Can we finally agree that this is BEST character action vidya?
So now that the dust has settled
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Nope, W101 is
>Platinum games
No no no
fuck off, this game was made before they went to shit.
Fuck off DMCfag
W101 has the Bayonetta problem of not enough combat. too many terrible gimmicks.
Even DmC was better.
>character action
I love Bayo and platinum but pic related is actually the objectively best action game
>character action
There isn't a single more hype boss fight than this in the genre.
Will Platinum ever top it?
What went wrong?
Not even the best gameplay in the DMC series lmfao
>Bayonetta 1
>Not enough combat
Are you fucking kidding me?
Did you even get to Chapter 5?
Nothing? They made a few dogshit licensed games with a nonexistent budget and a short dev time and now they're suddenly the worst dev's ever? You guys are melodramatic as fuck
>le one bad game makes a whole company shit meme
I was just asking his opinion, I wasn't at all in agreement with him. I still feel like Platinum is among the top 5 best developers at the moment.
Im legit curious
Why does this trigger people?
He thinks they're shit now because they use the same engine for almost everything.
His vocabulary isn't very broad and probably means stale. Honestly I can replay Korra easier than I can replay Bayonetta, either one at that.
Well this board is done
For sheer spectacle, I think I'd have to give it to Lumen Sage 1.
For hypest, W101's finale, easily.
>because they use the same engine for almost everything.
I mean if it works it works. Why fix what isn't broken?
Fucking leave then, you white faggot.
Its a matter of caring about what they make within their team
Pet projects like viewtiful joe and bayonetta is what they love making, but if they were asked to make something like korra and tmnt that they dont really care about, it turns to mediocre shit with their talent barely keeping the games head above the water
I wish they could just stop trying to get easy bucks off their fans because people are wising up to it
They need to do something that will take actual work to make, like vanquish 2:shield dog concept art edition
White boy autism
Vocal minority forced it and its definition is retarded.
The whole genre confusion is retarded. Diablo is an Isometric RPG, DMC and the like are hack n' slash, Final Fight and its competitors are beat em up.
Because DMC die-hards tend to think needless complexity somehow makes the game much better, when you can just roll through it on any difficulty never learning any of the frame-timing techniques or jump cancelling.
It's why everyone loves DMC4 despite it being less than half a game with tons of reused content from earlier DMC games, a paper-thin story that sucks even for an action game, and lazy/horrible level design.
If DMC/Bayonetta are hack n' slash, where does that leave Dungeon Siege or Monster's Den?
It's simply a 3D beatem up/Brawler. Nothing to be confused about.
Do you not realize that Platinum has to take anything they're offered just to keep the lights on? They've done multiple interview about it. Do you not get that licensed shit is low priority as fuck for these companies so they give devs a measly budget to work with? You sound like a moron.
But when i hear about a genre called "character action"
I think "ok, thats like ninja gaiden. Im going to be running around doing combos on people"
What does this have to do with the character action name...
What are some examples of this needless complexity?
You summarized what i wrote, good job moron
Fighting is solid, but the music and story get annoying after a couple of playthroughs.
Because unlike most devs who use the same engine multiple times, they only change one or two tiny things between games' gameplay.
It's like that flash fan game you played that was a reskin of an old arcade game. It's still good, but you've done this shit several times already.
Honestly MGR is the only one that feels different enough to stand apart.
Nice choice user. UNITE TIP
No I didn't. How is trying to make bucks off of dumbass fans equivalent to having to indiscriminately work on games they have no choice but to make? Their employees have families to feed. Your entire criticism should be aimed at the companies who own those licenses.
Vanquish really doesn't seem that different to you?
Who cares what you think, you can't even type.
your dumb
Bayonetta is just a glorified gloria.
Like the scalebound protag is a Nero rip-off. I'm a kamiya fag myself, but he's been ripping off DMC4 pretty hard.
Okay, I always forget about Vanquish. But that's my point, things have been so closely similar since then that the outliers aren't given deserved attention.
Yeah you make a decent point. What would you like to see from them?
Scalebound protag is cuter :3
I love DMC3, but the level design and enemy design is fucking trash. You can make the argument that it has the deepest combat, but you can argue that for Bayo 1 and 2 as well. And unlike DMC 3 or 4, Bayo 1 and 2 excel in every other area as a game. They're as close to perfect as you can really get. The only complaint you can really levy at them are the dumb gimmick shooter segments.
He's even got the same headphones!
Stance switching.
