Star Fox Adventures 2 when?
Star Fox Adventures 2 when?
i like prequel
Thankfully never.
Is prequel still a thing?
Did it ever improve from "Sad cat gets screwed over in life once again"?
Yes, but it hasn't updated in months, or possibly years.
I really wish it would come back, it's a shame to see one of the few actually good webcomic type things to just simply cease to exist.
Last comic update was on Halloween 2015. Goddamn.
I remember the author being a cunt and the fanbase on Sup Forums being a bunch of spergs. Winning the pin was neat gimmick
Anyone remembers Playshapes?
whatever game she's in, she should wear that cloth again
Oh yes.
That demon game where you rape bosses was the best thing that came of it.
Why does everyone picture of her on the net is her getting fucked by overgrown lizards?
Because no other setting has a sexy vixen from space that lands on a primitive dinosaur man planet
Dunno but autists have made games about it. Legend of Krystal iirc.
I'd be down for it. It was a pretty solid game, IMO and in Rare & Nintendo's defense, I don't think they had any idea what kind of autism they were unleashing when they released it.
>being passed around and used as a cumdump by primitive lizardmen
Truly this is the Legend of Krystal
It's not fair!
The skeletons got him
Shiggy made her and Shiggy destroyed her.
Actually no, she's a Rare creation. In the original Dinosaur Planet, she was much younger and more of a little sister to the original protagonist Sabre.
When Nintendo came in, they aged her up and made her a romance option. Rare rolled with it and changed it so she was also going to be released MUCH earlier and she would've acted as the Yorda to Fox's Ico, potentially even allowing for Co-Op. Got canned by Shiggy because gotta have the damsel in distress. As a result of the Starfox rebranding so Microsoft couldn't get Dinosaur Planet ported (Rare had openly declared that they were seeking a new buyer in 2000), she became Nintendo's property.
There's so much that was actually planned for the game (and a lot of it even done. The above paragraph was cut out when it was already finished) that while Adventures is solid as a game, there is A LOT in the game where you look at it and realize what could've been.
>Implying there will ever be another star fox game
Get real Fur Fags. Star Fox is now as dead as F-Zero, a series that has NEVER had a bad game.
What is the context of this picture? I see it posted in every SF thread.
She should have crashed on Earth to be used by humans instead
some faggot read Homestuck and said "Hey, I can do that." and made an Oblivion MSPaint Adventure. That's an edit of the main character.
Miyomoto is the one behind the merge of Dinosaur Planet and Star Fox making the Krystal we know and fight about today.
Zero was to have a sequel and they were open to putting Krystal in the sequel.
But due to the failure of Zero (and the blame is all on Miyomoto) it won't get a sequel and Krystal will not be appearing in Star Fox because the franchise is guaranteed tp be shelved for another couple years.
Therefore he made her and he destroyed her