Post those million dollar game ideas, anons judge from shit to bretty good/10.
Post those million dollar game ideas, anons judge from shit to bretty good/10
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Hey i know that pedo. I forgot his name
Dan "They'll never find her" Schneider
Make your own game, Dan "if her age is on the clock it's time for cock" Schneider
Aspiring game dev here. I've been learning how to program for about two months now. Realistically, when will I be able to start making some gaems? keep in mind I have 7 friends who would be willing to help me in a game project.
I alredy have about 17 pages of conceptual stuff, not posting here for obvious reasons but I can give you some vague notions of what my game would be
Dan "Slob My Knob To Keep Your Job" Schneider
a MMO, except not bad
The big dick@Nick
Has mr Schneider ever fiddled? Or is it merely a funny meme?
Another Pokemon
I unironically enjoy this meme.
Post the foot fetish bait he pulled on Twitter
Dan "wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am" Schneider
Take a stealth game and add zombie-survival elements
He's definitely a footfag
Why hasn't anybody made a game where you play as Dan Schneider raping little Nick girls?
Hey, its Dan "Get in the van, this one's a biter, frankly I've had tighter" Schneider.
loli simulator, where you can recruit girls for tv shows, profit, advertise and manage the resources and money.
you can also take photos invite them for dinners to convince them to star in your show or do dificulty roles.
you could write the script of the shows and make the girls say things they aren't confortable with
the final goals for every season of the game would be winning nick choice awards
Does this look like an innocent man?
A game where you play as a police officer, this will be a horror game.
Something like Dean and Sam from supernatural but only 1 character. You go around town looking for clues going through houses (this town is mostly abandoned with some people who stayed because they figured they can take matters into their own hands and they are a threat to you.) The game is at night of course and it's extremely dark. You have your flashlight but it does need batteries. Batteries can be found in the houses but sometimes some houses will have supernatural things and you need to fight it off/run away or hide. You have your pistol with 12 bullets, however bullets are extremely difficult to find so you need to ration them. It will be first person. The reason the cop is going in is because hes looking for his wife and kid. There are missing cops who are scattered around who you can help out
Throughout the game you find out what's been going on in the town and stuff is more sinister than it seems.
Idk I like the idea of a horror type game feauting a cop. I don't want him going into an asylum cause then that's outlast or deep underground which seems unrealistic for a cop
why does he have such a stupid haircut
>top left
>"The weak should fear the strong"
Give Naughty Dog back crash bandicoot but seeing as they want only to tell mature stories change everything into a more realistic style
You play an oil soaked bandicoot wondering around the destoryed remains of your once beautiful home. Platform about looking for the environmental disaster clean up crew before you succumb to your wounds.
Dr Neo Cortex is now the CEO of Uka2 enterprises or something.
Just start with simple games and progress to harder.
Don't start with ambitious games, you will fail.
But Technically Crash Bandicoot 1 was already liked that.
instead of being oil soaked, Crashed was mutated. Half of the characters are mutated. The third island is polluted with toxic waste and around the ocean and you go inside factories too.
Would a stylish action game with some metroidvania elements be too ambitious for that? Or would it be better to start with a simple shooter that's something like Doom? Writing this shit down btw
Freemium DLC.
How is this man not in jail?
your first game should be about as complex as pong (so literally just make pong)
The Chosen don't go to jail, user.
Money and no actual proof he's a pedophile.
Even simpler dude. Get the fundamentals of something down. Get an alpha basic playable stage of your Metroidvania.
Believe me, metroidvania is too ambitious for start.
friendly reminder that he impregnated Britney Spears' sister
Obviously this is something to be done 2 or 3 years for now. Also, would Unreal Engine 4 be a good pick?
Space Mount & Blade + a few things
You can be from a low ranking wandering mercenary to a leader of a galatic empire
Actual Solo Missions, like infiltration and such
>Two months
Much longer than that. Don't expect to be making anything worth its salt for ages. Everything you do for the first couple years is going to be shit, just gradually less shit as time goes on.
You need to move past the desire to spend hours on conceptual stuff. No one cares about that, and it is not game. Yes, it makes you feel good for doing it and it's good to have a plan, but time spent on that stuff is time not spent actually making game. If you've got 17 pages of concept, that should absolutely not be your first game. Put it in a locked drawer and don't touch it. Then design something smaller, and lock that away too. Rinse and repeat until you're down to small, basic ideas and make those. Once you've made say, ten small games, you can start thinking about your big grand world-changing ideas.
