All confirmed leaders of Civ 6 so far

Will it be good?

looks like generic cartoon shit from a 3rd rate wannabe disney.


No mongols no buy.

Scythia was more Euro than Asian. I mean, they were all over the place, but Tomyris was from west of the Urals.

They all look fucking retarded

Why can't they model a proper fucking nose
They're either tumors, red, or bricks

Jakarta is a city state confirmed. That means no Indonesia, at least not in the base game.

Serious case of tumblr nose going on.

wtf what's with this racist shit? where are my KANGZ n' SHIIEETT??


would fug tomirys

lol this game looks like shit. all the civs look like cartoon characters and the game itself is what I would imagine a civ5 iphone clone would look like

They looks great, though. Pedro II and Victoria look amazing in that Pixar style. New Teddy looks much better, and you can actually take him seriously compared to when he got attacked by a beehive. Frederick looks downright fucking amazing. So does Phillip, but in a more cartoonish style.

Only Catherine and Tomyris look like shit, but that's a given considering one of the lead developers of the game is a feminist with bright hair and tattoos. That's why it'll be a struggle to get attractive looking females, meanwhile the gayfags will get more sexy men. Because we all know women don't play Civ.

Soon, Alberto, my Portuguese friend.

>looks great
yeah this is what I imagine the great powerful leader of china looking like

i hate how cartoonish they look

The only bad thing about their depiction of Qin Shi Huangdi is that they nerfed his hat.

>no uganda


The tits on Cleopatra are fucking top notch. Victoria alsolooks attractive for an English woman. The problem is the beastly dyke and the chick who looks like a cross between the Hapsburgs and the Ptolemies.


Why does Hojo look normal while everyone else looks like a fucking homunculus

>Italian as a french leader

Based Felipe II best leader

>Pedro II look amazing
Shut up, where's my Santa Claus leader?

I'm not really sure the point you're trying to make with this one.

It's based on an actor
I guess someone on the team is a huge fan of the anual historical dramas

V nailed the leader scenes and VI took a step way backwards. What a shame.

Gameplay looks pretty good though.

>Implying Frederick isn't the best looking one of them all.

I really fucking hate this art style.

Frederick. He just dyed his beard red instead of wearing red clothes.

No mongols no buy

Fucking this.


I hate name translations.

I fucking love how Civ VI looked. I used to be really against it, but all the updates and the leader scenes won me over. Newer Teddy looks actually good. Most of the leaders look amazing. My only gripe is that most of the leaders are standing in front of the scene instead of in it, unlike in Civ V where you had characters IN the scene.
>Montezuma tossing shit into the sacrificial fire
>Pedro sitting at his desk
>Hiawatha picking up bear shit off the ground
>Pocatello chilling on a cliff
>Elizabeth looking imperial as shit in her throne
>Genghis riding up on you

I'll miss that shit. Granted, the leaders are far more animated and move around move, but they could've at least put them in a scene.

>that Methtezuma
What the fuck? He was badass in Civ 5

Oh yeah, I forgot some of the best scenes out there too
>Delicious Flat Chest stabbing her sword into a wagon
>Douchebag McCityState riding over to you on his horse and pulling it back
>Nebuchadnezzar II in his chairs tossing a chalice
>Goku and his spear shenanigans

I'm going to miss these scenes.

He looked great in Civ V, but he really drives the whole "civilization of crazed cultists" theme home in Civ VI. Kinda like how Enrico Dandelo looked villainous as fuck.

>mongols removed for raping and pillaging, like every other fucking premodern army
>replaced by the scythians, who also raped and pillaged but are girl friendly because nobody fucking knows anything about them

So who's going to be the new Nuclear Armageddon Gandhi?

Gandhi still. He's confirmed in.

They weren't "removed for raping and pillaging" you absolute idiot. They only have 18 civilizations to include in the base game, and they decided to add in the Scythians instead. Are you going to argue that Indonesia was "removed"? Or that Sweden was "removed"?

