Character designs you like
Character designs you like
no one remembers timesplitters besides you, OP
I do.
Fuck off
IQ? More like I-Cutie
>what did he mean by this
>posting a timespliters character
>anything timespilters
I love you
>tac vest and helmet
>jeans and sneakers
fucking women i swear
We had a TS thread last night, faggot. You're not invited to the next one.
I think all the krauts in siege wear skinny jeans and sneakers
JSRF, anyone?
The best.
Fucking krauts I swear.
schafer you greedy fuck don't let this game be bad
one of my all time favorite videogame characters
At least he remembers it.
the industry sure as fuck dont, someone has to
I think the Arkham games are the only thing that nailed the design of the scarecrow
Fit the setting without being radical-hip explorer type
for the comic design, sure
its a little farfetched to be a realistic design, seeing as how that burlap literally is his face now
Asylum it's a mask
Knight it's.. Burned into his face I think?
Said to be a millionaire dicking around in Africa, according to the in-game notes when he's a buddy
t. civi
>it will never be time to split again
Fantastic taste user
i want to fuck those thighs
i always thought he looked like george clooney, maybe its just me
His face is literally stitched together after having it ripped off by Killer Croc and thus, most of his face in the knight is his literal face moving via stitched up dead flesh or regrowing flesh
Its kinda creepy if you think about it
Best character
Good. He needs to be scary not this bullshit.
Looks comfy.
girls with masks nom
are you fucking kidding me kidding me? are YOU kidding me, Y O U KIDDING ME, YOU (YOU) -YOU _YOU = YOU @YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME
What are you those mickey mouse headsets germans wear?
posting the best girl
Good taste OP. Jester's are cool as fuck.
whats she look like with the hood pulled down?
the most solid answer we ever got is this art. it's a shadow created by the hood. but if you want to just imagine she has a chain chomp for a head i'm not stopping you either.
Hmm, he sure is big,
Give me a sec, I have concept art somewhere.
Found it on the wiki!
For you.
Dammit! And some asshole cropped mine, too.
Holy shit,I think I'm in love with Tao.
fucking disgusting
Can you love a retarded animal?
if the answer is yes i'm proud of you, i'm happy you've seen the light
Pretty much everything in CotM
I like her sister. Maybe we could double date?
The fuck else you going to wear asides jeans?
i just always really liked the waysider outfits in lost planet 2. as well as wayne's outfit in 1. there's something neet about the tacticool thermal outfits/jackets
I rather like Zarya's outfit, I just wish she had shoulder pads or something. Seems counterintuitive to walk around with sleeveless armor.
Shovel Knight had some nice designs.
In my opinion they should go ether extreme depending on the batman series
If its goofy and wacky and light hearted then make him dress up in a silly scarecrow costume and act all silly and spooky
If your going for a grim and serious setting then make the scarecrow someone you dont wanna walk with in a alley, make him look diseased or broken or fractured and make his actions and motions horrible for he is the fear wizard
Going both just makes him feel off and lame and unfitting and almost never works
I dont think theres a single design in this game i dislike, some are forgettable at most.
Bought the game because of the cover art and the main character looked awesome stopped playing because the gameplay put me to sleep (played dmc before this so don't get mad at me)
>I'm happy you've seen the light
Bruh,I can't see shit now.
I'm blinded by love.
you can argue about the flat but Etna really embodies the bitchy demon girl design for me
I used to really like the TF2 aesthetic and its player base, then..
Hyped for the new album.
"no" what, you fucking faggot?