Enough of the "lol I have a great game but I can't tell you guys because it's super secret, do not steal" attitude. That will get you no where. Ideas are a diamond dozen and no one is ever going to be interested if all you're giving us "vague ideas". It reeks of "I'm fifteen and when I grow up I want to be an ideas guy". If you're concerned about people stealing your ideas you aren't doing it right.
And finally, forget about your seven friends and their claims that they will help you on a project. Work on those small ideas by yourself. You shouldn't think about working with more than one or two people until your skills are much more developed. Your friends will be flaky and unreliable and so will you, as with any unpaid work with which you have no experience. Once you've got your shit together you can start thinking about working with people, but pick who you work with wisely. You don't want to end up with five ideas guys and you don't want to end up with people only interested in the pipe-dream glory of making the next million dollar game, and zero interest in working towards it.
It's good in a long run (just not as good for small games)
There's enough of a "Listen and Believe" culture that these girls could just testify against him with word, but Dan the Man's got them on total LOCKDOWN.
What a beast
He's jewish, so they can't do shit to him.
Alan Wake/10 I'm guessing it's a cinematic experience as well?
It's a "souls like" game. Edwardian era, you are a psychiatrist sent to a internment camps in close to South Africa where victims of the second Boer War are bring treated. Contagious diseases such as measles, typhoid and dysentery are endemic.When you get there most of the patients and doctors have gone crazy. The game addresses concepts like ego, super ego and id. The longer you stay in the island the crazier you get, enemies vanish when you attack them, scenarios loop or outright dont make sense, npcs that are there sometimes, sometimes are not, voices in your head and such. You must discover why the people have gone crazy and escape the island.
That actually sounds very good, it would make for a very interesting storyline if done correctly. And I've never played Alan Wake, is it any good?
>million dollar
that's a pretty low bar, my game idea might fit there
>stealth game
>your only movement speed is maximum
>all your weapons are loud explosives
>your objective is theft/infiltration, not destruction/killing
>instead of sneaky creepy stealth, it's distraction stealth
It's exactly like your game, except it's third person.
A fun game with GUNS
Air Warrior III
Condemned III
Chthulhu ARPG with Blizzard doing the combat and ONLY the combat.
Gameplay of MGSV in a cyberpunk setting.
Game would focus on infiltration and assassination using future tech like active camouflage and hacking into terminals.
>with Blizzard doing the combat and ONLY the combat.
and then nothing gets done because you don't have anyone doing anything else you stupid fucking dipshit fucking faggot
Decent + Transformers
What about a gsme about a guy that does things?
A classic beat'em'up.
Characters have powers based on animals.
Simple 3d graphics.
Pic courtesy of Sup Forums's /ctg/
Here's the idea, presented without the pizzazz it could have:
You are a dad, with a four-year-old son and a wife, who just moved into a small neighborhood of maybe twenty houses, with a cast of forty people.
This neighborhood is the only environment you explore in the game.
An invisible dome drops around the neighborhood.
Material things can come into the dome, but cannot leave.
The characters have to figure out the rules of the dome and determine why running water and electricity are still to be had, if the utility lines are visibly severed, and supposedly the sewer lines are too.
Give the player complete sociopathic control of his destiny.
Want to impale each resident with hedge cutters? Go fucking ape, as long as nobody sees you and calls the cops. Or, let them see you, let the cops come, plan out where they'll pull up to each time they are called to the crime scene, and steal their firearms through calculated murders.
But when the bullets run out, all of the baseball bats break, and the player finally dies?
He wakes up at the start of the original day, slate wiped clean.
The fun of the game comes from the extremely interpersonal dialogue and interaction choices you can have by NOT FUCKING PUTTING AN EMPHASIS ON PRETTY LANDSCAPES AND RANDOM AI, and the discovering of the government sci-fi plot involving you and the rest of the neighborhood.
Fight against your sadistic captors and discover the secret of your town.
Call it "Welcome to Primpton", or some weird name they'll eat up.
Tagline? "there goes the neighborhood."
Are you some kind of moron?
I post this in every game idea bread i saw.
>You're a loli
>You seduce men back to your house and imprison them
>You make money by selling their organs off to the black market
>Time to time, polices will come over to your house and look for missing men
>To end the game
>Either "Loli done paying the debt"
>or "End of a beautiful story"
Very interesting concept. But I feel it would be over fairly quickly like max 3-4 hours of gameplay unless the player is literally retarted and constantly dies
A game where you can do ANYTHING!
