lol Everyone who blindly hyped this game by projecting their own diluded hopes onto the vagueness of developers is now realizing how absolutely retarded they were. How does it feel?
No Man's Sky
Other urls found in this thread:
coincidence? I think not
Thought that was Rogue Galaxy in op. Game is fun as fuck
>Quit job
>Work on game for 5 years
>Finally release it
>Everyone hates it
i am sean murray and i will kill myself
>by projecting their own diluded hopes onto the vagueness of developers
Wrong actually.
He literally lied about what would be into the game. It was not vagueness. It was straight out lies.
Why? he made a ton of money
the game is
pretty much exactly what I was hyped for
So obvious he was lying in interviews
What they propose isn't even technically possible, a distributed sim of that size.
It reminded me of how childish Sup Forums is. Forums elsewhere calling bs but Sup Forums blindly accepting. lol
I was right all along
I never had unrealistic expectations/hopes and I think the game is ok
get ur brain checked mate
nothing more satisfying than destroying idiot that told many times their hope is fake but refused to listen
Whatever man, if people had half a brain they would have seen the handful of identical trailers showing you shit all that were pranced in our faces over the last two years and thought "Hmm, do you actually do anything in this game other than walk around a randomly generated, slightly varied planet?"
you forgot the part where it sold millions
It's not impossible at all, even the MP, it can work like temporal hubs with a limit of 50 people or so, whatever, like in Dark Souls MP.
Tripfag please go
>Superior game coming through
At least SC are transparent with their development.
lol That was good.
then you're a retard
this is not a 60$ game, infact I would say it would be better to just entirely scrap all the braindead gameplay elements they tacked on and brought back the tech demo they had and allowed free roam
Nice shitpost faggot. How about you focus on the actual discussion of the thread??? Now we are one post closer to the bump limit all because of you...
>At least SC are transparent with their development.
Some people don't have time to be looking through all that shit and analyzing everything.
That's why we have laws.
The law prevents us from going to his house and beating him up, but it also lets us sue him.
If we don't sue him then it will continue to happen no matter how hard you try to convince people to stop being stupid.
Oh we posting these now?
You've never been on their website, have you? They put out posts daily, developer logs weekly. They even let you test the alpha while it's being developed and pump out updates often. They've been one of the most open companies I've seen about development for anyone who bothers to look.
>tfw seeing star citizen
>breaking news
>local indie game doesn't deliver
It's sold nearly 800,000 on PC at this point
Console games sell a hell of a lot better than PC usually, and Sony was pushing the game hard on PS4. Not beyond the realm of belief that it's sold over 1.2 million on PS4
Sean Murray said there would be factions. He said you could choose between sides and partake in faction wars. Him not delivering on his promises doesn't make everyone else stupid, it makes him a liar, which is all anyone is claiming.
Was already burned by Spore, knew all too well this time around that everything about this was suspicious as fuck.
Glad I was right.
And honestly, I'm glad Spore sucked. I knew to never be hyped for anything ever again.
I knew from the moment I heard about the concept of this game that it would be another Spore type bullshit. I can't believe how many people thought it would be the end of all of games when everything is just procedurally fucking generated.
I'm incredibly disappointed this ended up the way it did. But honestly, I can't say I'm surprised. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.