Sonic Mania Hype thread

Sonic Mania Hype thread.

When do you guys think we'll get more info? I'm dying for more footage

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I literally can't believe I'm excited for a Sonic game again. Like, what the fuck.

There's supposed to be Sonic announcements at PAX West next week

Whitehead knows exactly what he's doing, that's why.

I know what you mean OP, I'm thirsty for info.

What returning zones do you want to see?

if they release a 2D sonic game made by Taxman, Stealth and cia every 2 years I'll be supporting Sega again

Mystic Cave Act 2 has Hidden Palace elements
Flying Battery
Stardust Speedway

Literally this. Mania and Shenmue 3 is all I need.

holy shit this, Chemical Plant Zone was my jam

I want to believe you but I haven't heard of this. Do you have a source?

Outrun 2 HD and Panzer Dragoon Orta HD

Sega's apparently going to both PAX and NYCC.

Ice cap, lava reef, star light, casino night.

I will run to PAX if Mania is playable

If the new 3D Sonic is good, I'll add to this.

2017 it's finally the year to bankrupt nintendo
release 2 good sonic games and Sonic And Sega All Star Racing 3 and that's it

Here's hoping he makes the CD levels good. They all suck.

How many zones will there be?

Current theory is 10, with a 50/50 split between remixed and new.

Daily reminder that the game is going to have the best soundtrack of 2017.

to me it's pure noise I hope they release proper melodies

It looks worse than the 20 years old original games.

It's been rumored by people in the know on Stadium And Retro that it could be reaching close to 20, and it'll go half and half on old and new. It's already been confirmed to be longer than Generations.

sonic romhacks are a dime a dozen. only this time it isn't free.





I hope it has No Blood for Oil Zone.

It's been in development since 2014, I don't think it's that insane a rumor. I think closer to 3&K is likely.

I really hope all of the other songs are at the same level as Studiopolis
However, I checked out the guy who's making the music, and all of his stuff is pretty jamming, so I'm optimistic

hey guys let's email sega to port Sonic 1 and 2 remake to steam/pc?

what the fuck? android ios only?


that track is pretty good

Thst seems way too small I would say more than 10 is gonna happen.

They do have a small reference to Chemical plant, but I'm doubtful that they'd bring it back again since they already had it in Generations

Green hill doesn't count because it's pretty much required to be part of any throwback

>It's been in development since 2014
Source for this?

Thing is, we don't know how many zones each game will get for representation. It could easily be 2 or 3 for each.

I'm hoping we get a lot more original stages like studiopolis, especially considering we already had generations. I want a real NEW sonic game

In fairness, 20 sounds like a stretch compared to other games but you have to take some things into account
>It's been in development for a while
>But still isn't out until next year
>The engine itself has been complete for years
>Taxman and friends have scores of unused content they can throw into the game (Desert Dazzle, Blue Sphere 2, etc.) that were already complete a while ago
>It literally would take Tax and Stealth a day to port a stage from the classics to the Taxman engine, so the only development time spent on the throwback stages would be focused on the actual new content - everything lifted from the old games is easy as shit
>Already confirmed to be longer than Generations
>The Sonic fanbase as a whole has a serious complex about wanting to one-up S3K, so I couldn't see the game having less than 12-14 levels
20 is unlikely, but people have been throwing some seriously pessimistic estimates out there (stuff like 5 old levels and 3 new ones). I could easily see them doing at least 7 new stages and 7 old ones, anything else is a bonus but it's not out of the realm of possibility by any means.

Nothing from Generations please. People are already a bit pissed that Green Hill is back again.


PAX West, they're already confirmed to be going, Aaron will be making announcements before the week is over probably. I would guess a new Mania demo/trailer.

>le romhack meme
aren't you bored of that yet

This. The game could still be a good 8 or 9 months away. They have plenty of time.

Amy will be in the game.

Her ability will be to swing her hammer in a way that replicates the insta-shield from Sonic 3&K since Sonic now has the Drop Dash.

But that's just a theory.

>A ROM hack
Except it's a ROM hack with wide-screen, 60 fps, smooth animations, HD music and professional devs behind it so I'd say it's worth it.

Tails and Knuckles footage when?

