeing the whole thing, I ain't even mad. That's awesome.
>created by someone whose professional job employment is to professionally create art for the company making the game he is employed as his job to professionally help make
>SJWs are mad at this
are they?
>The Kremlin alongside warped skyscrapers
I'm not certain about this
I absolutely fucking hate when media does this
It goes like this, every decade:
>the public have an attitude/style/focus that is reminiscent of "better times" - i.e. two decades ago
>it runs counter to the culture media presents
>half of the populace is cynical, smart and doesn't believe the bullshit lies of the media
>the other half lap it up like small children and think what the media does is "cool" and they're the first ones to see it
>the media starts using content "relevant to society" (e.g. Anonymous, "memes", """"trolls"""") to try and get the smart side of the populace to like them
>the naive side buy into it and let themselves be convinced they're the ones who invented that culture
>the cynical become even more jaded and recede into an even more distrusting culture
>next decade begins
More like they've been run out of every creative field and constantly belittled and degraded by "learned critics" in vicious leftist purges.
Ironic given the absolute pissfit the leftshits gave over McCarthyism. How tolerant and not hypocritical.
In leftist fiction like X-Men and DeusEx:MD, the "oppressed" minorities have magical abilities and are feared because they are superior.
In reality, people of color have no power except transforming every place they trample upon into a festering barren shitpile of rubble.
why do Americans have so much trouble with this kind of bullshit? it's always one side demanding more "representation", and the other side happy with characters or plot that caters to their political views. Are you guys aware that media doesn't need to express the political views of the creators through the plot or the characters?
I enjoyed the shit out of the original Deus Ex, even though I'm not against capitalism, and probably neither the creators of the game.
That's not the Kremlin.
Nigger, that is the Kremlin.
Thanks for proving my point. First, you recognize the bullshit of asking for representation in art and media, but then you ask for media that caters to your views? You should know that the people who come with those ideas just want to sell their thing and make a shit-ton of money, and you're making their job easier by telling them you want "representation".
This kind of crap (on both sides) is poisoning everything. Real content needs to make room for your political views, what a fucking joke.
Attack the leftists, then. They have the power.
>left gets representation
>right gets told to shut the fuck up and eat leftist representation
You're treating it like an even playing field. It ain't.
Yeah, I'm aware that they get the most "representation".
So you want "representation"? you need "relatable characters" and all that crap, right? Art made this way keeps being a product, and the only way of stopping it is by not buying it. Asking for representation of your views just makes the cluster-fuck bigger.
>luggage lad's cuckold mods delete the image because it triggered them
will they cuckify the whole of Sup Forums like they did with pol when Trump wins? or just commit suicide? not like anyone would miss them lel
go back to your stormfront board you fascist nazi
>So you want "representation"?
No, what I really fucking want is nuance. Art where characters aren't lame political agendas in human guise or easily-led morons that represent the author's enemy.
How would you even make a cyberpunk game without social commentary you delicate little flower? You're the one drawing conclusions that developers are in support of shit like BLM when they're only trying to make the story more relatable to the modern world.
Sounds like you want a safe space, not video games.
what was the image?
Man Sup Forums and tumblr are going to make it impossible to discuss this game's story on here
>games need to have social commentary
I blame you gamer gate faggots for this. this allowed the SJW into the gamer sphere
They'll forget about it in a week after we've all finished the game, once or twice. Come back around then, I'll make some threads.
Not with those atrocious poll numbers.~
Get owned, Nazi nerd. No one wants to work with fags like you.
hmmmm .. . ... .. ...
really made me think ,. . .
leftist games = unplayable garbage with heavy handed "social commentary" stories
really makes you think
It amazes me how stupid people like you are.
Yes, what is posted in the OP is terrible. It has nothing to do with "muh soshul jusstis." The entire game was always about this point in the first place retard. Saying shit like that is ignoring the context of the entire story and what it always was.
Now what is terrible about this is how lazily written it is. It's not written directly to fit the world and be a proper period piece that we can look at as a reflection of our modern society, they literally just took a current event and changed a word to use it to represent their game.
It's terrible writing, but you are a massive faggot.
Yeah Augs are culturally appropriating the BLM movement and shit.
Holy shit they are fucking retarded
I believe it creates a storyline for either side you take right? You want to shit on a bunch of roboshitskin, go ahead. You want to coddle them like children, do as you please.
Hahah right on bro
I said cyberpunk you little bitch.
People don't like Hillary enough to go to her rallies but hate Trump even more. They are voting against him, not for Hillary.
>babby's first cyberpunk
It doesn't it just shows that both sides are pawns of the global elite anyways
Literally in the first 20 minutes jensen says "If you threat people like dogs they're bound to start acting like it".
>That brown guy got called ben laden a few too many times that's why he rented a cube and drove it into a crowd.
The guards keep asking you for your papers because they are distrusting of augmented people. notallmuslims kinda shit.
It's badly written, uninteresting and agenda pushing. It's like watching these leftist shows like john oliver/daily show without drinking the koolaid.
>barely even 500 people
haha wow she got 490 ctr shills to turn up irl
maybe you were among them
>people hate trump
nah, they hate the spics and niggers that murder and rape innocent children even more
2016 year of the shy tory
stay mad libcuck