You Monster Hunter fans think you are so funny...

You Monster Hunter fans think you are so funny, starting your threads with some witty shit you hate about Monster Hunter and false flagging. Lol I hate when Rajang drills my ass so good "Monster Hunter Thread." Monster Hunter was never good generations is trash "Monster Hunter Thread"

Post Rooms...............

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Imagine a Crocodile Hunter show, but with the monsters from MH.


Fuck the gook who thought this was okay

HR Turns


I want more Maccao subspecies. It may be made out of paper skin and glass bones, but its so fun to look at and has way more variety in its attacks than the dromes.

user, please don't make fun of Steve Irwin.
My country is still in grieving.

>mfw fighting dromes as a hammer user

Jesus fuck stand still you fucking faggots

but Maccao is just a 4th Jaggi species.

same body structure and has "great" as it's title instead of "drome"

It has like 5 attacks and dies before you can see all of them.
It's just as shit as the Great -aggis and the Dromes.

ok guys lets try something
>pick a monster
>go to the web and pick any image
>try to add details to make it look like a monster

We still got one slot left

Come on in. There's space for one more.


This khezu is blind as all jiminy. So what I'm going to do is sneak up real quiet and stuff me arm up his clacker!
Oh. He didn't like that. Gee what am odd reaction. These are normally quite harmless and


Fuck that yobbo cunt. Made the entire country look like fucking morons on the world stage with his 'fame'. Every fucking thing he did was pretty much 'how to win a darwin award, australia edition' just like
>hand over the piss and no one dies

Dude. Just fought nakarkos 4x. Broke both tentacles every time. 0 vertebra. On a 20% drop per arm per hunt.

Oh. Forgot. And you get 2 dicerolls per tentacle break.

Anyone get a charm farming room up?

How was that making fun of him?
I was just saying how interesting an enviornmentalist type show like Corcodile Hunter could be in a world like MH.
It'd be pretty cool.

Source for OPs God, highly recommend watching if you haven't seen it before.

i guess

Irwin is and always was a fucking joke. So memtioning him. Is a joke. But he's dead now. And you're not supposed to take the piss outta the dead.

So no one talks about him. Ever. Even when talking about his widow and or kid.

>If you could use a MH weapon irl to hunt a rath what would it be?

I choose Hammer. I'm a HH main but i love the idea of smacking a monster in the face with a hunk of iron

>t. assmad Aussie
He had a decent show about showing off animals. Get the fuck over yourself.

beating The Field's a Stage was really satisfying even if I did it on my first try

Do deviant armor combo skills stack with their non-combo counterparts, like Crit Eye stacking with Silverwind or Attack Up stacking with Dreadking?

ID: 06-0946-3928-7709
Pass: 7243

High rank turns, locked or unlocked.

I would imagine it would be like Honed Blade in that it made Attack Up irrelevant unless it was AuXL

That there's a rathian, a right beauty she is.
Now, they are very aggressive buggers so i'll demonstrate how to calm one. All you gotta do is stick your thumb in her butthole.

If PvP was suddenly a thing would you rather fight your friends using the usual weapon choices or as playable large monsters?

Where is the Tanzia Sweetheart? I just want to make the sailor set and I can't get the fucking quest and it's so frustrating. The Wiki is honestly pure garbage.

Heavy bowgun because fuck getting near that thing.


>implying anyone from Sup Forums could even lift an IRL version of mh weaponry

No. His show was fucking sensationalist jerry springer tier retardation.

No one parades js as a serious rxample of healthy ethical mental health practice / counselling.

And yet Irwin is put up on a fucking pedestal as if he's the best thing ever. When every single fucking episode was
>this is an X
> now watch me abuse the animal to provoke a reaction and pretend it's ok.

Sir David Attenbourough never had to resort to cheap ass abusive gimmicks to 'show off' animals.

>yians are bird wyverns
>so are the flightless dromes

Got a spot open

they're bird wyverns because they have more birdlike features.

A better question is why Zinogre gets to be the only fanged wyvern

HR6 quests
Doing the last 3 pages of quest including cat shit

>it's a connection error happens as soon as you find the garuga and have to solo it now episode

Why is ziggy even a wuvern ffs? Shouldn't he just be fanged beast or some shit?

Weakness Exploit + Narga Hammer is great

So many juicy crits

>Its a "Hyper Plesioth hipchecks you so hard it severs your internet connection" episode.

Shit, must've gotten disconnected

because he's a special snowflake who gets subspecies as much as Raths

>Edgy Zinogre
>Super Saiyan Zinogre
>Ghostly Zinogre
>Even Blue-er Zinogre

>10 more voltz zinogre

SnS, DB, LBG and Bow can be lifted by anyone tho.

Please don't tell me there's a Hyper Rajang

I would be a Tigrex and spam charges, spins and roars.

No, just Furious

Are there any decent gathering sets in high rank? I still have yet to find anything better than the basic Leather set. I miss my OP as fuck Arzuros X gear from 3U.

