Is 10 hours the ideal game length?

Is 10 hours the ideal game length?

No, 40 - 60 is.


8-10 hours is average for shitty AAA games nowa days

Most singleplayer action games are that long

Anything lower than 1k+ is garbo.

how long was each caw of dooty?

1 dollar spent = 1 hour of gameplay.

10 hours sucks.
>2 five hour sessions
>5 two hour sessions

12 hours is the superior time.
>2 six hour sessions
>3 four hour sessions
>4 three hour sessions
>6 two hour sessions

No. 120+ is the standard.

8-9, that way you could realistically play it in a whole day with breaks

4-5 hours

60 hours is ideal. Not too long, not too short. I like to get to know my games, sniff their ass and tongue around their anus first before I dive deep in and take my time rubbing against its prostate until I get to the very end and cum directly inside its sigmoid colon after a nice long session of cock-wringing. If you get my meaning.

Just for science: my favorite games, based on hours to beat the first time:

10 - SMT: Nocturne - 60 hours
09 - Final Fantasy 6 - 20 hours
08 - Dark Souls - 40 hours
07 - Persona 4 - 90 hours
06 - Suikoden 2 - 25 hours
05 - Castlevania SOTN: 20 hours
04 - Bloodborne: 25 hours
03 - MGS3: Snake Eater: 15 hours
02 - Shadow of the Colossus: 10 hours
01 - Xenogears: 60 hours.

So ~34 hours is the sweet spot for me.

15-25 is best. Fight me

>mgs3 but no mgsv


That's because all your fav games are RPGs which have lots of padding

Are we talking about hours of content or just story length? In general, I don't give a shit about side stuff. There are exceptions, beating the story of Far Cry 3 was about the last thing I did, but in general all these million hour RPGs are significantly shorter for me

If it's $10 sure.

>he likes mgs5

best game last year

underrated post

>He schedules his gaming times uniformly
Are you autistic by any chance?

It depends on replayability. If there's more than one way to play a game like interchangeable parties or skill trees than you can get tons of hours. The average Pokemon game length is 20 hours, but with multiple campaigns with different starters you can get as many as 50 hours. And if you're a competitive player or Shiny hunter that's hundreds of hours.

I usually give to any game at least 20 hours,sadly most don't even have 20 hours worth of content.

If the game dilutes his own playtime with levelling system,unlocks and whatever I hate the most then those 20 hours become 40,so if after 40 hours I don't have at least 70% of the content/levels unlocked I resort into cheat my way through and play normally,if by the soil of 50ish hours I still have the meh feeling game goes straight into the trash

If I can't cheat to avoid the grind it also goes straight to trash bin,on the other hand if the grind isn't something making his way through my ass then I don't mind

If the game doesn't come with grind then good for me,can easily waste hours mastering it,till I get bored

But 10 hours?I don't know,if is something like Resident Evil and requires multiple runs in the same environment I would rather do a playthrough once,then replay it after a couple of days and if there is anything worth of saving then good,otherwise it goes straight in the dusty pile of idgaf about them anymore games

>he's a NEET instead of being a responsible adult with a job and friends who carefully manages his available gametime, and he spends all of his free time playing vidya when not eating or shitting because he has nothing of worth or value to fill the empty depression that is the cesspit he calls his life

>but with multiple campaigns with different starters you can get as many as 50 hours.
No. I refuse to believe people think this way
>The first Pokémon is different
>Number 2-200 are all the same
>But the first one is different
>So it's worth replaying


no, he's probably just an adult with a job and other responsibilities. don't expect you to understand though

this user knows what's good.

I just like math. The idea is that 12 is more composite than 10, which makes it a more interesting number.

Depends on the game

Why do you need your sessions to be of exactly uniform length and exact multiples of one hour?

I'm especially curious about the exact multiples of one hour, and why you think that's necessary. Even if you want to need to play a game in several equally long sessions, for some reason, you can do it regardless of a game's length, because minutes exist.

10 hour game:
>2 five-hour sessions
>3 three-hour-and-twenty-minute sessions
>4 two-hour-and-thirty-minute sessions
>5 two-hour sessions
>6 one-hour-and-forty-minute sessions

ya, 20 is around the sweet spot unless the game comes with killer multiplayer

>120+ is the standard.

It really isn't the standard. It might be your personal standard, but that's abnormally long for anything except role-playing games.

