Just started a survival hunter, what are the best pets to use?
Also, legion thread.
Just started a survival hunter, what are the best pets to use?
Also, legion thread.
All the pets are the same now, just use the best looking one.
imo a cute female draenei with a sporebat is just perfect
why are hunters universally retarded?
Not true.
About half the pets still have abilities like slow, mortal strike, and defensives. While half the other pets have nothing. It's escpially important for survival since Mongoose Bites proc off pet abilties.
Basically OP, get a Carrion Bird, or any other Mortal strike pet. Set it to Cunning for PvP, and set it to Tenacity for all PvE(yes including dungeons)
There also pets with Battle Rez and Bloodlust if you want utility.
What race are you?
First time playing alliance also.
Thanks, i'm definitely starving for mongoose bites
A giant raven would make a good match for a worgen. There are a few that use the new updated raven model too.
A worg or a mastiff would also be very fitting thematically.
I love how one day Blizzard decided that hunters just get every single classes signature ability.
>a dog having pets
Pick a better race next time
speaking of which, wasn't there a tameable worgen for a brief period of time during Wotlk?
I got a BM Hunter to 82
Where are my traps
Why is Aspect of Gofast so shit
What the fuck have they done
its shit
dont even bother
I used to main BM before I quit. How fucked is it?
Draenei BM hunters can tame a white core hound found in the Draenei starting lands. It's the only core hound you can find at low levels and it's also the only white one.
Any BM hunter can tame it, not just goats.
Yeah I know. I just meant it's really easy to get to as a space goat.
They gave all the traps to Survival for some reason
And I don't have any sort of rotation, I just push whatever is off cooldown/has the Focus
I had totally forgotten about that. It was a quest mob right?
r8 my shaggy dog.
Some wolf at the Grizzly Bills/Howling Nords border that turned into a worgen at about 50% health
worgen pride world wide my nigguh
I don't know what happened to you, but I'm sorry it did. Hopefully things go better for you.
>losing the opportunity to be a dog riding a dog taming a dog
Honestly I think Legion isn't going to be very good.
The way they executed and handled invasions is a telltale for how this next expansion is going to be.
RIP PVP. No new fucking battlegrounds? Like fucking really? They are so goddamn lazy. I fucking hate blizzard but I want to love WoW.
Find some shoes that fit you furry freaks
make me
also this.
blizzard made two fucking races to pander to the furrys that play wow.
jesus fuck.
you mean three?
how could they pander to furries that play WoW with tauren, they were in the game before release date
By adding Female Tauren with big cow boobs.
>they were in the game before release date
so were pandaren
Where the fuck is it's head?
Is Hunter still ridiculously OP?
Literally haven't played WoW since Wrath of the Lich King but holy shit, fuck Hunters in this game
All of the mists ones were so shit I'm afraid of what they would make
What did he mean by this?
Marksman hunters are top dps and their current rotation is so easy that even a blind retard could do it
The invasions are great. What are you talking about?
Please, MM and hunters always had a braindead rotation. I assure you MM won't be the PvP spec.
No they were never OP and their representation in arena was always slightly above average because it is the most played class. They were never OP.