Are there any WoW players from closed beta, or even alpha, on Sup Forums...

Are there any WoW players from closed beta, or even alpha, on Sup Forums? I personally am a peasant tier open beta player. Let's share some WoW memories, because it's a really historic video game.

>install WoW open beta
>excited as fuck
>game crashes when I start it up and this cool looking error window pops
>"You don't have enough RAM to play this game"
>literally beg my mom to buy me RAM for the next two months
>get it just in time to play retail during winter break

I played in closed beta

on someone elses account

Whose account was it? How was closed beta like? Did you play during the server shutdown event?

>because it's a really historic video game.

the game that ruined the MMORPG genre and opened it up to retarded kids wheeeeeeew give blizz a fucking medal

Just lots of little stuff

>getting to UC for the first time and taking the elevator down to the cozy dank corridors of the undead
>Discovering the way out the back and thinking how cool it was
>getting for hilsbrad and seeing faction warfare for the first time
>sitting on the lower floor of the zepplin balcony and watching the world go by as it rained
>fucking around with other players on the zepp

Damn comfy game. I remember coming back from highschool and being so excited to just kick my feet up and play some WoW

>mind controlling plebs off freewind post

This is the last post of the thread

>They changed Mind Control to start the fall from the end of the spell, making it worthless if you didn't drop them in lava or off the Thousand Needles highest point
Still mad.

>being stuck on a zeppelin when the world servers are down

Is there any achievement for playing alpha/beta? I'd find it hard to believe that a single person has continued to play for that long on the same character.

The Disease Outbreak was actually monitored by the CDC so yeah Id say it was pretty historical to some degree.

I find it hard for a person to still play period considering the game now and the game then are basically night and day.

Didn't they send out some high quality statuettes to players who had been subbed since the first month of retail during MoP or the beginning of WoD?

So, at least during pandaland, there were some no lifers left.

>Are there any WoW players from closed beta, or even alpha, on Sup Forums?

According to what's always posted, literally everyone.

actually you just had to be subbed for 6 months on each expac

Just bought Legion and am installing it now. It was weird to look over my transaction history and see that I first started playing it back in 05. Quit a few times over the years but hoping for at least a couple months of fun out of Legion. One of my earliest memories of the game was being a piece of shit trying to heal 5 mans as a shadow priest using only vampiric embrace or whatever the fuck it was called.

No, the nolifers left. The ones still there were the sad casual sacks of shit who only log during raid days.

weather wasn't implemented in beta

You could cancel mind control at the peak of a jump if u were meta, pleb

never said i played beta


I didn't get one. What the fuck

I started in vanilla and quit when thunderking was top guy.

That's bullshit

I wish I had done Naxx back in vanilla. I only got up to AQ40.

I played in open beta a little. I got the game on launch but didn't join a raiding guild on my first level 60. My second 60 ended up getting in a fairly hardcore guild somehow. I've got so many memories from that game, met a lot of hilarious people.

>the guy who fucked up with the bomb on Baron Geddon and would get pissed anytime it was brought up months later
>the guy who kept falling off the platforms in Karazhan
>the first high warlord on the server who played the entire game with nothing on his action bar but charge and a macro named "ezpk"
>the guy who sounded like robocop for some reason
>the french guy who had millions upon millions of gold and would never tell anyone how or why
>the chinese farmer who was actually good at the game and would help us level our alts but had to stop every time his boss would come by
>the guy who would pound his keyboard whenever we wiped
>the guy who would /follow someone and play xbox until we got to a boss but we couldn't kick him because he was actually good at his class

I stopped playing in WotLK. Felt like the release of new raid content was slowing to a crawl and I lost interest. For a while during vanilla and TBC I was raiding 6 nights a week. We were clearing Naxx when TBC launched. I remember standing in line outside the Gamestop for hours, talking with people who played. The line wrapped around the shopping center.

Pretty good memories.

>that guy who was the same fucking level for ages

>monitored by the CDC

you mean they had their intern email a guy at blizzard for statistics? oh yeah, historic bro.

I wasn't even born yet.