The Blue Guild set comes with Charm Chaser, you get a free Gathering+1 charm so you just need to slot for Gathering+2

Save HP, what even are the differences between regular and Furious anyway? I never really bothered telling them apart in 4U considering Apex gives the regular the Furious moveset, and I'm used to eating triple Blanka balls from either.

Leather S + gems is serviceable, though you'd need a bloody good charm to fit in charm chaser.

Naturally, Crystalbeard Uragaan has Charm Chaser and Great Luck by default but it's too much effort.

Blue Guild is nice for Sakura runs, but I'm talking more general purpose gathering armor.

what the fuck else do you want

Carver? Silver Sol EX

Is this cropped porn?

>It's a hammer user doesn't KO the monster once episode

Rath Zinogre when?

Will MH5 remove gen 1/2 trash (anything that's not some elder dragons, raths, or blos) in favor of the superior gen 3 versions or will we have to keep suffering the dromes?

I'd want another semi-reboot like Tri more than another 4U.

Take some isolated location with very little guild influence like Tri did, just pick like 2 iconic monsters and only have them return but revamped

Only difference obviously is don't make it errand boy 2.0 that Tri did with it's """"story""""

18 unique monsters > 40 reskins

Tbh I'm probably not gonna buy an MH game till 5U, playing 3U, 4U, and gen all around the same times has me burned out.

the worst part is trash like the cocksucker lagombi and his buttbuddy azuros keep comming back for some reason and I have to fight them always. Not so much azuros but lagombi for evasion gems


Have you fucking seen how big the swords are? They're the size of claymores dude.

Yes, source is Guoh.

I could argue IG could be liftable if it's balanced correctly

Likely evolved from wyverns into a different kind, note its claws on the sides of its feet

Though Akantor and Ukanlos do have this trait too and they are considered flying wyverns

You know what I fucking hate about this game?

What REALLY makes me froth in anger about this stupid fucking abortion of a series?


I'm a chef and I run a motherfucking frying pan ingame

I just beat Glavenus. Is the Meowstress someone on the development team's waifu or something?

>He wants his intestines to be full of giggi

It's preyy much a Hyper but worse.

Huh, never actually thought about that

Rare Steak description says "This one's still red in the middle" but it describes the well done as "Meat done right!"

If it's for actual sanitation shit I can understand but no, they do the LITTLE FUCKING SONG ABOUT HOW FUCKING TASTY THE WELL DONE IS OVER RARE.


I would chime in about it all but I've never had steak before. I guess whoever makes the game really likes well done.

>never had steak before

>tfw you get the Hayabusa Feather and can't make a good set with it
>In addition to the popular franchise’s upcoming 3DS RPG Monster Hunter Stories, Capcom has plans for a new Monster Hunter title and more according to their financial results briefing for the year ended March 31, 2016.
>Keep in mind that two million units isn’t exactly the number Capcom would expect from a main entry Monster Hunter title, but we’ll likely hear about a new spinoff title for the series [for console] in addition to Monster Hunter Stories, based on what was mentioned in the financial results briefing.
>Capcom will stream Tokyo Game Show 2016 live from the show floor on September 15 from 20:00 JST, and September 17 and 18 from 10:00 to 17:00 each day. Expect the latest information on Capcom’s upcoming lineup.

>It's a four gunner room so the monster spends 99.9% of the time on the ground writhing in agony until it dies episode

I've never been in a situation where I could have steak. Had ribs a few times though.

Lol what? Steve irwin made millions of people happy. He like the only good person to cone out of your shithole. Everyone only ever has good things to say about him

So what is it like to have autism?


>Mfw fighting Seregios, Brachydios, and Gore Magala for the first time
>Tigrex is as cool as ever
Fantastic stuff
Zinogre is shit though.


Are you fucking poor as shit?

Ribs are always cheaper and I know how to make them, so I pass up steak for ribs.

Fuck you

>those "2 iconic monsters" will be Raths
>the "revamp" is adding 5 more variants of them

I'll probably feel like the OP

Shagaru sucks

Which MOBA-shit skills should I use with light bowgun?
Also guild or adept?

Guild/Striker with Full House & Absolute Readiness. Other skill is irrelevant if you go striker.


Just did the first quest with Fullhouse, I didn't first understand how it works but holy shit that skill is way too good to not use.
FREE shots

Zinogre is lame, Astalos and Rajang are the superior Thunder Gods.

Robs are also fucking comfy food as fuck.

>slow cooked braised and marinated ribs....

>generic steak #386645

Plus finger food.

It's like limiter off but with rapid fire


1 slot left

>spend the time to do the timeworn melding in Kokoto
>they're not even guaranteed to be dragon talismans

I'll just stick to coal hearted and keep my hyper hunter tickets you little jewverian

>do Fated Four quest
>come out with a Astalos, Mizutsune, Glavenus plate and a Gammoth Scalp

Fuck me, did I get lucky or does that quest have a higher chance of giving you those

ID: 32-2424-0021-7048
Pass: 7243

Grimclaw Tigrex, starting from Quest 1 and working the way up.