This style is good, but it seems like they couldn't figure out if they wanted to be completely cartoony or realistic cartoony with the models.

So you end up with some pretty good ones like Frederick and Phillip, and get some incredibly inhuman ones like Qin Shi Huang and Victoria.

Its mainly the inconsistency that bothers me, I wouldn't believe the same people made every one of them all.

Qin Shi Huangdi doesn't look cartoonish or inhuman. That's literally how he looked you fucking moron.

>no black leaders

>removed for raping and pillaging
Why else would they be removed?
Who the fuck cares about some tribe of plainsniggers from 100 BC?

Oh god they look fucking ugly

They weren't "removed" you retard. They can't add in all 43 Civs from Civ V. Mongols were DLC for Civ V anyways.

Will it have map editor?

We're getting Congo anyways.

>not relevant

Oh man, it looks like a really fun mobile app.

That doesn't look cartoonish at all to you?

Every feature of him is incredibly exaggerated, his eyes, his mouth, his hands.

Anyone else confirmed but not revealed?
My predictions:
>2x other

What if they added Hitler as Germanys leader guys :P

if you have a fuckning sjw female producer its shit retard

Indonesia and Sweden were a lot more consequential then fucking Tomyris, not to mention fucking Gorgo, and all these mythical leaders can fuck off

No, not at all. He looks extremely similar to how he really did. The only difference is that he's a bit hairier in Civ VI, and his mustache droops.

Dude was fucking himself up with all kinds of elements, including Mercury, attempting to find an elixir of immortality. Of course he was going to look ridiculous.

>German leader
>Isn't from Prussia

Only one WE WUZ is getting in. Arabia is obvious. Alexander is finally getting replaced with Pericles, we're getting based Peter back, and Norway is confirmed.

> No byzantium


Why do the females all look like Wallace & Grommit characters? Holy shit

Because the men do too?

No, no they were not. Scythians fucked up Persia big time, multiple times. Not to mention they're the ones that shared their horse fuckery with the Huns and pushed them out towards Europe. Scythians are also the ancestors of the Turks, since Turks came around ~100 BC when the Xiongnu mixed with the Scythians in Central Asia. Without the Scythians, we wouldn't have had
>Routing of the Persians in the North
>Huns invading Rome
>Turks destroying Eastern civilization
>Triumph of Greece over the Persians (since the Scythians greatly weakened the Persian forces)


>no Hitler
What is the point?

They all look terrible. V nailed it with the leader designs, but all of this is abject trash. Must have been a change in personnel.

Can't have Hitler because it would be banned in Germany and Israel.

No, they look amazing. Tomyris and Catherine look like shit, Monty and Cleopatra look sketchy, but the rest look fantastic and are really historically accurate. Except for Hojo, who isn't historically accurate at all, but it's okay because he looks amazing.

Fucking swabians m8

Spergs gonna sperg.

When this comes out it will be a good game. You'll still be shitposting about it but you'll be playing the fuck out of it. You just won't tell Sup Forums that you are.

Most of them don't even look human. The features are far too emphasized and they look awful.

>really historically accurate

Almost all of them predate photography. How can you possibly claim historical accuracy.

No, not really. Some look cartoonish, but that's not a downside. Plus, the vast majority of them look like they do in all the various paintings of them.

I still can't believe they included Hojo as a leader.

a thousand years worth of leaders like Meiji, Ieyasu, and Kiyomori.

And they picked the guy that did literally nothing.

>The leader of France isn't even French
>The leader of Arabia isn't even Arab
At least Hojo was important to the history of Japan AND was Japanese.


I wish they would do Winston Churchill instead of any of the british Monarchs. He was way more badass.

>Aztecs included again
>still no Mapuche



Victoria was pretty badass herself. Plus, we have Teddy, so Winston would've been overshadowed in badassery.

