>Log in to steam/psn/xbl
>friends online: 0
Log in to steam/psn/xbl
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll be your friend, give me your IDs.
>Log in to steam/psn/xbl
>Log in
>launch steam
>347 Online
>log in to steam
>friends: 0
>never go online so my steam friends cant message me
>Log in to steam
>bf online
>someone quietly removes you when you're not looking or when you're asleep
> sissy white boys general
Weebs should be shot on sight.
same with the people who use word weeb without knowing what it means
>It's another faggy anime thread
Add me on PSN, DJ_Tomato. State ur from v first
they can message you though
you should eat your turd and post a webm of it
please dont be rude.
>he goes to Sup Forums to fulfill his basic need for social interaction by talking to the only "friends" he has
>when you think of someone you haven't talked to in a while
>look for them
>they removed you months ago
cerberus who? I think I may know him too.
Add me up losers
>Sup Forums goes to Sup Forums episode
>having friends
Cebby is my cute bf!
Nice try normie
no thx, ur pretty rude
No... I typed .jpg... This can't be fucking happening
I just fapped. Please don't start.
>remove all friends
>decline all friend requests
>play games without some bored and lonely faggot messaging me
>no random game invites when I'm already in a match
>no stupid sharing bullshit
It's way better being friendless. It's like gaming is meant to be non-social or something
>Set status to busy
>Steam friend messages me "stop masturbating"
>I was playing a console game
To be fair I do often set it to busy when masturbating
Add me up loser
sorry I already have a steam bf
>It's like gaming is meant to be non-social or something
No hobby is meant to be done alone. You're just an antisocial dickhead
Add me up
Any TSgirls around here? Drop your steam and I'll add you.
Do you masturbate to Tron?
he means tranny
You people make me ashamed to have a penis.
That's what I thought he meant
but I don't give out my steam to just any one who asks...~
S-so what?
I just want someone to play EDF with.
Then why are you posting in the gay thread? Do you want somebody to suck your penis while you play EDF?
That's way too kinky for me pal.
My daddy told me not to be ashamed of our dicks, especially of their good size and all
Filthy sinners
All of you
>103 friends
Playfully teasing a cute Sup Forumsboy while we play video games!
I just don't want some stupid social media bullshit in my games. The multiplayer games I play I tend to stick to 1-3 servers and know the people on that shit and have banter with. I just don't want to bullshit friendlist where they can message me whenever about some crap I don't give two shits about.
Also, I tend to play weeaboo jrpgs and single player games. Pretty sure those are meant to be played alone else you get some backseat gaming or you get regulated of when you can play because she wants to see the story too.
I have no friends, I mean the list has some but I just have show offline on all the time, I play games to relax and get away from social shit, not get into more of it.
Moral degradation is my fetish. Want to post steam, cutie?
Oh trust me, I dont consider any retards here my "friends", if anything i'd be more than happy with you fucks dead
I got fags from /vg/ groups for interactions anyway
>post this thread
>not even gay
Everybody needs Steam friends!
>Anime thread
Like I said, antisocial dickhead.
that's why user said Sup Forums and not specifically Sup Forums
>anime thread
>antisocial user bashes other anons for being antisocial
only on Sup Forums
>antisocial user
What are you basing this on, exactly?
I want to hug that anime!
I'm in love
>log into steam
>appear offline
FUCK you.
Don't lump the rest of us with you and your ilk.
brain damaged animeNEETs
>have one steam friend I talk to everyday
>get extremely jealous and lonely when he talks to his other friends and plays games with them
just tell him you want the dick
add me up losers
We get it, you need to cover up your ugly man body because you're not even close to pretending to look cute without a skirt and stockings.
add me up loser
>it's another "faggot wears stockings to give a poor illusion of appearing feminine" episode
don't like it? no? then fuck off cunt boy
takes one to know one friendo, read what he just said
>rate my profile
>its empty
less is more
In that case: 0/10
post boibutt
>friend logs in
>he knows I'm a NEET that just refreshes Sup Forums all day
>he still asks "sup?" every single day
>all my friends are from when i played TF2
>havent played TF2 in 5 years
It's a harmless greeting, numbnuts
Why? I just want to play not talk to anyone.
>get first pair of stockings
>pull off a plastic tag
>rip huge hole in one
No, he always wants to know what I'm up to. But my life has been the same every day for the past 4 years.
How do I get cute enough to be able to pull this off?
Go learn a new language or something
Maybe he's trying to get you to snap out of being a fucking zombie.
>Add Steam friend
>Come across as boring, annoying, creepy, and don't know how to talk, especially if the other person doesn't carry the conversation
>Too worried to ask them to play games with me the vast majority of the time
Offer them pics of your boipussy to break the ice.
>tfw you have another panic attack and delete all your steam friends and switch the profile to private
being alone is best
being alone is safe
being alone is good
Just be yourself :^)
be my friend
post id
i don't want to post my id a lot of people here would add me
will you add me if I post id