New SCP thread, last one was bumped off

New SCP thread, last one was bumped off.

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You now have SCP 674 and shoot at or kill the character from the last video game you played.

What happens and how does the character or characters react?

If you don't respond to this post, the SCP with the last 3 digits of this post number will visit you in your sleep tonight.

>google scp to bring up the page so I can remember what a SCP is
>first image suggestion result is this:


And I need to use the bathroom too.

I was thinking about making some sort of building SCP that swaps the senses of those that enter when its more than 1 person.

So you see, hear what they see, but still move your own body.
I think itd be neat


You're trapped in a room with five SCP-504 and your only way out is to successfully tell a joke without getting glassed.

What is your joke?

I can just not drink it though.

are an scp

>Immunity cat is an SCP that protects from memetic SCPs

Just tell them about me.


>online application stores for mobile devices are to be monitored to prevent any inadvertent sales of SCP-1471
>Description: SCP-1471 is a free 9.8MB application
Get the SCP people on the line. I would like to register a complaint.

But can it protect you from 55?

just hypothetically, what do you guys like to imagine 55 actually is, and does it have other paranormal abilities beyond its anti-memetics


Four fucking pixels.

Joke's on you, the pixes are blacked out in this image.

I am under the distinct impression that it is not safe to keep it around.


I imagine it as a tragic being that is insanely lonely and does not want its ability and doesnt know how to get rid of it, so it have itself to the SCP foundation in hopes they could do something but they keep forgetting about him

>there will never be a F.E.A.R. style SCP game where you have to recapture a specific SCP in each mission, using its abilities and quirks against it

Alexander from Civ 5.


The scariest thing about the Shy Guy is that you can have a photo of it for YEARS and not see it.

So you potentially have a fucking bomb in your house without even knowing it.

SCP-55 is a self perpetuating AI controlled self aware youtube channel. It has tenfold the subscribers and views of anything else on the site, but ironically nobody knows it exists. It's entire existence is attempting to bait for views with greater and greater clickbait thumbnails and titles in order to justify its own existence by having others acknowledge it.

It's also got really fucking big tits.

its not 55 you need to worry about, that one is weak enough to actually have a number

its the ones that don't which are the true issues

anti-memetics division were great tales

I would like to think 055 literally isn't anything, and that's why it's anomalous. It's something that's so nonexistent that it's less than nothing, which is why you forget about it and can't really distinguish it being at all.

Pic related are now in the SCP universe.
What happens?

>there are no free apps in app stores
How fucking retarded are you?

Saw a really-shit-looking SCP game on steam recently.

>-irk would not go down no matter how many shots were fired, they always hit his shoulder or one of the nearby Red Shir-
Shit like that is why I love this site sometimes.

Anyone ever read this?

How fucking retarded are you?

>no caleb
>no lo wang

What is this?

What else is new

You're already dead.

foundation gets a hold of them, figures out containment protocols and starts studying

one of the things I like about the greater "canon" is that for once the supergovernmental paranormal organization is actually competent at their job

This one spooks me because I work in a gigantic light industrial/office building with pipes everywhere

I'd really like more about the world of SCP-093

or the Foundation or its enemy/evil counterpart seizing the facility of the 'Red Test' and using it to explore other universes

>read SCPs for a while
>double take shadows, respond to all noises, and check my corners for the next few hours
I would probably go insane if I lived in some noguns country.

55 is a message that states IF YOU DON'T REPLY TO THIS YOUR MOTHER WILL DIE IN HER SLEEP TONIGHT and it's actually true but since you can't remember its existence it appears to be a coincidence/natural event

The moth drops down into the nearest chair and says "What's the problem? I don't even know where to start. First of all, my boss is a vicious tyrant who gets off on the petty torments he puts me through day in and day out, and I'm too spineless to stand up to him, so I just take it and I've gradually come to hate myself for it. Also, every morning I wake up to the same prune-face old crone to whom I pledged my vows so many years ago. I used to love her, but that love has become like some sun-festering beached whale trying to die. We lost our daughter last year to one of the bitterest, coldest winters we've ever had to face in this region. Oh and then there's my son. Doc, I don't love him anymore. I don't know what it is but I look in his eyes and I see that same harried look of gutless cowardice that I see when I stare at my own face in the mirror. If I wasn't such a coward, Doc, I know I'd be able to scrape together enough pride to grab that cocked and loaded shotgun I keep by the bedside table, and just run amok and put an end to this grim facade once and for all. I start with the wife, then the boy of course before putting the barrell in my own mouth. Believe you me, Doc, I'd be doing the world a favor. I have nothing to look forward to but a continuation of this spiraling black hole that is my life, this existential cesspool that is the perpetuation of my lingering skid-mark on society. I despise people yet I crave their approval. I'm judgemental yet I care about nothing. I'm bitter, hateful and afraid. I'm alive yet I feel like the walking dead. This is it, Doc: I am a living disease."

The doctor stares at him for a while then finally says "Jeez, Moth, you definitely have some problems. But I'm a podiatrist. You need a psychiatrist. Why'd you come in here?"

The moth says,"Your light was on."

What is "the husky"? Smile.jpg?

Hah jokes on you i have protection

Sort...of. The organization has its shit together, but they err, and given the nature of the things they deal with with, their errors are proportionately disastrous.