It's called "reasonableness" Christ did you even take common core?

5 billion years

Stop, this shit makes me mad.

I can't believe there are teachers who fail kids for being smart.

15 is perfect for single player action adventure focused games, the better the game the longer it can be like okami for instance

RPGs can be any length really, once you get above 60 it needs to be really fucking good

I've pirated all my games, where can I collect my paycheck for hours played?

A 10-15 hour game is far superior to a 40+ hour game. This is because the refs can spend more time polishing the game.

If you want more, that's what New Game+ is for.


Way too short.

20-30 is ideal

Only if it has good MP. 60 bucks is too much for 10 hrs.

"Devs", I meant.

Do these teachers ever get disciplined when their idiocy goes viral on the internet?



Is this what they teach at American schools?


yeah they get paid to literally sit in an empty school with other shitty teachers too

Common Core's not actually all that bad don't literally believe everything you see on the internet user

Why doesn't this stuff trigger me!

For which genre? How are you measuring this?

it completely depends on the genre you dumb fucks.
this discussion was shit from the get go.

I still don't understand what the fuck common core is exactly

I want to punch that teacher in the face

10-20 is best for main quest anything long is paced like shit.

common core is math for future retards

20 hours if you want to finish it, 50 if you want to complete it.

I assume everyone here knows How Long To Beat? Here are their top rated games:

1 Persona 4: Golden 69½ Hours
2 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 46 Hours
3 Metroid Prime: Trilogy 46 Hours
4 The Last of Us Remastered 14½ Hours
5 Chrono Trigger 23 Hours
6 Dark Souls 49 Hours
7 Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix 32½ Hours
8 Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence 16 Hours
9 Metal Gear Solid HD Collection 42½ Hours - 98 Hours
10 Planescape: Torment 34 Hours

No. A never ending game is the ideal length. You think I play these stupid things for fun? No, I'm trying to escape my shitty life.

I believe that games should be 20 hours at most.
10-15 hours is perfect.

There is no "ideal game length" just like there is no "ideal song length"

>Planescape Torment 34 hours

I don't remember how long I spent on my first playthrough but that sounds long. It's probably more like 20-25 hours.

>mgs3 is so good it made the top 10 list twice
Feels good.

If a speedrun takes less than 10 hours the game is shit.
GTA SA speedrun is 16 hours, therefore the game is best, which it is. It is the best.

It's just what retarded teachers do when they follow a textbook like robots without thinking. The book says "here's a way to solve the problem" and they think it means "this is the only way to solve the problem", which is how a kid loses points for writing 5+5+5 instead of 3+3+3+3+3.

The underlying problem, I think, is that teachers aren't fired often enough. They get tenure and their jobs are pretty much secure unless they molest a kid. They should be afraid of getting fired or laid off at all times, like people with real jobs are.

You are everything wrong with Metal Gear. You should feel shame for your words and deeds

just happens to a man sometimes. you'll come out of it for the fun eventually

ideal is probably 3-5 hours. depends on the game though.

6 hours imo

20-100 for an WRPG/Action RPG
10-12 for FPS/TPS
15-20 Hack and slash and action games
8-10 for Survival Horror
>Playing JRPGs

I think at that range just say any length is ok.

no game's main campaign should extend past 30 hours when played optimally.

nuDoom speed run is 1 hour

this. longer games require more changes in player decision types (gameplay) and reasons to play (story) to hit their stride. multiplayer a bit different

It depends on the genre and the specific style of gameplay. Revengeance being 5-10 hours is great for that style of gameplay so that someone just playing on normal won't get bored, but people looking for a challenge have harder difficulty modes that give the game a lot of replayability. This is true for action games or games with a focus on fast paced gameplay in general.

But in something like an adventure game or RPG/JRPG, you expect a full story with lots of areas to explore. Zelda games are great at 20-30 hours and a lot of final fantasy games are 40+ hours and don't really feel like they drag on.

Of course sandbox games, competitive multiplayer games, and MMOs have the most potential for never getting old, so you constantly see people with hundreds or thousands of hours in one game.

I'm not an epic zombie apocalypse though.

high octane 6 hours is better than a 50 hour grindfest

Depends on the game.

No it doesn't.

t. I only watch the latest cinematic turd from sony®

Yes it does, you dumbfuck. I don't want a FPS to have the same length as a RPG or a metroidvania.