>only one hub and it's a fucking City 17 ripoff
Seriously, what were they thinking?
>only one hub and it's a fucking City 17 ripoff
Seriously, what were they thinking?
Other urls found in this thread:
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
Its better than HR
>implying garbage like HR was good
>Every game set in/around Prague is a City 17 ripoff
And City 17 is a 1984 Oceania rip off, big deal right?
>one hub with multiple detailed districts
>multiple hubs that are basically just glorified hallways
they did?
Who's going to get fired for this?
>implying you can read
I always though City 17 was pretty generic and there wasn't that much too it. I fucking love HL2, but I've never really understood the boner for that one specific setpiece.
>Seriously, what were they thinking?+ 0 post omitted.
That people endlessly praised DXHR even though it was a dumbed down piece of shit running on a awful engine.
My brother told me that someone actually says "Social Justice Warrior" in this game. Is it true?
Are the endings better or worse than Human Revolution?
I wish my game would stop crashing in that screencap I can actually play the game and not Dubai sandstorm simulator 2016
>32 fps on a 980
The fuck?
City 17 is gorgeous because of the contrast between the old, the new and the alien. You can see the passage of time by just looking at the architecture, it breaths of lore.
This is the result of project managers of game developers who have no accreditation in any technical field saying that optimisation is one of the lowest priorities because "muh hardware capabilities are exponential nowadays".
Seriously, the list of 2016 AAA titles that have acceptable optimisation is sparse as fuck. Indies don't have these problems but that's because their games look like shit for the most part.
How do the fucking nips bring out a PC port of Dragon's Dogma, a game 4 years old catered for a platform they don't give a fuck about that will conditionally make it a game catered for a niche audience and still provides better resource management. It's embarrassing.
Video games are being created by fashion-driven, latte-drinking limp-wristed faggots instead of the rightful group of social degenerate shitters
I had that problem as well. It kept crashing diring the explosion. I just turned the settings down to low for that one segment, and the problem went away.
>Who's going to get fired for this?
Eidos Montreal.
Nvidia can't into DX12 or Vulkan, user
It's because it was the most "game" game that came out in years.
MGSV is now that.
>"Denuvo doesn't hurt performance"
>expectation vs reality
>Seriously, the list of 2016 AAA titles that have acceptable optimisation is sparse as fuck
Doom and Dragon's Dogma are probably the only two games that were coded by people that knew what they were doing.
>It's because it was the most "game" game that came out in years.
Demon's Souls was released two full years before Human Revolution.
>MGSV is now that.
A Deus Ex game on the MGSV engine would be a fucking masterpiece.
Calm down. That's with 8x MSAA, which is confirmed to kill fps.
The actual game runs okay, but not Doom-tier.
Doom still has a CPU bottleneck that shows at random times.
And Dragon's Dogma is a last-gen game.
>Calm down
suck my fucking dick you fucking retard
go fuck yourself dumbass square enix employee
>Demon's Souls
Is this game worth playing? Some say it's better than Dark Souls, others say there's no point in playing it if you've already played the first two Dark Souls games.
Is that a promotional bullshot?
Its a picture from the Steam page, so yea
Dunno, I haven't played DaS. Some people say DeS is better but it has some very annoying things that I think it was removed in the later games.
I got an early copy from ecelebs and just beat it. Anyone else find the stealth to be game breaking? Also when the city went in to martial law that was a total chore
It is like City 17, isn't it? That's kind of cool actually if it was intentional.
Yes, there's also a female civilian that brings up their wife.
It's an in-game cutscene. It's after Dubai. During important in-game cutscenes the detail is higher.
>there's also a female civilian that brings up their wife
Lesbians in a game how shocking.
I've had more fun in Prague so far than I did in fucking Detroit.
Detroit sucked son. Hengsha was the only decent hub.
Wait does the new game have any Asian location?
What do you mean how shocking? What's the relevance of bringinh up their sexual orientation when casually walking down a street? I mean I love the game but that's clearly bad writing.
>Everyone on Sup Forums thought I was lying when I said one hub
This is so gratifying. To watch you all whinge and complain like the fucking idiots you are
So far no, but I've only done a couple of main missions and some side stuff.
So far its been Dubai then Prague, and now I'm going to Golem City.
No, but here's a neat thing, the radio will play the OST from Deus Ex in specific areas, including Hong Kongs theme.
Don't worry, I believed you, not that I care either way.
So, promotional bullshot alright.
>one hub
get out. is this true? I mean Prague is ok but I already played half life 2 and it looks the same
You go to about 7 areas in total and the main hubworld while one area changes 4 times with different quests.
So you get triggered by people mentioning they have a partner? Would you get a heart attack if you saw people of the same sex holding hands?
No? It's in-game. Not FMV, while there's FMV cutscenes in the game.
stop shilling this garbage game you fucking retard
it actually looks like this ingame
unfortunately right after that cutscene a lot of people are experiencing crashes, myself included
>No, but here's a neat thing, the radio will play the OST from Deus Ex in specific areas, including Hong Kongs theme.
The previous game also did that Jean. Maybe you have to actually play your own games more often.
Daily reminder all these shitposters are actually piratefags buttmad that they can't play this Denuvo game. I am getting constant 60 fps on a 970 with msaa off. Stay mad piratefags.
