ITT: Beginner's traps
This boss is piss easy, but he has 100% winrate vs anyone who's never fought it before
ITT: Beginner's traps
This boss is piss easy, but he has 100% winrate vs anyone who's never fought it before
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lemme guess
you aim at its eye
honestly forgot if I died to him or not.
fuck this m8
>aim for the eye
>in a turn-based JRPG
>implying Bravely Default would've done anything that special
Everyone underestimate goblins, then they get raped.
What was his gimmick again? I've forgotten.
>all these people think you just have to hit the eye
You poor souls...
>beginner's trap
By the time you get to him you've played at least half the game. If you died to him, you just plain suck.
Boy, I wasn't ready for this.
Sharla really gets shafted when you realize you don't need to heal that much in the game and pic related does a better job.
I was actually stuck on this boss forever.
The gimmick is obvious, I'm not sure how anyone could miss it. The problem was, even with a party full of Bloody Shield wielding Knights, the laser would still one-shot me while defending. It was literally just a stat check and I nearly quit the game right there.
Never lost against him because i got lost on the map and went through all the sewer/blightown before noticing that there was a placement where i could go that i did not went before.
This fucker gets me everytime, though.
Most people dont realise that healing is seriously inneficient in a game that focuses on DPS races. You dont want to keep your health at max because that will result in a wipe, you want to deal damage as fast as possible
>first week the game is out
Oh Skeletons that's easy enough
No it wasn't
If you've played the game before it's a super simple intro level, but holy fuck does it do a bad job of easing new players into the game mechanics. Even if they've played the tutorial.
This fucking stage.
You can't get to the Depths without the key that the Capra Demon drops, unless you went to Blightown through Darkroot Basin and did the whole area backwards.
He was genuinely hard on my level 1 critical mode run. One of the first places I got walled
kek. welcome to the bone zone
I can survive that fall.
Are you using ghost types user?
It was my first FE game
>using the term DSP uses as an excuse for you being an idiot
he has a barrier up that makes everything do one damage.
he drops the barrier, you have 2 turns to deal as much damage as possible before it uses an AoE and brings the barrier back up
pretty sure that term was invented before he used it
My first playthrough my gift was the key and I went through new londo -> valley of drakes -> blighttown. Didn't even realize you could go another way.
Bring phys reflect or lose
>Beginner trap
>Ornstein and Smough
Halfway through the game is not a beginner trap
I know that pain
How do you feel about wolf men who move super fast and can randomly pop up behind you to fuck your asshole?
the music is playing in my fucking head now
The chimneys, man.
>My first playthrough my gift was the key
Showcase the rolling HP, teach the player the
>back away a few cases
>enemy spawns reset
trick, relieve them when you come back with Paula and freeze everything to smithereens, using Ness' PPs only for healing and teaching you the basic of
>Ness PSI = Healing / support
>Paula PSI = DPS
Marcus wasn't even that bad. In fact a lot of the FE "experienced Paladin traps" aren't that bad, as long as you don't allow them to suck up all the XP so your other characters get underleveled.
That was my first thought as I saw that. Four or five years back a friend and I tried to beat that game in one sitting, and I was dozing on the couch at 4 am as he played that level so I think the music is forever burned into my subconscious. We gave up trying to get 100 notes on Click Clock Wood.
People STILL don't understand counters. They never switch characters acting like the game is a moba
>as long as you don't allow them to suck up all the XP so your other characters get underleveled.
>The trap's not so bad, as long as you don't fall into it!
>Marcus wasn't even that bad. In fact a lot of the FE "experienced Paladin traps" aren't that bad, as long as you don't allow them to suck up all the XP so your other characters get underleveled.
...That's exactly why they're bad. Beginners see them as good units, soak exp, and end up with a party the literally can't funtion once the paladin starts to fall off
Had to completely restart my first playthrough of the game because all of my units started to get one shot by later chapters
How long did this trap continue to work? I've seen people using that sword all the way through to the end of DaS1's life
it's acutal good till you get the halberd of choice (BKH if you're lucky, Gargoyle Halberd either right at bell gargoyles or - with bad luck - at anal rondo)
>ITT: poor game design
It's actually good till you find a blacksmith, 5 minutes later.
