I just woke up. Did Sup Forums already discuss this?

I just woke up. Did Sup Forums already discuss this?
>$20 a month
>PS games on the PC

Other urls found in this thread:


Unless they somehow port Bloodborne to PC which is the only good game on PS,nobody care.

>Sup Forums
pick one friendo

> rent this emulator

>20$ a month
for what purpose

i wish it was an emulator, its just a streaming service like OnLive

>Streaming games
Because OnLive was so successful, right? They're never going to put anything up that threatens their console sales, and streaming is so bad that you'll probably be tempted to get a console just to get a better experience.

Look at all these deniers of the power of the cloud. You guys are fucking filthy nonbelievers.

>persona 5 on the PC

>sony puts this up
>just more b8 for sony to get shitpsoted on
>pc turds don't even use it or buy games for that matter

what is even the point

It only steams from the console so of course you'll have to get one.

>Buy a console so you can stream from it rather than just playing on it


Basically nothing.



I thought Sony wanted to kill the PC market.

>trying to sell a subscription sevice to pc gamers
>a game streaming one no less
>from a console with no games
Wow I'm sure this will finally save Sony

>no sonic unleashed or MGS4 on the list
>for $20 a month

sony realized that instead of killing, they can milk PC beggers for $20 per month

>Sup Forums says it's a waste of money
>would never buy a streaming service for games
>meanwhile, everyone ITT had pic related when they were kids

Depends on what I can stream. If it's just shit I can emulate then not interested.

They probably realised that it was almost as stupid as asking 600 $ for a console without games

>no MGS4
but for real though I'd probably pay for one month both to see how it works and to replay the best MGS game on a pc

putting the spotlight on their shitty out-house developed games instead of actual good stuff on the PC sounds like a good way to do just that

let me play okami again on pc without the use of shitty emulators and I'm happy

The difference with that (and the Sattalaview) and PS Now is that those services downloaded entire games to the cart before you could play them, whereas it seems PS Now just streams the games from some server, inducing latency in the process.


>game streaming service

Why is this meme still alive?

Sony harnessed Tachyon technology? Amazing

A ton of TVs have PS Now, PC getting it isn't a big deal

This streams from "the cloud", right?

Guess I'm never using it with my shitty Australian internet. OnLive didn't even let me try, it was completely region locked because THEY knew I had no chance in hell of playing anything at a decent pace.

Anywhere without unlimited bandwidth can't even use PS Now unless they want to rack up their internet bill.

This too, but surprisingly I have unlimited with iiNet, it's just slow as shit.

Who the fuck doesn't have unlimited bandwidth? My third world internet plans offer that shit.

Australia. It's shit, we know. Nothing we can do.

A good portion of Canada/Europe/Aussie?

>go to Youtube
>search gameplay video of your favourite PS3 game
>set to 240p

Didn't even need to pay $20.

>streaming service
Worst part is, infinite console war shitposting from both camps will flow from this, I'm sure.

Have you guys actually tried to do anything though? Seems like if enough people got riled up and actually started doing something about it you could force the internet providers' and the gov's hands


>hey look at that tree, let me make it bloom with my br-
Fucking scroll opening music REEEE

remember that PS Now still doesn't support PS3's only game, Demon's Souls

Of course it is. If it were an emulator, it'd be cracked in record time.

I'm kinda interested, Depends on which games they have and if I enough money.

and elitist musturd cucks will fall for this anyway

coming up next: threads about how PS Now is shit and the input lag is unplayable, and "lol, sonyfags been eating this shit?"

I just wanna be able to play ps3 games, man. My ps3 broke a while ago and I never finished dragon's crown. Is there online support? I'm not a fan of streaming, but I'm kinda considering it at this point.

>PS Now
>okami again on pc without the use of shitty emulators
lmaoing at your life, you fucking moron

>PS Now
>only does old as fuck games
>additional lag due to being over the internet rather than local
lmao, I'll just keep enjoying PS4 games on my PC with almost no lag

all you need is a 1-time lifetime subscription of $299.99 (lmao $20/month, imagine if you want to keep playing for 3-5 years), and $5 a month "if" you want to do multiplayer.

>lmao, I'll just keep enjoying PS4 games on my PC with almost no lag
I'm wired up and getting 150ms input latency for PS4 remote play, and DigitalFoundry's reports on it match my own.

For $20/month, I can play all the PS4 games for free?

PS Now doesn't have PS4 games

The list of games is so paltry I won't even bother with the trial.

>pcfats will eat this shit up now that Sony finally apeases them
>despite calling ps exclusives "weebshit" and "movies" in the past

No. Nobody ever fights back. America is a shithole too, it's not just us. Everyone is too consumed in their lives to yell at politics and shit. It's just the way it is.

If this is what it takes for me to finally play Tokyo Jungle on PC, I'm fine with it.