Gal Gun Double Peace

>solid shooting mechanics
>object is to give girls orgasms while finding true love
>many routes and collectibles for replay
>100% UNCENSORED by based company that has more completely-intact titles on the way
>pulled from shelves in Australia

What's not to love?

Yes it's a rail shooter and therefore simplistic but it's a great way to kill an hour every now and then

I'm thrilled to finally have an import publisher so against censorship that they don't give a fuck if retailers carry it or not. Gamestop doesn't sell this and won't buy used copies.

>What's not to love

Over $100 in DLC.

Also, if I want to play a good rail shooter, it'll probably be House of the Dead.

Is it translated and on pc?

>dad walks in

Are you winning, son?

Yeah this. I wasn't expecting nudity or anything on a PS4 game but I've seen what that DLC does and it is totally not worth $100. It's a complete ripoff.

Same company is bringing Valkyrie Drive over too

It was literally a joke, an item in the game does the same thing

Wait, hold up. Then what are you spending $80 on if there is already something like that in the game?


How long is it? I'm a weeb that eats this kind of shit up but the game at least needs some good replay value.

The DLC is a joke, like an actual joke. You get the same item later in the game. It is in no way required and you're not missing out on anything.

>Gamestop doesn't sell this and won't buy used copies.

Really? In the US?

Collecting everything can take quite a while

I mean rail shooters are by definition shallow as fuck, but with this one at least there's a bunch of branching routes

yup, I can order it from the publisher or from Amazon or a few other online retailers but I can't get in my car and drive somewhere to purchase it. I got mine same-day Amazon delivery

Not OP, but I can confirm Gamestop doesn't stock the game, and they refuse to purchase used copies. You have to buy it from Amazon or elsewhere.

What really bugs me is that it isn't light gun compatible. These kinds of games are designed for that kind of shit.


Enjoy eyefucking underwear, ill be watching porn. Pinky and Jada Fire to be exact.

The first one was and their customers didn't care; otaku would rather use their controllers than a plastic gun apparently

It is pretty fun.

Like you said, it is something you play for like a hour at a time but it has good replayability for what it is.

Glad I bought it.

Which retailer is best for importing this into Canada?

I tried using VGP once but they cancelled my order because they thought I was committing fraud or something.

Well that sucks. I used to have a blast at a local arcade with games like Time Crisis. If they could make a titty version of that (which Gal Gun is, but it needs light gun support), I'd buy it in a flash.

This is one of only a few games I've purchased *twice* for PS4/Vita crossplay

But I seriously want PQube to keep importing weeb games with zero censorship

>Yes it's a rail shooter and therefore simplistic but it's a great way to kill an hour every now and then

And that is why this game was perfect on the go. I'm seriously saying the vita version is better than the ps4 version solely because you can play this in short bursts while out of your house.

It really isn't a game where I can shit down and play for hours and hours at a time at home. But while traveling, I can easily play a stage here and there.

The only bad thing about it is the loading times suck balls.

It's way more fun than it should be, can't wait for either.

It is still a good game if you like anime tiddies and light gun games. If it ever goes on sale/lowers in price you should try it.

Demon best girl

Bought it, laughed at the ESRB misprint, backlogged it. Might get around to it when I get through a bunch of other Vita games first.

honestly looks like shit desu desu fampai

I'll buy it. When the price is lowered

This is how the 90 dollar dlc makes girls dress. And no it's not my screenshot, I did not buy it. Grabbed it from gamefaqs forums.

Damn straight she is, though I like the older sister


Not worth it. You gotta be both stupid and rich to pay for that when you can just download porn for free.

Paying the same price as an Illusion game for this is just retarded.

>stupid and rich

Vidya richfags tend to be both. That said, they probably aren't THIS stupid.

it isn't actually for jacking off, user. It's for fun.

It's *literally* meant as a joke. That's been said several times in this thread.

