90% of those tweets were about shirtless link
Literally the only Nintendo game, I don't know why you retards don't get it got all the attention because of that, excluding Skyrim/Zelda fags
One Game
One Image To Trigger Sonyggers
>board completely swarmed with praises for the most vertical videogame in the entire observable universe
>all hype dies several seconds after the stream is over
People love to call shills for any popular game, but that was the only obvious case in the last few years.
This E3 fucking sucked.
It's because the discussion mellowed out due to the lack of new info.
And Shitposters.
Will Breath of the wild be the gateway game that eventually turns Zelda into the Elder Hyrule Scrolls?
It's the Elder Scrolls killer, yeah.
It's pretty obvious at this point that TES can't compete, except maybe if you're a realism fag. The sort of shit built into BOTW's open world is insane. That gif of Link climbing up the side of a tower, only to see a floating island far in the distance really highlights this fact, I think.
Some pop-ins aside it's crazy how nintendo cam give such a huge visual range on worse hardware. Xenoblade was crazy too.
They were in the olympics?
Most likely because they work with the hardware in mind from the start
Basically the opposite of FFXV, where they developp on beast pc hardware then have to scramble to tone it down when they remember that the PS4/Xbone hardware are trash
In the closing ceremony presenting Tokyo for 2020, yeah. The PM of Japan was even dressed like Mario.
Every single one of these tweets are saying the game looks like shit.
And yet it'll be blown away by an indie game, just like every AAA title for the last 5 years.
>nintendo game
>most tweets
I'll let you put the pieces of this mystery puzzle together OP
>all hype dies several seconds after the stream is over
The hype lasted weeks after E3, the fuck you on about? All Nintendo has to do is reveal some new stuff and it'll start right back up.
More or less, the entire thing was a wash.
>Shirtless link
I'm okay with this.
Holy shit this salt.
Just facts my friend
>Their target demographic was appealed to the most compared to every other game
Was there meant to be some sort of a clever point to your post?
lost it at the one punch man link
Yeah, that's exactly what they said.
Whiny little cunt.
Get the hell out of Sup Forums Cody
>get tricked into buying wii
>get tricked into buying wiiu
yeah nah, I'm not falling for this shit again. I won't be buying the nx or the new zelda.
>haven't shown much interest in a single Nintendo game in 6+ years
>this one is supposed to be "the one" that brings me back
I'll believe it when I see it
you know its also gonna be released for wii u right?
Yes, that's something you can do in BotW.
At least Mob doesn't attract cancer
I don't see how that changes anything. I'm not buying the game.
>Zelda used in any context counts for BotW mentions
>GoW tweets don't count because Gears and God both have the same abbreviation
>Every time some faggot bitches about Link not being a girl, it counts as a mention
Meanwhile if you tallied up all games together from each conference and competed all of Sony vs all of Nintendo, Sony wins by a landslide
Le sonygger
But wii was a great purchase if you softmodded it
the only game I don't regret buying a wii for is red steel 2. everything else can fuck off.
The Wii U version is objectively worse than the NX version
i misread or with for
>fifa was #3
>Skyrim was #6
This is enough evidence to prove that tweet amounts don't matter.
Right. Right.
Just like when Twilight Princess happened, right?
>get tricked into buying wii
>Xenoblade Chronicles
>The Last Story
>Pandora's Tower
>Red Steel 2
>Skyward Sword
>Project Zero 4
>Rune Factory
>Little King's Story
>Fragile Dreams
>No More Heroes
>Monster Hunter Tri RIP
>Sin and Punishment
>Mario Galaxy
Did i forget something?
>he missed out on the first week of endless hype threads
Sorry man
I remember the week or two after the reveal there were a non-stop stream of comfy Breath of the Wild threads
Good shit
The Wii version was worse because of waggleshit and the power gap between Wii U and NX is bigger than the one between Wii and GC
They already said NX has better visuals, and since the controls are the same its objectively the better version
Wii U owners got cucked hard with Zelda.
>573,000 tweets
>all negative
>5 cinematic experiences at the top of the list
Boy, you really didn't choose this too well.
No, but you've listed all of the titles from pretty good to barely playable that the Wii/WiiU has had in the past 10 FUCKING YEARS
Most of those couldn't be found at a reasonable price unless you pre-ordered them
>A cinematic experience
wew lad
>10 hours of cutscenes to 50-100 hours of gameplay, assuming half of that isn't grinding and filler
Meanwhile, even terrible games like Dragon Age: Inquisition offer 200 hours of gameplay with only 2-3 hours of cutscenes. How bad do you have to be to be outdone by Bioware trash?
I actually liked the first Red Steel but when I bought the second years later expecting a better game I was let down. Am i missing something about it? How is it better?