Not anymore but still applies
Or bring a monk, they got a high level ability that pierce it
Managed without on first try. Sorry you are bad, user
God, I finally got a modded PS3 to play PS3 vesperia with the patch, and I forgot what it was like fighting this fucker without new game+ bonuses.
Fuck that shit.
shitter rage is hilarious
I've had two friends drop the game and the series because of those skeletons. If only I had told them to go up the mountain, maybe they would still be playing the series with me.
Don't trust your fucking kids.
Because trees do that in real life.
That's a shame matey.
Why the fuck isn't this nigger a Caves/Catacombs boss?
Another exploding tree. Walking around in the woods is fucking dangerous for a lot of reasons. How did you never learn this in school?
Mind explaining how then? Because even with two stacks of Phys Def+ on the entire party AND switching to double shields and blocking on the turn of his attack still one shot the entire party.
>inb4 you were just overlevelled to shit and thought you were actually good
stop burning it walter
If they can't figure out that they should try going a different way then I don't think there was much hope for them
I had a friend who stopped playing Bloodborne because he couldn't figure out how he was supposed to kill the first enemy without a weapon
In Dark Souls you're beginner till NG+, faggy.
I think it was pretty fun, no regrets. I never did get to fight capra demon at the intended level though.
Forest just Setback.
The belly of the ship with all the turning gears and shit was a fucking bitch. That whole level was kinda rough. God damn life preserver ring things.
Wrong pic, OP.
most people on here didn't grow up around wooded areas. Thats interesting as fuck, though. Actually learned something today, thanks for the link.
>Oh, nice! 2 dead bodies and an alive NPC, I'm surely gonna get sick loot here!
>Cast reflect on him
>All his heals heal you instead
>Proceed to pummel with phys damage
I did the same thing and I felt like a idiot
What's that smell?
You mean Eirika's knight and Titania aren't that bad because they don't fall off.
The "proper" way to use Marcus and his ilk is to have them weaken stronger enemies so that your lower-leveled players can come in to finish them off.
The real way is to unequip their items and abuse their currently ridiculous DEF and AI prioritizing enemies who can't fight back to stonewall chokepoints for mages/archers to kill people with impunity from.
No problem. It's really common with dying and sick trees. Dutch Elm is dangerous not just because of falling limbs, but if enough of the bacterial sap builds up and weighs down on a pocket of gas inside the dead tree, shit just goes wrong.
Gascoigne and Blood Starved Beast are the only traps in that game. Once you get past those 2 the only things that can stop you rest in the DLC
His heals are the least of your problems.
And you can't really counter his BP bullshit, Thunder and Charm, you gotta try to brute force through him.
looks like stalker to me
STALKER: Shadow Of Chernobyl / Dark Valley
What the fuck
Trees explode. They actually fucking explode. TREES FUCKING EXPLODE IN ACTUAL REAL GODDAMN IRL LIFE
I don't think I ever beat the demo, but he was a cakewalk in the real game. Could've been that we were overleveled from treasure hunting, but I don't think we went too far out of our way.
>pulses range with his sensor is going to be 9m after 4.1
>IQ's sensor can reach up to 20m
>nobody plays IQ
>literally my strategy
>people have done this long before me but i did this first run
noticing red mage buildup
main build was physical 2 attackers 1 attack mage 1 white mage. swapped black mage to an earlier class i maned on them for physical attack. gg no re EZ PZ Lemon Squeezie.
>wow a thin dude with a club, should be easy
>haha he's slow
>Phase 2 starts
Orphan is even fucking worse on NG+
The Torizo in AM2R. No seriously though fuck that asshole.
Did people seriously have an issue with him?
I had more trouble with Lawrence than the Orphan, and that was only due to not expecting Lawrence's second phase to just have a constant damage pool around him at times.
>first person i bought
>he looks cool and has a leech shotgun
>have fun first few rounds
>start to realise he cant heal for shit in bad situations
>slowly regret my purchase