So was/ is it good? Thinking about trying it
So was/ is it good? Thinking about trying it
Fuck wrong one.
If you want a dead game thats about to die off with support then yea.
What the shit, are there that many heroes now?
Last time I played there was probably 15 or so heroes. I think that was alpha or beta though.
Anyways, shit is pretty boring. It could be very fun if you're not used to deeper MOBAs or strategy games.
Everything just felt very spammy and the matches were too short and monotonous.
Give it a shot I guess, see how you like it.
The base game is ok, but I dropped it once every hero release was unbalanced DPS and every balance patch broke the game further.
Unless you like communism, it's trash.
>The better you get at the game, the worse players you get matched with
>Game built in such a way that the worst player on each team dictates the winner
>Get matched in either winnable games or unlosable games in a forced 50% winrate
>Never feel like you contribute much because "win as a team" "lose as a team" and said forced 50
>Can't talk to opposing team if you're enjoying the match
>Can't trigger your own shitters else you get reported to be "silenced"
>Once silenced you can't play ranked mode till punishment expires
>Blizzard erratically bans players for no reason
.t a loyal good-goy blizzdrone till I got suspended for no reason
It's the MOBA for people who don't like MOBAs.
short answer:
long answer:
It's probably the best MOBA on the market now, don't listen to the Blizzard haters here, they're worse than the drones.
Too bad the game is dead, it's really fun.
the game is trash.
I liked it because no last hitting snooze-fest, 10hrs farming PvE or walking around at the speed of a snail.
You play the game, you fight other people, you win or you lose.
Found the communist.
This is the most vague excuse of a moba ever.
Huge Startcraft event coming up next month
I have about 1000 hours on LoL and 4000 on DOTA 2, I've also played Smite and Strife and some other shit.
HotS fun for about 2 weeks and then you realize the impact of abilities is pretty shitty and the grind for new heroes is so insane. I would say it's better than LoL, but that's not saying much these days. It's cool playing as Blizzard's iconic heroes though, if only it was better.
You can have some fun with it for a few weeks I'd wager, but longevity wise it lacks and if you want to get into comp play prepare to open the wallet.
>I liked it because no last hitting snooze-fest
That's kind of what I meant. No bullshitting around, games go reasonably quick. Item shop and gold not being there takes away a lot of the depth, and if you're already deep into MOBAs, HotS is going to feel like it's for beginners.
>10hrs farming PvE
how to spot someone who doesn't know how to play dota/lol
ive clocked a few hours and its okay at best. with most moba's i try giving them a shot but i end up always returning to dota 2 & LoL
>2550 games played
Still felt like I had stuff to learn and perfect.
Dude. I tried watching them on twitch.
90% of the matches are being a little bitch running from their lane opponent, tapping away at PvE.
No, it's not.
It's horribly casualized and homogeneous.
Unlike the other MOBAs on the market, you somehow end up relying *more* on your teammates not being complete shit in order to not get buttfucked.
>90% of the matches are being a little bitch running from their lane opponent, tapping away at PvE.
you're retarded
Not that guy, but i've played dota since warcraft and dota 2 games last for like 2 hours if the phantom lancer wants to farm, although this was a long time ago, since i have a life, i cant spend 1+ hours to get to mega creeps each game because someone got a battlefury and wants to farm for 15 minutes to ensure a win.
game is too long, sorry. HOTS is the perfect game length, but i dont play games since im not a child anymore. But if i did it would be 5-10 minute bursts.