Battle station thread?

Battle station thread?
Battle station thread.

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Its nice to see you again, but you still haven't cleaned up


looks like French flag

it doesnt look white

How do you live like this, user?

there are people this stupidly disgusting
you obv get up to piss or get a snack yet you dont take any of that trash to throw away when you get new snack/piss.


>X thread?
>X thread.
Stop this.

This picture is years old all you Fucking newfags

I love these threads. So many interesting people.


what did you get from Burger King?

Old pics but my shits still the same. just add a new audio interface and few piss bottles here and there.

tendie crisp meal

>Stop this?
>Stop this.

Stop smoking pot.

I can imagine someone getting triggered as fuck over the cigarette carton and ignoring the rest of the mess.

are you a grill

There's a bra in the corner, no technology prominently displayed, lots of clothes and blankets strewn about, couple random plushies...yeah that's a girl's room.

Plz don't bully me

damn dude clean up a bit cause that bed corner is maximum cozy

Nice toenails

ugly feet faggot

I said DON'T bully

This is comfy as fuck.



and finally after what felt like forever, the Retro Room is finally complete.

Sorry, better shot of my desk.

What's going on in here?

>stub toe a month ago
>toe nail goes black
>still black

I keep asking my nurse mom about it, but she just says it'll fall off eventually. Anyone know if there is anything I should do?

I'd manage your cables
and dust your place
Shampoo your carpets
Clean your couch
Play with your dog
light your candles
And cook naked in your house

All of this of course, without you there.

No, just let it fall off.

Chances are it might stay on and just grow out from the base.

Either way don't exacerbate it.

O...oh no it's you again...

I'm here all of the time, why don't you love me?


You can clean my house but you just have to be less creepyou about it.

Maybe your in the bathroom and I come in to clean?

A little cramped but it works.

Why the fuck do you have so many Xillia's


Sometimes while you're at the computer I come over with a bucket of soapy water and insist on cleaning your privates. Can't ignore basic hygiene!

A couple of reasons. At one point I bought doubles of 'niche' games, my fiance moved in and brought his collection as well, also I'm a huge Tales fan.


I had a stub toe for over a year, it never fell off

l just move in

Nice kankles fag


good night gentleman

sleek and comfy.

>hello hiding Palutena

Where do you live that you need metal window shutters?

Photos a bit old

Replace the recliners with a comfy couch


wild animals can be a pain in the ass.

Oh, that's actually reasonable. I thought maybe you lived in a dangerous part of a city, but there are no lights outside.


that's pretty comfy, even though I'm not into anime. What does it look like outside your window?

I'm always curious about these type of rooms. Do friends/family/colleagues etc; know how you have it decorated?

I have created the ultimate man-cave for your viewing pleasure.

That dog is 10/10

>those medieval times statues


Can find no fault with a person that drinks Macallan

Don't you mean 12/10

I really want to make my setup more comfy, but I have no clue how

Yes, 12/10 would pet

Why is there so much feet in here?

more cats



nice suit lad

do these fuckers shit everywhere? i feel like they would shit while sleeping, eating, moving, etc;

Jesus christ.

So you're the fucking reason they go out of stock so fast.

Better not do it for Berseria you double nigger.

they use a litterbox like civilized people

These are fine cats, I'll share mine too.
Not mine yet but I'm going to buy that shit.

wanna yiff my butt user?

how much?

>out of stock so fast

Namco was literally selling them for $50 because they needed to move stock. I won't be doing it for Berseria. The Tales series is unfortunately nowhere near the quality it used to be so I don't care as much.

I'd like to believe you, but I'm still inclined.

They are pretty neat aren't they?

they're good people

can you enlighten me on their worst qualities as pets?

Answer's always yes
Auction, no bids yet, $1500, could be higher? I have the money and it's by one of my favorite makers.

These people just piss in jars user


chews on things

I used to have this problem. All it took to fix was moving my trash can.

Nice keyboard bro


>Game on vertical screen
>4chins on horizontal screen

Thanks nigger. I've got one of these on the way as well.

If there's little to no detail on the face and paws, I suggest choosing another

It's a 4:3 game, i don't think it would make much difference, Sup Forums will use the 16:9 resolution better


really nice
good luck with your bidding then

Thanks! I've been looking to get one for a long while, and I think it's time.

r u livng out of a suitcase

I was watching game reviews lookin for good ps2 games to emulate

It's kind of a mess but that's just me being paranoid

Also it's really nice you got a large space for your bunnies

fishtank pic pls

u live alone? u own that house? damn

Why are those all disgusting and dirty, they're not battle stations they're dumps

except for a few which are really nice and comfy places

Only recently set myself up here so it's rather empty

I prefer dumps to super-nice setups. I visit /r/battlestations semi regularly because for some reason im addicted to looking at battlestations and most of the ones there are so sterile and clean and devoid of personality that they dont satisfy my itch. Same can be said of a lot of the battlestations found on Sup Forums (not to mention its the same few people reposting constantly) so overall I honestly think Sup Forums has the best bst threads

This. At least dirty ones can tell you a lot about an autist