Defeat The Swordsman Sup Forums

Defeat The Swordsman Sup Forums


It's no use, he has the high ground. Better retreat to live another day.

Trace, on.

Summon an atronach

You cant escape
what now?

Dual wield swords that you have in your magical pocket

engage in a battle of wits

Ask him what he wants

You pull out 2 swords out of your pockets
the swordsman laughs at you for dualwielding

What now?

use UBW

Spin To Win

throw swords at him

Start spinning to get winning

Cast the speed enhancement spell.

Grab his dick


drop those swords and clip him with your glock

teleport behind him


Nothing personal kid?

Give him a chance to beg for mercy

You start chanting but the swordsman kicks you before you finish the chant

You lose the weapons you had

What now?



t-that speed ... Impossible


wow he kicked us so hard we lost our hp bar

Throw your fedora at him to finish him

pull the carpet out from beneath him so he tumbles down




use your stand


use instant transmission kamehameha to blast him away

Use your command spell to summon Saber

found the american

just go full monk and bend his sword and dick with your bear hands

The real question here is, are we a shimada?

Activate your trap card and send him to the shadow realm

Sorry forgot about that
You pull a carpet that he was standing on the edge he tumbles down and is stunned for 1 turn

What now?

Hump him

Threaten to kill ourself if he keeps bullying us


Fuck him

No matter what the swordsman does I have already won.

Suck his dick

Suck him off

Cast petrification on him


smother him with the carpet

steal his sword

Tongue punch his fart box

>AK variant

more likely a russki


suck dick



stomp his balls then bash his head with the sword.


summon bleach

nah just thought it'd be easiest to do with nothing but the line tool in paint

pt 2

use gets OP

You start humping him but he uppercuts you in the dick

What now?

oh fuck

>ywn get a double blowjob from some guy and his mom

Also 5 gets it

Spin your dick like a helicopter and cut his head off

Throw him a level 1 fireball

pray to chronos, god of time, to mend my balls

teleport behind him


what is this?

found the indian

teleport behind him and stab him with a katana in your pocket

"--Trace, on"
I copy the sword wielded by my opponent.
It's composition, it's growing experiences, abilities. All.
Within this world that reflects my mind, my obsession with blades becomes the perfect weapon.
"Come. Or are you afraid of a few fake swords?"


eat the secret pill of penis enchantment

Now he's fighting dirty. You don't hit a guy in the dick. How dishonorable. He has shamed his family name. He may beat me but he will never beat his father's disappointment.

Do picrelated.

what if you had a gun?

part 3

im running out of people to fuck

We have to learn to UNDERSTAND each other

You pray to chronos and he fixes your balls thanks to you faith the swordsman rushes at you he will stab you Dodge!
0=Catastrophic Fail
2nd reply counts

Sidestep his attack and then whisper "you're a faggot" into his ear

This sucks

expose my boipussy

triple 7

give him a kiss and maybe hold his hand

You easily dodge him you are now behind him

What now?

1 decides

Slap him and tell him to stop

>Not critical success

Tickle his butthole with a poison-dipped dagger

I call Anita

Rip out his spine and RIP AND TEAR

take out my spear and stab the fucker

take out my halberd and stab the fucker

take out my naginata and stab the fucker

take out my pike and stab the fucker

take out my dick and stab the fucker

Hug him and say: "We always have potatoes!"

Grope him from behind


Enuma Elish ;^)