>Have 970
>Always worry about the >3.5gb shit
>If I load a new area in this game, it does that shit and makes my game run at 10< fps until i restart.
Im even playing on the recommended settings and shit what the fuck
It's called bad writing user. The world building in this game is the writers political agenda and that just happened to be another example. It's completely unnecessary for a random character to bring it up. People are getting murdered on the street under martial law and she brings up her wife in another town?
it's shit compared to dark souls
But it's literally ingame 10 minutes in and it's not FMV. An FMV literally plays right before it.
You literally walk up to random people and listen in on their conversations. Some dyke is worried about her scissor partner, calm the fuck down you dont even have to talk to them.
Thank you user, you're a real pal.
See if works for you
works for me :^)
No it didn't, they played remixed themes. But it's ok if you didn't know that, HR was garbage while this is on par with the original.
LOL all the rooms on the wall on the bullshot aren't even in the actual game screenshot. And you're trying to tell me it looks the exact same? fuckoff.
Go back to your containment subreddit, maybe they will care over there.
I don't want to play as Adam again. I really liked HR, but I just don't wanna. Does this game still do that annoying switch between first and third person, by the way?
>one hub
>no mirrors
>one boss fight
>niggers in one of the most xenophobic and racist nations in the world (???????????????)
>no shadows
>shit story about 'muh equality'
into le trash it goes
I think I made a mistake, it's Jonathan right?
I mean the area isn't exactly the same, but it looks just as nice.
>one boss fight
Boss fights where the one thing everyone complained about last game, because they were designed like shit by some outsourced company.
Guess the solution to that for this game was "No bosses".
Great hub
Same with HR
Good boss
It's fiction
Art style is still great though
The story content isn't even bad it just cuts off before it gets great
No if it was two girls I would probably get a boner :^)
you already beat the game? lol
I don't trust you fags after you shat on Wolfenstein TNO and it ended up being the best game of the year
In the story Prague has been transformed into a corporate town. Its filled with employees from all over the place.
Welcome to Cyberpunk you stupid fuck.
>Gay people don't exist in the real world
>It's fiction
The game tries to be realistic sci fi.
That whole thing is completely unrealistic, why not rename prague to something else while at it?
This feels like they wanted to set the game in france/usa with prague being one of the hubs but then scrapped it, cut out other cities and only left prague in while using the models they already had done.
Many Slavs go their entire fucking lives without seeing a black person.
I hope you get paid for this.
>have to press space to leave loading screen
>if you saved behind cover jensen will move out of the cover because you pressed space
good game
How was this not noticed in playtesting?
You're such a fucking retard.
This breaks immersion and is just useless pandering and a shitty dev choice. Get your brain checked, dumb nigger.
The game takes place in supposedly realistic VERY near future(less than 20 years at that). Those retards even use notBlackLivesMatter to make it more realistic.
Watched the story on Youtube
The Deus Ex timeline is very different to our own mainly because It's fiction
>I don't trust you fags after you shat on Wolfenstein TNO and it ended up being the best game of the year
That was absolute shit, especially compared with half-decent games like the new Deus Ex titles.
Senpai I wish I could get paid for reverse shitposting hook me up if you know how
>Welcome to Cyberpunk
If there is no hub set in East Asia then you can go eat a million dicks.
I spent like 10 tries to do that stupid helicopter part keeping that guy alive and stopping the thing from taking off. Right after I heard a gun shot at the end of this cutscene it froze and dumped me back to the beginning of the helicopter fight.
Quit out of rage right there.
Every video game is shit and anyone who has nice things to say about video games is a shill.
>This feels like they wanted to set the game in france/usa with prague being one of the hubs but then scrapped it, cut out other cities and only left prague in while using the models they already had done.
That's probably what happened.
Maybe ask JJB if he is in the thread.
Just use the tranquilizer dart to set the guy to sleep and nobody will shoot at him
>This breaks immersion and is just useless pandering and a shitty dev choice.
No its not its the god damn story you retard. Prague is one of the biggest economic centres in Europe at the time of the game, its driven by global corporations, corporations that dont give a fuck about your demographics or hiring locally.
Its all explained and it all makes sense. Stop throwing a fucking hissy fit about things you dont understand.
>realistic future
>a game where you can turn invisible with your magic robot parts
Why would they ever bother playtesting on the PC version?
My point exactly
>The Deus Ex timeline is very different to our own mainly because It's fiction
So whoever made this image wasn't joking.
So the point is that you literally enjoy eating shit.
Have you been to the Czech Republic? It may suprise you to find out that there are no black people there.
As has been said, that's fucking 13 years into future, not nearly enough for such a change.
Especially considering Czech xenophobic and extremely racist nature.
If you want to pull taht off you chose france of england, or even germany.
You have zero idea about immigration, politics and especially, the Czech Republic.
They will never embrace multiculturalism.
Not in the slightest.
That is the whole problem.
The country would need to be conquered for that to happen.
>sub-30 fps on an R9 290
>The country would need to be conquered for that to happen.
It wouldn't be implausible for the EU to force a quasi-fascist government like they did in Greece.
Although dealing with the racism issues properly would require a decent writer on board.
No the point is that you literally turn down a restaurant meal to dine on shit and then have the audacity to say I have bad taste
>implying the people of the Czech Republic had a choice
Oh you poor little fool. The entire genre is about the governments of the world not giving a fuck about people.