>single player game with a dedicated defensive class
Shield is either complete garbage or the most in depth, like Royal Guard.
Shield was objectively superior. You can reflect projectiles early with it.
Did this even make any fucking difference?
take shield remove sword
It affected your stats and the order you got your abilities in.
So yeah, it did make a fair amount of difference, at least in the early and mid-game.
Changes the order you learn skills.
Starting with Staff gave 1 MP that you can not get through any other way in the game.
The rest don't get anything like that.
The game is too easy for it to matter
It affected what abilities you unlocked in what order.
Take up the sword, give away the magic.
Take staff, leave sword
Get more MP for more cure spells.
how do i beat this fucker
No idea how your HP is so low, but use Guard and counterattack. When he does that zip around move, just hug the wall and Glide.
shield get rid of sword
then just parry everything and everything gets shrekt
I don't have either of those though
Is this a level 1 run? God damn, I wish you the best.
Stop him from taking Kairi's heart.
Take shield drop sword of course. I can spam invincible cures and never die.
Well then attack when he's about to attack so you parry him, that has a similar effect that Guard does.
You can also shoot Fire at him which causes him to do a special animation and send back a dark fireball, hit that back at him to do some damage.
Don't forget about early Guard. Trying to deflect Yuffie's shurikens with Sora's clunky-ass swing is a nightmare.
Take Sword, Leave Staff.
Take Sword, Leave shield. Take the road at night.
Glass cannon all the way.
Game's still pretty easy.
Turn on EXP Zero.
Take staff, leave shield
Enjoy Dante Must Die mode.
Touch his peen and tell him you missed him.
>no enemy health bar
>low health
Level 1 runs are the best. I don't remember exactly how I beat him, but I think I did a shit ton of air combos as it stops him from attacking after the 3rd or 4th hit. He isn't even that bad compared to the last room before ansem sod or the phantom fight, in which you need to set up very carefully before the battle to even have a chance
Please hit me with your dream rod
Take the sword and leave the shield.
shield is da best
I'm a bit of an expert on on this subject, and Shield and staff are both viable
Shield will give you extra item slots for mega elixers, which gives you a shitload more staying power in tough fights.
Staff will give you 2 extra MP. Most people don't appreciate it, but it's honestly superior to the shield. Your MP bar will go much further, and the bonus MP bars increase your gravity damage enough to one shot dark balls when you get to hollow bastion.
Sword is useless in the long run. You get some great abilities early on, but by the time you get to max level, the only difference is +1 STR which can be easily obtained with a power up.
So the only real choice is Rod or Shield, for either additional MP or additional 2 item slots?
I go with Shield since I don't usually rely on Magic except for Aero and Cure outside of certain cases (like that fucking Ursula cauldron). With extra items I can at least pack an Ether extra if I need to burn some magic.
have you tried hitting him
like a whole lot
Shield gets you second chance and leaf bracer way earlier
For endgame that's the only difference really, aside from a few stat points. Rod arguably gives the worst abilities while leveling which kind of matters on proud though, shield is easiest overall
Does it matter which weapon you discard? does it really do anything?
I dropped this game a while ago at the hercules level because I couldn't get a grasp of the combat system and got fucked in the first round.
>Kingdom Hearts
>I couldn't get a grasp of the combat system
You can come back later, the game gets substantially easier once you get cure from the tarzan level
>I couldn't get a grasp of the combat system and got fucked in the first round.
>because I couldn't get a grasp of the combat system and got fucked in the first round
I could understand if you were play Re:Com but combat in the first game is simple. There's nothing to grasp really
I doubt that he is, but if you play on proud the beginning of the game is actually really hard and it gets easier as it goes on. Trying kill cerberus asap on proud is tough
>i couldn't figure out how to jump and hit x
Rod is far superior on proud mode once you beat Tarzan's world. The combo moves like Ars Arcanum and Sonic Blade scale with your MP, so having tons of MP means you can chew through boss health while also benefiting from the invincibility frames. Then there's the fact that Gravity annihilates most late game enemies, Aero makes boss battles far easier, and Cure is downright essential. Focusing magic in the original KH is the only way to go.
I've always been a meleefag so having slapshot+slide dash+leaf bracer+second chance as early as possible seemed like the best way to play to me. I'll have to give a more magic oriented playthough a try sometime, it sounds fun
Different user here to confirm that a magic-oriented Sora is really fun to play. It helps if you get yourself into the habit of using magic early on so that when you do have those powerful attacks, you're not afraid to use them.
It also becomes very easy to sustain once Goofy gets MP Gift.
It allows you to obtain better abilities earlier in the game, that's about it.