Looks like another one bites the dust.What do you think its coming next?

Mankind Divided hopefully

Inside was cracked or something?


They did it faster this time because it's just a smaller game, but still it's another denuvo game cracked

Denuvo had a good run.

rip in peace

DOOM when

Ooo boy. I wanted to play this but refused to fork over 20 burger bux for it.

why is wikihow so good for meems?


it's not even good. I am playing it atm and I can't say I am enjoying it.

But when are the good Denuvo games going to be cracked?

Oh right, there aren't any

also I am stuck here what to do

It's not fucking fair PCbros, what are we gonna do? Sure don't want people to start pirating on PC again or we can kiss our console ports goodbye.

I'm legitimately scared for the future of PC gaming.

>Denuvo Anti-Tamper, or Denuvo, is an anti-tamper technology developed by the Austrian company Denuvo Software Solutions GmbH, a company formed through the management buyout (MBO) of Sony DADC DigitalWorks

Nice try Sonygger


Lack of piracy kills word of mouth

Remember Far Cry Primal, Mirror's Edge Catalyst, Hitman? Yeah, neither does anyone else. Not even bad games but since no one is talking about them, they're quickly forgotten about. Over aggressive DRM kills your biggest form of free advertising.

Denuvo is literally killing PC gaming.

No you dumbass, it's because the games were made by hacks or were just unattractive

This holy shit
I thought mirror's edge catalyst would've created a bigger buzz when it was released but there's been fuck all, I didn't even realize it was out until two weeks after the fact


DOOM and Mankind Divided WHEN?

press x you faggot and throw over the fucking fridge you underage cunt

not really. hitman was really good but I am not touching that till it's all done

Mirror's Edge Catalyst is out?

What the shit

I was pressing ctrl for like 10 min and it didn't work. turns out It's the FUCKING RIGHT CTRL like who the fuck uses that.

Denuvo is just a placebo for developers, none denuvo game has better sales than their previous games without it.

but using denuvo costs money

they take money from every sold game so it doesn't cost as much for every game

my theory is that most devs who use denuvo dont expect to gain financially from it
they just get pleasure from denying people playing without paying

Do you know where you are?

Sup Forums will talk about any game, regardless of its quality. The fact that something like Mirror's Edge was able to pass by unmolested just shows how bad Denuvo is for games that depend on word of mouth to sell.

FFS, I didn't even know Mirror's Edge was out until like 2 weeks after its release.

Hey so is this a real crack and not another steam-bypass thing? I don't want to risk my regular account

It's a real crack

>I don't want to risk my regular account
Pretty sure no one has been banned for the Spacewar bypass before.

Downloading as we speak, thanks for the tip OP

aw shit thanks user

Really? I guess I didn't know if those threads were fear mongering or not. The pictures seemed pretty convincing

>700,000 pictures at 1.2GB
Must be some low quality shit.

>700k images
>1 gb
Weird, considering I have a 1000 images folder and it weights more than 1.2GB.

700,000 images should be like a tera, unless the images are for ants.

I don't think it was worth $20. It was way too short and it ended with way more questions than answers

This isnt Mankind divided thread mate.