>mfw Sonic Mania ends up being highly successful and we get a new trilogy of Taxman/Stealth-produced classic Sonic games

At this point Sonic Team can continue to shit out mediocre blunders for all I care. As long as I have Mania-esque games to look forward to, all is good.

I really want to like sonic CD, but the level design is such a jumbled mess, I don't get how so many people regard it as the best 2d sonic game.

The only thing that can mess this shit up is any input from sonic team or sega, Taxman & co have proven themself to know exactly what they're doing, so as long as they get to do what they want I'm not worried.

more info when?


>mfw Sonic Mania ends up being highly successful so SEGA management hires Taxman and Stealth, who end up getting absorbed into the SonicTeam/SEGA/DIMPS clusterfuck, thus nullifying what made Sonic Mania so good in the first place
>or Mania gets panned by critics because SEGA didn't pay IGN and buddies enough hush money: "6/10, too derivative of the classics, conclusive proof Sonic was always shit", Taxman and Stealth never get hired for another Sonic project
>Insert third awful scenario here
I'm frightened lads, even though it's been over a month it still seems too good to be true, something has to go drastically wrong eventually.

>I don't get how so many people regard it as the best 2d sonic game.
Because those people most likely enjoy the platforming/exploration aspects of the original games (something CD put more focus on) more than the general sense of speed and fluidity the classic trilogy is known for.

Sonic CD is probably my least favorite out of the original games, but I can understand why some people enjoy it.

I want new zones. I can play the old games if I want to play the old zones.

The fact that they got taxman to do it and not dimps or something basically proves that Sega just want to give the game to someone who'll make it good. I doubt they'd dare give any input.

meant for

>The only thing that can mess this shit up is any input from sonic team or sega
I'm pretty sure Sonic Team still has some influence on the game's development. I'd bet money on the theory that that the inclusion of "re imagined" stages were Sonic Team's idea.

Don't you dare say shit like this user. Those Sonic 1&2 remakes were masterful. Sega would be absolutely foolish to get in Taxman's way when they haven't before.

>Sega would be absolutely foolish to get in Taxman's way when they haven't before.
Sega is the reason Taxman's Sonic CD remake didn't feature Desert Dazzle or a new final boss like he was originally planning to include. He also had plans for a boss gauntlet-like stage in his Sonic 2 remake, before Sega nixed the idea.

We should consider ourselves lucky they let him re-implement Hidden Palace zone.

There's a lot of speculation going around that Vector is going to be playable due to the colors each representing a character.

implying that noise isn`t music. what a pleb.

I'm trying my best to stay optimistic but it's difficult when SEGA's upper-management, infighting and corporate retardation have fucked up everything I ever loved about video games.

Makes sense, Vector is technically one of the oldest Sonic characters.

I like Vector but that seems like a really random choice.

Sonic Tails Knuckles and Amy are a pretty known group of four by now. Plus Amy has been all over Classic Sonic media in the past year, which could be hinting at her presence.

>The colors each representing a character
Please can somebody explain this to me. The colors on the title card are blue, yellow/orange, red, and a greeny-turquoise color that is somewhere inbetween green and blue. It is miles away from the deep green of Vector. It also doesn't resemble the green of classic Amy's shirt either, it's a color that's not really presently associated with any existing character in the Sonic canon.

I very much doubt we're getting a fourth character, but if we do then I'm willing to bet some serious pesos that the "fourth color" has jack shit to do with it. I don't know why people keep bringing it up.

>There's a lot of speculation going around that Vector is going to be playable due to the colors each representing a character.
People actually think Sega would want Vector of all characters to be playable in a classic throwback game?

I guess so. He was one of the first Sonic Characters and everyone forgets Knuckles Chaotix. There's already throwbacks to it in Mania.

Anything but fucking Sky Sanctuary

He's as classic as they come

The reasoning behind it is bullshit though. I do not see how a bit of greenish turquoise on the title cards means anything close to Vector's inclusion. Textbook grasping of straws

They should have gone for Emerald Hill instead. Much better level in every way. And that music. Yes.

>crocodile turned into Vector
>chicken turned into a badnik
>monkey maybe turned into Coconuts
What happened to the rabbit?


