When was the last time you truly enjoyed a game Sup Forums?

When was the last time you truly enjoyed a game Sup Forums?

Earlier today.

I replay old games I like

There's literally nothing wrong with that pizza


Literally today.

Shiren 5+ is fun as fuck.

I've been going through my backlog, actually. Got some challenges in Shovel Knight I wanna finish up, before unlocking the U-rauser in Luftrausers. Then I might go and play some Axiom Verge, maybe check up on my progress in The Witcher. I might play some old DOS games.

Ever since the day AM2R released I've been playing nothing but Metroid games since I never did and every single one of them have been pure bliss, even Metroid 1 and 2.

Wow, our tastes are literally the same.

Everything with that picture I can agree with.

Earlier today. I still love video games.

>a chart rating all the games released in a given year
>posted on Sup Forums
>that isn't blatant bait or shit taste


I envy you

Undertale or AM2R, a Metroid 2 Remake.

Lethal League with my sister a couple hours ago

Local multiplayer games are p much the only games I have fun with now

Move MHgen up 1, Total warhammer up two, and this is literally me. Who are you?

Playing Xenoblade Chronicles X last December


Would be today too but I'm too busy for videogames.

I am got Far Cry Primal in the steam sale last weekend and i'm enjoying it.

Survival mode is alot of fun and with all of the graphics cranked to max it's the most beautiful game i've ever seen.

>That pizza


Yesterday. Decided to give No Man's Sky a try today.

Pikmin 3, Killing Floor 2, Overwatch, and Dead By Daylight


Last one I enjoyed playing was Explorers of Sky last week,I finally completed it

and I havent played anything since then

Iam currently enjoying The Witcher 3.
But all those '?' trigger my autism and I have to discover everything.

>tfw you live on the timeline where ZTD was shit and can't shift your way into one where it's good

Last night while I was playing Destiny PvP I had fun for the first time in ages

can anyone post an image and console of shiren, drifter, and momodora?

I enjoy all the games

Yesterday, played Jet Set Radio on Steam. It gets bloody hard at times, though. Shit, I hate the missions where you have to race tag.

>tfw you can still find a way to enjoy shit games

feels good not having a jaded hipster mind

>y-you have shit taste

and why should i care? fun is fun

Dark Souls 3 is higher for me but you have pretty good taste overall based on the ones I've played. I'm not a big enough souls fanboy to say "souls is better than x" in everything but I do love them.

Today, played MH4U after hating Gen and I'm never going back. Fuck gen is so shit.

Holy shit, that is way to much dough on that crust. Who enjoys that?

Replaying old games.
>last mission on protoss campaing of original starcraft
>at kurast in nightmare with my javazon
>the entirety of am2r

Am replaying those old games (and remake). But for more recent games undoubtedly dark souls was an amazing experience. .. das2 felt nice to beat those bullshit bosses. (Haven't played das3 yet)

Honorable mention:
>xcom ew
>xcom 2

Loved the turn strategy, however I know there are older xcom games but I don't know which one to take. Since am an "old school gamer" I don't mind datex graphics as long as I can play on win7 somehow

finally playing witcher 3 and liking it a lot. p comfy.