No matter how much nintendo is shit on here, there will still be people who care THIS much about zelda to do all that, and it's kind of heartwarming
>10 hours of cutscenes and 150 hours of gameplay
>Somehow a bad thing
Every Jrpgs has shitload of cutscenes, this isnt new.
this is every weapon shown in BotW gameplay so far
thoughts? hopes?
I want a halberd
>Dragon Age: Inquisition offer 200 hours of gameplay with only 2-3 hours of cutscenes
If the 200 hours of gameplay fucking sucks and the cutscenes are terribly animated and poorly acted then who gives a fuck about any of it
paddle/wooden spoon so link can get spanked like the naughty boy he is
I'm having fun playing the ultimate mary sue and you can't stop me
Fuck mages though
i'm curious if weapons from previous games like the boomerang will return and how they'll work, like if you'll equip them like one of those rune abilities or if they'll be in the sword menu like the fire rod
post zelda u webms please
Don't care that much about weapons, wheres the armors goddammit
That smell....
I think ACfag's entered this thread.
But Nintendo brought at least 3 games to E3?
if the NX version doesn't have at least a better framerate, I'm not playing this
It's hot shit
The same could be said of Xenoblade and its beyond cringeworthy british voice actors.
I guess the point I'm trying to make is that RPGs aren't really games. They're movies masquerading as games.
its the stream mate
>casual normie faggots who use twitter care the most about casual normie videogame
I'm sure it'll be a mix of both, like bombs being a rune and the fire rod being a weapon like you mentioned
The item I want to see back the most is the hookshot because it'd be fucking crazy if you could shoot it anywhere. Hopefully it'd be challenging to get if this were the case.
So all games with cutscenes are "Cinematic Experiences"?
>all of tumblr is shitty
That's like assuming Sup Forums is only pol and b
fuck off
I wish nintendo would have gone 3rd party already so an obviously ambitious game like BoTW could have a PC version with better everything
Anything that thinks that it needs an elaborate story, yes.
Let's just say I'd rather play Rocket League than Undertale. If you get my drift, wink wink nudge nudge.
Having british voice actors makes it more movie-like?
You know all games with story aren't bad, right?
>wii games
There was your mistake
HotD Overkill, no more Heroes 1+2 and Trauma Team were great
Why do all you Nintendrones type like autistic pieces of shit? I'd fucking put a knife in your obese manchild throat if I could.
Well, games with no story can be nice, but sometimes i want something a bit less mindless
fucking nigger
Well, as someone who owns a PS4, it's hard to believe that. Also, game journalism doesn't help. And I can't put enough quotation marks around "journalism" so I won't try.
>empty open world game: nintendo edition
why is that a reason to get interested in it?
>the guy who was shitting on that other guys list of good wii games
I never understood how this is a good thing. It means every Nintendo relevant gossip was clumped together under one universal hashtag to create one single figure, where as everyone else had word of mouth spread across hundreds of games and different hashtags.
I've played both, you've got to be baiting.
clever shoop-work removing horizon zero dawn ;)
>one punch meme
post discarded
He is
Maybe I don't like story heavy games, and I find it hypocritical that games like TLOU and FF13 are considered bad when they're the same, gameplay-wise, compared to other cinematic games like Xenoblade.
It might also be that I dislike console gaming and the severe restrictions they force on you. Among other problems. So you can understand.
There are bad cinematic experiences like the last of us and heavy rain but good stories also exists, user,you know.
I know gameplay is the most important part of a video game, but stories can be good too.
Im not defending Until Dawn or shit like that, i know those games are shit, but good stories exists too ya know?
>It might also be that I dislike console gaming and the severe restrictions they force on you.
But Armored Core is a console series.
>Tweets determine who won E3
That makes sense. Working with constraints makes you want to squeeze out as much as you can.
The fact there ws a fuckign stampede and a mile long line is also a god indication, tard-kun
The Orlando thing was a big ol' wet blanket over the whole event, and there was so much that was being held back.
Yes, and look what happened to the series.
>large focus on online
>sub-20 FPS
>no news of another installment for years
>have to deal with Sony and Microsoft's poor servers
As much as I want to like it, every day I see more and more flaws with the later installments. The older games were nice, but thanks to Sony removing backwards compatibility on their consoles, I have to emulate them. But hey, it was my fault for expecting Sony to not screw up.
I understand what you're saying user, but even if I discard all of the story and look purely and objectively at the gameplay, there just isn't really enough substance in games like Xenoblade or Pandora's tower or the last story or Bayonetta. They're not 1/10 trash like Gone Home, but they are heavily flawed.
And for 60 bucks a pop, that's a little excessive.
If you think that bayonetta or xenoblade doesn't have enough substance, you might be the person with the most unreachable expectation on this hemisphere.
bayonetta has a good combo system and stuff like that, but there nothing else to it apart replaying it on higher difficulties
So, you get masterfull gameplay, but it,s not enough, you need something else. Something else that isn't story because you already said you disregard those. What is left at this point?
You probably should find a new hobby