Is there a game like this that's all femdom? I need to jerk my dick until its lifeless

So not counting the joke dlc is it literally identical to the ingame item, or do they do something cheeky like add different bows to the hair or something? what does the other 10 dollars do?

Do you see their butts? Show us the other end

my husband's daughter bought this just to spite the australian classification board. She does that a lot.

>solid shooting mechanics
Really? I tried the Japanese demo and felt kinda shitty to me

ESRB misprint?

those aren't even my screenshots, found em on gamefaqs forum. Go ask there.

They change the outfits and items

I.e. instead of girls in school uniforms handing you love letters, they're girls in festival yukata handing you takoyaki.. Fantasies designed for Japanese basement dwellers and whatnot.



Vita version has the game rated E on the back. Literally E for sexual content. It didn't get recalled either because the game has no physical retail presence.

Does the Vita version have touch screen shooting?

So do they refund your money or does the transaction not go through? Because I literally saw that "joke" in the DLC list.

I got to play the demo before it got pulled down and to my knowledge, no. The ecstasy minigames are touch-based, though. Rest assured, you will get to touch the virtual high school girls.

It's a joke because it's funny to the publishers.

>pfffhahaha, they actually bought it

Though to be fair, this was the case in the Japanese release as well, so PQube was actually faithful on that one.

I checked, I'd honestly get the witch outfits
but they also say the dlc see through mode is "a superior version" of the in game see through clothes mode

What a bunch of assholes. They aren't going to be in business very long pulling stunts like this. I've already made up my mind never to buy any of their games thanks to your post.

Remember when horse armor was a joke?

Whats the fucking difference

I was being a bit facetious there but I wonder how much truth there really is to it. I doubt it's complete bullshit. Still, if you want to know who to blame it's probably either Inti Creates or whoever published the Japanese release.

that's the thing, there's no comparison shots anywhere and I can't find any specifics on what the "angel's eyedrops" do to compare

The DLC does exactly what it says it does, the people get a discription of what they're paying. How the fuck does that make the company "assholes"?

There are no subtitles if the original Japanese version didn't display any. Whole sections don't make sense.

How does baiting idiots to buy ridiculously overpriced DLCs then laughing at them when they actually buy it not make them assholes?

Anyone stupid enough to buy that DLC deserves to be laughed.

How well does the vita version run?

You get instant access to an unlockable in game item, not very different from many DLCs

It's still loading. No one has actually played the Vita version yet.

gameplay is good

load times suck

And I'm saying that kind of attitude does not make for good business. I don't expect this company to last long and they probably don't either pulling shit like this. I wasn't going to buy the DLC in the first place because I'm not a moron but now I'm not even going to buy the game because it's published buy a company of assholes.

Actually pretty well aside from the long ass loading. Tho out of every single stage... there is one stage where there was some slowdowns... other than that one stage, every thing else ran smoothly.

>solid shooting mechanics
I've seen better shooting on mobile games. It's a watered down rail shooter, and a terrible one at that.

Can't handle the memes nepboy?

The dlc is actually a little more transparent but it's such a minor difference from the ingame upgrade. Also you can see them in the nude in dokidoki mode.

>Also you can see them in the nude in dokidoki mode.
that seems like a significant advantage actually

Man this company gives no fucks. That's probably why Gamestop won't stock their game, they can see the shitstorm coming.

which is exactly why I bought this, and preordered their next game

Does anyone remember that game about taking photos of girls with a ridiculously long name?

Just wanna add that the load times literally feels like 3-5 minutes long. It really helps if you're doing something else while loading. If you stare at the white loading screen the entire time, it'll drive you mad. But I usually shit post on Sup Forums or multitask on something else while I'm waiting for it to load so it doesn't bother me as much. It's seriously long enough that you can walk away to do something else and come back before it finishes loading.

Natsuiro High School Seisyun Hakusyo

>to spite the australian classification board
she dun fucked up then because it pass through uncut with an R rating