But yeah, it is indeed refreshing to see an organization in media that deals with world-ending shit and actually treats it like world ending shit.


user im pretty sure that means you have already gone insane


vidiya related

Go heck yourself

Kill me, Pete


worst is all the "we deal with horrifying potentially genocidal things every day but still joke around with them, also there's only 10 or so people in the whole world dealing with them cause that's our budget" shows

there's no way any of these fuckers haven't ended the world 3 decades ago

Immunity cat, why?


what is this


Bad kitty.



DELET THIS!!!!!!!!!!!

Well shit.

Impersonators hold no sway over the real immunity cat.

>there's no way any of these fuckers haven't ended the world 3 decades ago
They did, they just rebuild it.

One of the odd things about the SCP "universe" is that the multitude of objects available make alot of the XK scenarios totally avoidable because Thaumiel objects exist and so do just plain old useful SCPs that can be used against them, so the world hasn't ended because objects exist to help keep it from happening.

Like the overpowered abomination Able. Fucking disgusting, but he was used to literally fuck other SCPs up. Cain was actually kinda cool because he wasn't overpowered, was a nice dude, and only really exhibited the ability to unwittingly kill vegetation he's around but otherwise just sorta bums around and helps the Foundation.

don't forget a perfect memory and immune to harm
so naturally the foundation backs up their most important data in his mind
Let's roll up an SCP together lads.
might as well know why

Oh yeah, that too. That was kinda bullshit, but I'm willing to give him a pass for that given his motif and the fact that he isn't used to do anything fucking retarded.

Pizza-box and happy slimes are the best SCPs though.

>SCP 'insert number here' resembles a modern 'brick phone' that is a small dedicated phone meant for texting and phone calls. In theory it should lack all smartphone functionality but after dialing *22848283 'ACTIVATE' the phone access the nearest capable audiovisual device regardless of it's wifi status.
>original model black and white televisions have been used for this and upon being used by the SCP they display greater than modern definition, display color, and have sound quality far beyond what would be expected of their technical capacity
>the new screen can be used like a touch screen but the SCP also responds to voice commands.
>in this mode the SCP is mostly useless for phone activities, judging from the observable options the only things that can be accessed are an App store and some form of internet refered to as 'The Weave.'
>much of what is accessible via the weave is similar to our own internet but it diverges drastically the more one examines it. References to magic as if it is a usable, observable phenomena are constant, some of the Apps present on 'The Loom Store' are apparently capable of spell casting and some have displayed unexplainable phenomena when used
>however the more extreme 'Spellware' is locked behind a paywall that simply can't be surmounted due to our limited access to this universe
>experiments with the SCP have been suspended after apparent 'abuse' of an App has left one member of the research team in a coma, all attempts to awaken __________ sp far have proven unsuccessful though use of other SCPs has not yet been authorized

999 SCP is best-CP

Which is the better vending machine? Did any of the later series add in more vending machines?

Cain was also useful against that one plant scp that propagated itself through music, I think. It had a potential to cause an end of the world scenario, there was a foundation tale about it.

What is the worst not trashed SCP?

Is scp still stuck in their "nuh uh MY monster is the coolest" bullshit or at there actually good stories being written now?

Item #: UN-0WEN

Object Class: Euclid

(Picture is UN-0WEN captured by security camera proceeding failed containment. When she found the elevator was emergency stopped, she sat and waited until Foundation Personnel came to retrieve her.)

Special Containment Procedures: UN-0WEN is to be kept in her room in the basement and the door locked. Three times a day, a woman dressed in a french maid outfit is to visit her room with a cup of blood-brewed tea and blood pudding. At least one of those times must also include a replacement stuffed animal. 0WEN prefers panda bears but will accept bunny rabbits and other forest animals. At least once per three days, she must be convinced that her sister wills her to remain in that room, or she will attempt to leave. Attempts to convince her as such follow in Addendum SCP-UN-0WEN-A.

Description: SCP-UN-0WEN is a young girl of european descent, presumably 7-10 years old. Emerging from her back are the bones that would frame bat wings, but instead of wings she bares bioluminiscent lights in a rainbow of color. She has enlarged canines on both rows of teeth and refuses to eat normal food, requesting instead things that have been made with blood as the central ingredient.
UN-0WEN shows incredible feats of strength and has the ability to conjure a large, black needle (theorized by researchers as the Lævateinn due to its appearance). She has been led to believe her room resides in the basement of a large european mansion.


>tfw my name irl is Owen

not even /jp/ would want your ironic secondary faggotry

That doesn't match the picture.

Marc Dutroux and his wife were containing an SCP all along

Goddamnit I laughed

What did Nemesis see when he bumped his head?

>It's an "SCP without numbers" episode

Just give it a seperate category and then a random set of numbers, or just numbers that are best corilated with the character.

This just ramps up my autism every time.

Someone explain this to me now

Jesus Christ.

I hate weebs.

No she won't.

it seems to be a monster with an strange fascination with information, weather written or said, and will take whatever provides said information, weather it being a person who said such information or just a piece of paper with said information written on it, along with floppy discs and any other device that can hold and retain information.


weebs like scp though

I haven't been on the SCP wiki in a while, but I really hope it hasn't been poisoned by bullshit like this.

My fav scp, so much effort in its page.
It cant understand symbols, and it steals away all sources of info about itself thats written in alphabetical language. It steals people who speak about it.

It loves information about itself, and it cant understand symbols

How long has the foundation been around?
Where they capturing SCPs in the 1800s and shit because that would be cool

What happens to those people?


It hasn't. I cooked that up in a couple minutes because I liked the picture.