A western themed fantasy 3D fighting game. You're a boxer of half giant descent and aspire to win the World Title, and must train before going to qualifying meets in different towns. You get different skills depending on your training, so fighting monsters makes your critical hits better and doing bar fights raises your endurance. While competing for the world title, you get minor su quests including finding your father and stopping outlaws. The gameplay is non intrusive and battles are seamlessly entered from normal exploratory gameplay. The combat is a central component so I would like to optimize the controls so it feels like a mix of a standard fighting game but with more emphasis on evading hits, so maybe Monster Hunter meets Dragonball Tenkaichi.
>Condemned 3
Fuck, Condemned was a good game. 2 was good until the halfway point where they stopped caring and made it go as far off the rails as possible
who the fuck are you kid
A city builder on the back of a boat.
You drive your boat around water world salvaging ancient civilization from the sea floor for resources.
When you run out of space to build you build smaller ships that you tether to your mothership and then you build on those.
Everything you store/salvage/build has weight. If your shit gets too heavy you can sink.
Some buildings are very heavy and require extra ships just to act as floats for the ship the building is on.
Pirates can come and fuck your shit up, causing ships to take on water. Ships that take on water can sink or destabilize your tethered ship city and must be bilged or ejected from the tethered fleet.
not a million dollar game ideas.
But i would be lying if i say it's not unique and interesting.
10/10 would pirate and play.
Also, i will copy down your idea, will develop on it when i have the ability to.
A star wars rpg set way after the movies.
You play as a nobody who wakes up on a space station and from there, join the alliance (including the jedi), sith order, or empire which has their own force-users. Then you rape either one or both of the other factions.
A 3rd person game where you're a mover, but you die, and now you're a mover... IN HELL! Instead of being boiled in hot oil for all eternity, you're allowed to continue working as a mover for a demonic furniture & appliance superstore, and as demonic royalty buys new stuff, you're driven to their house and have to move large items like couches and dishwashers which are unwieldy and hard to maneuver, through the hellscape of their front or back yards filled with obstacles like demon dogs, lava moats, land mines, brimstone walkways, etc. Then you struggle with getting things to fit through too-small doors and move them where they're wanted inside without breaking anything. Do well, and you earn money for upgrades like boots that don't melt in lava, gloves, etc. so the jobs are more doable in certain areas, and you try to build up your savings so you can buy your way up to reincarnation or heaven. Probably use dual-stick controllers in a way like katamari damacy to make moving deliberately intuitive, but sloppy.
Why not make it you're pay-by-the-hour helper to qt3.14 demonesses doing odd jobs where you save money to go up the hell rings where the jobs are even odder and the demonesses ven cuter?
What's his name again?
I really want something in the spirit of Prototype or inFamous where you have super powers in a large city, but then I want the city to feel a bit more dynamic like GTA5 but with even more options for interaction and building interiors.
Most importantly I want maybe half a dozen different powers to choose from at the beginning (walking through walls/ super strength / flame manipulation etc etc) you only get to pick one, but you can modify the power via skill tree as you progress. I want the power choice to completely change how you play the story and navigate the world, whether you need weapons/vehicles, what routes you can take on a mission (eg can you fly in? Can you pass through a wall? Will you have to go in directly but use your powers to fight?) that kind of thing.
A lot of emphasis on player choice, none of that bullshit where it's essentially the same result either way, Im not asking for some wild story where anything can happen, but have key moments have at least 4 outcomes per moment with none of them being the clear "right thing", no real ending but I suppose maybe a dozen different ending based on your choices to wrap up the main story. I want players to be able to do what they want to do without having to think too much about playing the story for the best outcome.
Basically I want a game that embodies having super abilities in a real world setting. Haven't really given too much thought to objectives or enemies.
Sucker Punch (inFamous series) makes an open world game set in the avatar universe along with another dev to maybe help them design the setting.
A game that is so hard, you have to spent YEARS of training in order to beat it. Autists from all over the world will compete each other to see who can beat it first, the game is unhackeable and each image/function is protected or encrypted.
Gonna repost this from the horror thread with a few tweaks.
A horror where you're trapped in a tear in the fabric of reality. The map is a system of seperate areas, some contain puzzles so you can get items, others are traps or aren't even a part of reality, the door just leads into nothingness, and the rest of the areas are mainly inbetweens. The map constantly shifts around, each area is different from the last and if you go back through the door you came you may find that it's an entirely different place from before. The only constants are you and the monsters, which are either the wardens of the beyond trying to keep you out, or creatures trapped there as well, the time they've spent there warping them into twisted shapes and forms beyond comprehension. Each type acts differently, with the wardens being able to follow you between rooms, but as a result being far slower and less dangerous than the warped. The warped are faster and can kill more quickly but also can't follow you between rooms. Each type also has different ways of avoiding them, so you have to constantly adapt throughout the game to deal with both the enemies and the rooms themselves.
