PC Mustard Race

So I've joined the master race after years of console gaming...

...what do I play?

Other urls found in this thread:


Give Ancient Domains of Mystery a try, its one of the best roguelikes and its free!


What kinds of games do you prefer?

> blindly joining the pc mustard race and going in not knowing what games you want to play
Sell it and buy a console

You use your newly gained power to shitpost and fap to loli hentai

Life with wolf girl

Check out enderal, im having fun with it.

I'm really open to literally anything since free vidya.



Games on my radar:

Currently playing Deus Ex, Rocket League, Super Meat Boy and SL1 DaSo.


Console ports :^)

Be sure to use GameRanger for online play.

Fucking nothing, but you can now shitpost here all day in glorious 60fps and in 4k.


Obduction drops literally tomorrow, so that.

hentai weeb games
like nekopara

Minsweeper can actually be quite fun once you know how to play.

Xbox games.

>ugh, I just hate mustards, they're the worst! always invading our console threads...
>*this thread*
>"hey guys I just got a PC, can you recommend me some games?"

post specs

E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy

The same shit happens with every current platform recommendations thread, if you cant handle it leave

You got memed on. PC has no games.

You dont actually play any game you just go to gaming websites and describe your hardware and then shit on anyone using a console after that spend the next several hours contemplating suicide, rinse and repeat everyday

cs 1.6
quake 3 arena

Ignore MB temp. Speccy is stupid.

Sweet pc, bro. You can pretty much play any game at tweaked high settings.

I don't think you fully understood my post cos you're kinda paroting me right now.

Welcome to the Master Race!

Consoles are pleb tier, anyone who uses them is a pleb.

EDF 4.1

Warband is on sales user, get it quick
>inb4 shill

Bloodborne, Red Dead or Uncharted 4

But if you're gonna play Bloodborne, you should play the other Souls games, starting with Demon's Souls

anything by spiderweb software
the original Deus Ex
Master of Orion 2
Princess Maker 2
Wizardry 8
Sins of a Solar Empire
Sword of the Stars (the first one, not the second)
Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics, NV if you've never tried it with mods.
Vampire the MAsquerade Bloodlines
System Shock 1 and 2
Dungeon Keeper 1 and 2


The RTS genre is a good place to start since barring a couple games it never really came to consoles. Even then the console ports weren't much better.

Battle for Middle Earth 2 for the 360 was atrocious compared to the PC version, and didn't even get the expac.

So what setting fits you? Fantasy? Historical? Sci-fi?


Star Control 2
Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2
Chapter Master
Dwarf Fortress
Brutal Doom*
Demon Steele*
*both mods for doom that will require getting ahold of all the original Dooms but worth it
the Ultima Series
The Secret World


>this taste

>Mfw consolecucks will never get to play there is poop in my soup

Nice list, don't know why you split it up in 2 posts though.

but excellent list of 10 10s

If you want PC exclusives
>Hatred (with the FPS mod)
>Kerbal Space Program
>Rising Storm
>Rouge Legacy
>Terraria (not exclusive but it might as well be)
>Yuro Truck 2
>Lethal League

are a few to start off

but console ports are *always* better on PC, so you might as well get all your AAA shit on it from now on

Mount and Blade: Warband and Napoleonic Wars should be your top priority.

These videos literally made me sell my consoles and buy a pc:



Seconding this, fun as fuck, better when multiplayer, still good solo

GTA with a mouse
Prison Architect
Kerbal Space Program
League of Legends
World of Warcraft
Team Fortress 2
Sim City 4

Lately I've been playing

- Overwatch
- Team Fortress 2
- Squad
- Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus
- deus ex mankind divided
- super robot wars (emulated)

shit's fun