>be me
>play WoW beta
>remember I'm not gay
>uninstall because I played Ultima Online years before WoW came out

No, WoW didn't kill the MMORPG genre. Developers copying WoW and hoping to be successful instead of creating something original did. That's like saying Dragon Quest killed JRPGs or Neverwinter killed CRPGs.

There is no achieve, me and like 3 of my friends have been playing since beta, we take long breaks but always come back to check out the content and get our fix

go to bed Grandpa

I'm thinking about getting in to wow for the first time, is there anything I should know before getting in to it?

have fun and enjoy the immersion. Don't try too hard to rush to "end game" content.
That being said I also recommend doing the Legion invasions even though it's your first time to get a taste of the event. It's great exp too but since it's your first time don't forget about indulging in a quest zone and taking it all in.

>the guy who would /follow someone and play xbox until we got to a boss but we couldn't kick him because he was actually good at his class

I had a guy like that once, except he would often just AFK in the middle of battles and come back several minutes later. He was the main tank, by the way.

He sort of knew the ins and outs of the fights and would only come back if he needed to move or taunt or something. This was in mid-Wrath, Ulduar I think, most bosses were tank and spank and very easy.

thanks dude, I appreciate the genuine feedback. now I just have to wait for my new gpu because my last one exploded

You are literally 12 and on Sup Forums,

Your parents have failed you, you'll do well here.

join a populated server and join a populated guild. the game can be dull when running solo but it's alot of fun if you're in a good social guild.

The best guild I was in was run by some middle aged woman who was like the mom of the guild. she didn't raid she let someone else handle the raid team but she put all her effort into making the guild the most welcoming place by setting up all kinds of guild events. you should try to find something like that

Prioritize getting into a good guild and finding like-minded people to have good times with. The game is 100x more fun if you have people to play with.
I'd recommend playing on an RP server. Even if you aren't interested in RPing in my personal experience I believe that they are where you will find the most chill and all around fun people. There are still dick heads here and there, but less so on other servers.

>the game that ruined the MMORPG genre
The genre was always fucking terrible, WoW just made it accessible. Nothing of value was lost because WoW became popular.

MMOs were generally a mechanically bankrupt genre to begin with, which heavily relied on non-gameplay related activities to be entertaining.

The thing is that everyone blames Blizzard for so many MMOs being WoW clones rather than blaming the developers who have no creativity and want to make a quick buck.
Its not Blizzard's fault that every flavor of the month MMO developer is too lazy to come up with fresh and new ideas.

the only MMO experience I really have is from RO, many years ago. And my fav part was chillin with the guildies. I'm looking forward to it. Appreciate the advice homies.

>The best guild I was in was run by some middle aged woman who was like the mom of the guild. she didn't raid she let someone else handle the raid team but she put all her effort into making the guild the most welcoming place by setting up all kinds of guild events
that sounds fucking amazing

the guild i'm in on stormrage is like that. unfortunately the person who she chose for the raid leader is a complete and total shit head. i don't raid with them but it annoys me that this kind of thing is going on in the guild that i like

I'm looking for the thrall cross image anyone have it?

I never played the Beta but I did start playing about a year before Burning Crusade was released.

>FlyFF is the first MMO I ever played and got into
>Our Guildmaster on FlyFF is being a dick (he wants us to carry his cousin through dungeons so he can lvl up quickly and kicks anybody who isn't helping his cousin)
>Can't replace replace guildmaster and he kicks anybody who even mentions such from the guild
>Luckily all my guildmates are on my friends list so I can still talk to them
>Former guildmate is actually pretty pissed that he got kicked (he was a co-founder or some shit)
>He talks all of us into getting WoW and he would carry us through to lvl up quickly
>We all get WoW and start a guild
>There were 9 of us total and we would call ourselves the Ringwraiths
>Over the next few years everybody just stops playing
>I was the last one to quit playing
>mfw one of the hardest things I ever had to do in life was admit that the other 8 co-founders aren't coming back and pass on our guild when I finally quit playing WoW

goddamn I miss those days

L-l-lok'tar ogar...

stop fucking lying I can run wotlk on my old PC with 512 MB RAM

>user is learning to read