These are the civ 5 mods I am playing with in my current game

:>Enhanced User Interface


>Unique Cultural Influence

>Unique Components Collection

Any suggestions for my next game?

She was literally 100% Greek. The entire Ptolemy dynasty kept it in the family. She was the result of like 5 generations of inbreeding. There was no way any non-Greek blood got into her veins.

In fact, she should've been paler because of all the inbreeding done. She's far too dark.

Where da kangs at n shiet?

Civ IV Unique Traits.

It helps make America great again, and buffs all the civs to near parity. I've had Polynesia and Indonesia wreck shit because of the buffs being good for the AI.

We're getting these kangz first. Wait a year or two for DLC giving us Zulu and maybe Ghana to complete the West Africa Trio.

Personally I like Starting Scout

Mapuche genocide best day of my life

3rd and 4th unique trait mods are nice, but some are a little imba. Helps make Greece, Rome, and Byzantium relevant later after their unique units obsolete. The only downside is that the Incans and Mayans get even stronger while the Koreans and Polish barely get anything.

There's also Advancing Worker, which gives your workers buffs from certain techs. +1 movement from Wheel, for example.

Alt-Warmonger and other anti-Warmonger mods help alleviate the pain of retaliating against an invader and being perma-denounced.

Diplomacy Value helps you know when you're hitting max diplomacy bonus from trades, so you can know when you're safe in higher difficulty matches.

Historical Religions to add more missing religions, so you don't have Africans and Americans taking up Christianity all the time.

Napoleon Restored and Hiawatha Reborn for some much needed buffs to the worst Civs.

Are you guys so thick that you don't see the roots of the art style in political caricature?

I mean, these are world leaders we're talking about.

I like the artstyle. Reminds me of Asterix in a weird sort of way

It's definitely cartoonish.

>Qin Shi Huang looks less human than Lo Pan from Big Trouble in Little China
>Tomirys looks like a surfer dude
>Montezuma looks like a school janitor on Halloween
>Pedro II looks like he was the victim of a terrible head vice accident, while also suffering from a terrible cold
>Roosevelt still looks like M.O.D.O.K. without a helmet
>only Philip II and Cleopatra look distinctive [and in Cleopatra's case, distinctive doesn't necessarily mean good]
>The rest looks bland as all hell

Probably the ugliest ruler lineup in the history of the franchise. Oh well.

>civ 5 has 26 base civs
They obviously can add more civs they just don't fucking want to

>I get to play as Teddy "Big Stick for a Big Dick" Roosevelt

>Qin Shi Huangdi
Looks exactly like he did, minus the silly hat.
Looks fine. He's a crazed cultist.
Looks amazing. One of the best up there
Newer Roosevelt looks great. His original release looked retarded.

I hate retards like you who exaggerate this shit to hell and back. Catherine and Tomyris look like shit, but the rest range from good to amazing. Frederick Barbarossa is the best looking leader in any Civ game to this day.

>they gave Napoleon's well earned spot to some bitch that isn't even French

Civ 5 had 18 base civs

43 was by the end of all the DLC and expansions. Babylon, Mongols, Denmark, Spain, Incans, and Korea were all DLC.

I want to FUCK Cleopatra

Napoleon isn't French either. He's a way better leader, but he definitely was not French. He was as Italian as Catherine.

>Pedro looks amazing
You are a crazy person. Old Pedro looked amazing. This one is a disgrace.

As for Montezuma, he looks FINE alright, but compared to the goat that was V's Montezuma, he doesn't hold a candle, looks far less threatening and imposing. He's supposed to represent the savagery of the traditionally aggressive Aztecs from Civ, and I'm not getting that from him.

>best looking leader
Nope, that crown still belongs to Gilgamesh in IV. Although after looking up a full body screenshot of him he does look better.

As for Qin Shi Huang, I actually like him, but you can't deny that it looks rather inhuman.