>tfw it's almost done being emulated
DMC1 still has the best Level design and atmosphere in the series.
There's a Wii U emulator? Have I been living under a rock?
Are you retarded?
What an odd cover for Ninja Gaiden Black? Is that the Asia cover?
Off the top of my head? Gurren Lagann.
There's shooting, hack n' slash potential, science magic for all kinds of bizarre mechanics, tons of possible characters gunmen to play and potential minigames/alternate gameplay they've already attempted before (digging from W101)
But it would have to be a lot tighter and more well-defined than Bayonetta in gameplay.
You're correct. It's something Crapcom needs to pay attention to for 5.
2 is a lot better in basically every way, though. So, no.
1 is such a boring, annoying pile of shit after playing 2.
Don't forget enemy variety and placement per difficulty.
This is. Sup Forums didn't play it, though, so they will name shit like DMC.
It's still in development. Check out Cemu videos if you're interested. Think they are up to version 1.5.6.
Bayo 2 has garbage enemy design what are you talking about. The best levels in that game were the Vigrid ones for a reason. Hell was some of the worst shit I've ever played through in an action game.
I never liked Bayonetta as much as I should because there's very little reason to actually learn your movelist. The variety is wonderful, but it amounts to very little.
2 made 1 hard to replay, yeah, but it has the same main issue. I have yet to replay 2 at all since unlocking Rodin.
Chances of that are slim. DMC1's environments only turned out as great as it did because they had to create catching environments as Resident Evil title. The same care just doesn't go into pure action games.
Truth, but I didn't want people to think I was just shitposting so I left that out.
If DMC1 had better combat it would be the GOAT for the genre and it wouldn't even be close. Sadly it had to invent the gameplay by itself so it wasn't given the luxury.
>character action
What's the actual term for games like this? I've heard spectacle fighter thrown around before
term is "u r a faget"
anybody who thinks a vague sub genre of a niche genre should even have its own dedicated name are retards
Neat, thanks.
>spectacle fighter
It's neither, it's actually known as a foopley doobley cumber wumper, as stated by this one guy who plays video games on youtube.
I call them CUHRAYZEE.
But Dante's Inferno is objectively the best character action. Where have you all been?
playing the objectively best character action
Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z
Yes, it's a shame the second game was so bad. Even the Bayo 1 port for the Wii U runs on a lower fps than the X360 original...
I unironically enjoy DMC1's combat as is. Every move is a tool, not there to merely prolong your combos. The only truly dated aspect is the camera.
>Sadly it had to invent the gameplay by itself so it wasn't given the luxury.
Nah, man. This weeb cowboy samurai even has the stinger.
It still surprises me in retrospect that EA published such a game. They'd flip shit if they did that nowadays.
I don't see the problem with character action. Creators of these games are always calling them something related to the main character action games. Stylish action, climax action, ninja action, whatever.
I feel like that game could have been god tier if they had a FASTER system to string combos
Nah don't get me wrong, I love DMC1's combat too, camera included. It just feels worse to play than something like DMC3 or Bayo1. I'll replay it like once a year or so, it's too good not to.
God-tier intro.
character action sounds retarded imo. Spectacle fighter makes more sense cause of all the wacky combos and shit
I think 2 was too easy. I found 1 on medium to be harder than 2 on hard.
>It just feels worse to play than something like DMC3 or Bayo1.
I don't agree whatsoever. Do you hate games like Bloodborne, or Ninja Gaiden because you can't combo enemies into oblivion? I always have to get into this with people.
>not posting the superior intro
3D beat-em-up
But that's stupid because they're not fighting games.
yeah, I turned that shit off within 5 seconds.
Odd, I ran through 1 on each difficulty back to back and did fine but had plenty trouble with 2. Then again I was tired of 2 after the second or so run.
true. I'll just call them games that are like devil may cry and bayonetta
You mean hack and slash?
i don't know what exactly you're arguing about with that guy but stop.
It's a dated game, let it be dead.
>liking the QTE-filled shitfest that is Bayonetta over DMC
How to spot a pleb.
Was GoW better?
When did I ever say that I disliked DMC1? I said I loved the combat.
Do I find Bloodborne less enjoyable to play through than DMC3/Bayo1? Yes I do. The gameplay in that game isn't actually anything too special, it's everything that surrounds the gameplay that makes it good. Ninja Gaiden I also find to be less enjoyable to run through. Still like it though.
Have a (you) fag.
It's not even second best
3d brawler mi amigo.
Who else even makes "character action" games, whatever the fuck that means?