Sounds like a really shitty procedurally generated world with jump scares.
Each area itself wouldn't be procedurally generated, but the map would be entirely random. So sometimes upon starting you could walk into a massive salt flat, only to then appear in a theatre, and subsequently end up at Yellowstone. It would draw upon a large amount of different areas so that the chance of you walking into the same place over and over again would be really low.
Twin stick shooter action RPG
don't say RotMG
>ITT people write scripts and storylines for a game and skim over actual mechanics
Anyways, projectile based arena shooter with "time manipulation". Not really time control, just controlling the speed that objects move at within a radius of yourself.
You have four abilities: shoot rocket, deflect rocket (with sword), slow down time, and speed up time.
The rockets work just like they do in Quake or Tf2. They move in a straight line until they hit a solid object. They make an explosion on impact that does splash damage and moves objects away. Allows for Rocket Jumping.
The sword works kind of like MGR? I guess in the sense that you can swing in almost any direction. Im not sure if I can explain this shit with just words so I made a shitty mockup. Your cursor is locked onto the middle line when you use it. The projected swing of the sword is just a line of damage, pivoting around the center of the line with the one end staying at a 90 degree angle to the cursor. You can reflect missiles with this, as long as the missile hits any point of the damage line it redirects to the direction youre facing. You can see the direction that another player is going to swing based on where they are holding their sword, so If they are holding it above their head you know they will swing down, if they have it over their shoulder or so it will be going diagonal. If you swing after someone else and make something close to a right angle, not too exact but not forgiving either, you can parry their swing.
Slowing down time just slows down the speed that objects and players can move, within a radius around the player. You start out with a fairly large radius but it shrinks as time goes on.
Speeding up time does the exact opposite. You start out with it only speeding up yourself but the bubble grows over time until it reaches the size that the Slowdown bubbles starts out at.
When you slow down time, it will be easier to deflect missiles because they slow down once they enter your radius. However, it makes you move much slower. As your bubble shrinks the amount of time you have to reflect missiles gets shorter until the bubbles is gone. Speeding time up will make you move and attack faster. But as time goes on it will become harder to block missiles because they speed up far before they reach you. If missiles pass through a bubble and then leave, they will retain the speed they gained in the bubble. So shooting it thorugh a speed bubble will make it stay fast when it comes out. Time Bubbles can overlap too, so two people in fast bubbles can work together to go extra fast. Or maybe you could have on person shoot out a bunch of missiles in slow time, and then have a few teammates put their speed bubbles over it and make them all shoot out at once. Im a bit autistic over this considering I will probably never learn to program.
Thank god I'm not the only one who loves supernatural and think there should be a videogame like it.
>mfw friends call me a faggot for liking it
I have a similar idea, but it would be a game solely focused on fighting ghosts you would use an Iron Crowbar and a Salt Shotgun as your main weapons and it would play similarly to The Evil Within. You can't kill the ghosts but can only temporarily phase them. They respawn after a certain amount of time and you have to find their bones and burn them. As the game progresses more malevolent/intelligent ghosts appear and are harder to defeat. How I would approach it is you're a visitor/new immigrant from the United states in 1800's Britain and are coming to visit your dying uncle who has left behind a small fortune. However on the way to his estate you are interupted by a completely blocked off tunnel, save for one small slit, that you have to approach on foot. In the tunnel you begin to hear whispers and start imagining blood dripping from the top of the long corridor theres a few ghosts here that will ultimately chase you out of the cave. On the other side of that tunnel there's a medium sized ghost town/village thats completely abandoned/cut off from the rest of the world on the rest of the way to you uncle's estate. Its getting late and since you're on foot you decide you have to find an inn. Boy was that a mistake...
Tell me more about the isolation, it's provocative.
1)Romance of the Three kingdoms TBS with Mount and Blade battles, coop and multiplayer included.
2)Pokemon Go with actual battles.
3)A new heroes mmo like DCUO or CoH with ''next gen'' mechanics/graphics.
This seems really really cool
This is exactly what I would say if I wanted to steal his ideas.
An Isometric RPG similar to Fallout or Diablo where you play as a necromancer looking to do some diabolical shit.