Oil Ocean
Lava Reef
Diamond Dust
The Machine

>He's as classic as they come
It's still a bit silly to think about. Shadow honestly has a better chance to show up in Mania, and the chances of him being in the game are close to 0%. Hopefully.

Because they know how to play it.

Anything but the same old bullshit. Give us Game Gear stages, give us Dust Hill Zone or Wood Zone, give us the 2P stages from Sonic 3 in full 2-act form. Or better, show us genuine new forms of old stages, like the Death Egg as a water zone after it's been sunken and abandoned post-S3K. I've accepted the fact that SEGA has probably pushed the nostalgia pandering bullshit onto Taxman and friends for marketability reasons, but I'd still like something that's not so rehashed. Any real Sonic fan has played through most of the potential returning zones dozens upon dozens of times by now.


>dozens upon dozens of times by now
That's a bit of an embellishment, isn't it? The only one that's shown up almost a dozen times is Green Hill. Everything else has only shown up once in either Generations or Sonic 4.

>That's a bit of an embellishment, isn't it?
No, because Sonic is a game that is based around replayability. I'm not saying Chemical Plant Zone (just as an example) has shown up dozens of times, I'm saying that anybody who is a fan of Sonic will have played it dozens of times. We don't need to play it a dozen more in a new game.

What really sucks is that Mania has every right to be called Sonic 4, but it was stolen by this piece of shit.

Is there a story to this game?

All I want is Hydrocity. it's by far my favorite Zone in a Sonic game right beside Night Palace, and Generations totally missed it

Taxman has confirmed that there IS a story of sorts, and an in-story reason for revisiting old locations (hopefully they mean a better explanation than what Generations gave), we just don't know what it is yet and Taxman isn't at liberty to say. We'll probably get some info about it from SEGA's marketing goons at the next big games convention.

Why did you remind me this exists

I want to play Sonic Mania.

>intro sounds gay as fuck
>music kicks in

Oh yes.

So next Friday then.

People still play sonic? Uh yeah, okay, haha gotta go fast, wow.

Cool meme.

We can only hope so, yes. A new level reveal and/or some Tails & Knuckles gameplay would be the shit too, but realistically I'm just expecting them to fluff us up with details about plot and the like, maybe they'll show the Act 2's of the zones we've already seen.

I am pretty confident Hydrocity or Ice Cap zone will be in. Hydrocity has a better chance because it was not composed by MJ/Buxer like Ice Cap was. Hydrocity was by Masayuki Nagao and Sega's sound team.

Taxman also confirmed each act will distinctly different from the last which means those tired of the old levels will at least have new scenery to look at.

The Drop Dash is such an obvious and natural addition to Sonic's moveset that I'm surprised I'd never thought about it before. Really neat idea

Some people seem to dislike that it kind of makes the spindash kind of redundant, But I've honestly never considered the spindash a particularly great mechanic, as iconic as it is. In a game based around building and maintaining momentum, the spindash completely contradicts both of those concepts. You have to come to a complete stop to use it, and it rewards you with instant momentum from a standing position. It both ruins the pacing, and takes the 'obstacle' part of momentum based obstacles (loops, hills etc) away.

The drop dash somewhat rectifies this by taking away the need to stop, which looks like it could make the game incredibly fast paced

This is a little thing I love about the game, seeing the caverns of green hill is just the natural and logical next step for the next stage.

Shit like this brings a smile to my face.

Hydrocity may have also been composed by Tatsuyuki Maeda. His Sonic 3D blast music sounds very similar.

Since the announcement of Sonic Mania, I've been hearing people say that Sonic Mania is a romhack of one/multiple Genesis Sonic game(s)? Is this true?

This seems very hard for me to believe, it looks like a whole new game engine to me. Granted, there are borrowed assets from old Sonic games, but I don't think it's a direct modification of Sonic 1 for the new Green Hill Zone.

No it's just angry Nintendrone autists trying to bait slightly less angry Sonicuck autists. The Taxman engine is entirely proprietary, although it is based on all the same principles as the Genesis games and perfectly replicates 99% of the physics calculations.

I'm pretty sure it's Taxman's Retro Engine. It's built from the ground up to emulate the Genesis Sonic game's physics

So yes, it's possible to directly port Sonic assets to it and make a near identical version of other Sonic games (See the Sonic CD mobile port), but it's not a romhack at all