>mana works like a limit system/support, determines how many skellies you can summon at any given time
>stronger skellies require more mana, can have a massive army of basic skellies or can revive even bosses for you to use
>each time one dies it can be revived after a cooldown, but it exponentially increases the mana cost to be revived
>anything, and I mean anything, you can kill can be necro'd
>main goal of the game is to find and revive some ambiguously ancient magical spires located throughout the world
>pallies obviously aren't keen on this and you can have random encounters with them, even necro them for extreme amounts of mana
>have to travel to towns and try and convince skeptical townsfolk to help you either by using your necromancy for good (reviving dead family members, giving away some of your skellies for hard labor, teaching others about the powers of magic) etc.
>or just putting the fear of god into them
>rpg stats, apart from the usual charisma, endurance, intelligence stats, give benefits for certain necro builds, like big armies or one man armies
>final boss is a massive paladin army coming to fuck your shit in, the spires you found push your mana to the millions and the finale turns to the game into a full-blown macro RTS as you get to view the whole map at once and summon nearly every skeleton on the map at once, and must defend all your spires from the army
Dan get in the party van and suck my little man the Schneider
Reminds me of that scene in No Country For Old Men when the villain robs a pharmacy by blowing up a car outside to make a distraction.
Witcher-style WRPG taking place in pre-Islamic Persia
>1)Romance of the Three kingdoms TBS with Mount and Blade battles, coop and multiplayer included.
As you exit the tunnel you are on top of a valley that stares down into notice a small gothic city overgrown with grass and vines. Not even a soul is stirring (as far as you can tell at first).
The unsettling thing about this game is it becomes progressivly more haunting and the town becomes more active as you progress. Before you realize it you'll see not just one sputtering poltergeist but a whole family reinacting a grisly death one by one. The entire town killed itself basically and you have to unravel the mystery of who or what spurred this on. Its as though this town was completely forgotten in time and you are the only one that knows. Your only hints are through visions and journal pages. If you get too close the ghosts stop the cycle look at you all at one time and their eyes begin to melt and they attack you. It's mostly a stealth game where you have to uncover all of the murders of the town and find every last remnant and burn them. But if you're in a pinch a salt shotgun and iron crowbar will help you flee the situation.
I like this a lot. By "limiting the palette" of the world you allow the devs to focus on the branching plot points you can create or ignore.
I like to imagine you can devolve the situation to a point where you're a dystopian suburban warlord on a throne of sculls and stolen bikes. That is, if you choose to ignore the mystery and just become the alpha survivor.
The Roswell Incident. The game takes place a few years after the ufo crash. Some aliens escaped and developed a bio weapon that changes people into hideous creatures. The army steps in and closes off the entire city. You play as different characters with different routs and endings. I want the game to be like old resident evil with puzzles + survival horror.
Game where you are stranded on an Alien planet. It's up to you to gather the resources to survive. At first it will seem to be completely devoid of life, but explore enough and you will discover the advanced, underground civilization of the planet. The main setting of the game would be a bustling but crowded and crime ridden city, underground.
From there you will have a number of options of jobs to take or gangs to join. Deliver packages around the city, or become a hitman, the ultimate goal is to make enough money to buy parts for a ship.
Star Wars souls game.
It's not bad.
I'll hear more of it.
This is my video game idea so far:
You shoot robots in a post apocalyptic future where mankind has overpopulated the planet and is forced to live on the moon.
Why does it sound familiar?
even the horse is fucking that dragon up
>ITT Fuckheads talk about atmosphere and story while putting actual gameplay mechanics to the side
>"Oh yeah itd be super cool theres aliens and a secret conspiracy and shit and you are a cop dad"
>"btw it would play kinda like resident evil idk"
Cybernetic souls game.
I read that as pre-Islamic Paris.
Would play this
I wanted to make a Punch Out!! style game that has a world map and to progress and move on through the world you have to face your opponents in a one on one fight. The background visuals of the battles and the enemies are contextual to where you are in the games world.
The final boss is the world map. You can't see that the whole world map is actually a huge giant lying on its back and the world has grown over it while it sleeps. In this final battle, you are shown the world map which pans out revealing the beast. Something must be in place at the end that makes you huge. The end screen says "Congratulations! You destroyed the world." You then lie down to take a well deserved break, in a similar position as the giant you just fought. The world is reborn as you have become the world map giant and the cycle continues. If you replay the game, the giant at the end has your name.
I have a massive list of ideas for the different opponents, like for example
>Orchestra conductor. He attacks with the baton conductors use to keep everyone in time in an orchestra. Every attack makes an orchestra which is playing behind the battle behind him react musically.
Your idea is weird, but it's greatly needed in an industry that only uses tried and true tropes and ideas.