Honestly? I'm hype af about a zombie Co-Op game set in the FOX engine
Honestly? I'm hype af about a zombie Co-Op game set in the FOX engine
is that scalebound
I'll stick to playing MGSV.
Zombies are absolute garbage, and the gameplay is already easy as is without co-op.
Besides, I'm not going to give more money to Konami, I don't want them to stay in the industry.
The issue I have with it is that it would be fine as a standalone game without the metal gear name attached to it. If it were a new IP I'd be hyped, honestly, but this is just shitting all over the fans and going for the easy cash grab.
>FOX Engine
Everyone can optimize any engine.
Besides, MGSV runs fine because the polygon amount and texture quality are a joke, there's literally nothing happening in the map, it's mostly empty, and you only have 10 NPCs on screen.
And a zombie co-op game is an idea that has been run into the fucking ground over the last 5 years, there's many games like this, this one doesn't offer anything, and if I want MGSV's gameplay, i'll play MGSV.
This game has no reason to exist.
tight gunplay
Wouldn't it be funny if it was revealed this game was Kojima's idea before he left Konami?
it wont be any different then the 30 that came out in the last year
yes it will it'll have good gameplay
I wish Konami would just license out the engine, its wasted on them
>This game has no reason to exist.
Except there is not a single TPS coop game with combat as responsive as V. Not to mention we are massively starved of TPS games in the first place.
This, like imagine if From or Platinum had their hands on it.
And it would remain a horrible idea, and it's obvious Kojima was tired of this franchise.
There's no need for more Metal Gear games, even less shitty cashgrabs like this.
No, i'm actually pretty fucking tired of zombie survival games, and I sincerely hope this flops hard, which it probably will.
I played MGO3, and it's dead for a good reason.
This game is completely unnecesary, and the only thing that it will achieve is convince everyone that Konami simply doesn't give a fuck.
>i dont like it
>so i hope it flops!
Thanks for proving youre literaly underage. Sorry you get upset and want to cry that other people still have fun with things you dont like.
Back to you go. Dont you have an infinite warfare video to downvote?
Bad videogames deserve a bad reception, and there's no videogame coming in 2017 that deserves a worse reception than this.
Nobody likes it, it's a shitty cashgrab that no one asked for.
Aside from shills, of course.
And don't worry, it is going to flop because nobody but the 60 year olds in suits who decided to push for this game to come out think it's a good idea.
The franchise is over, it ended with 4, PW and V weren't even necessary, imagine a fucking zombie survival turd.
Oh I didn't know you've already played it
>kojima makes a zombie game with gathering mechanics
>konami makes the same
My sides are going to leave the solar system when you realize Kojimas new game is a zombie game.
It's going to have the exact same gameplay as MGSV, but with reused zombies from the wandering soldier side ops scattered throughout the map.
The crafting will be like MGSV's shitty Motherbase system, but of course, with more microtransactions.
Can i have your copy please? Unlike you i like video games.
Is there something more delicious than the tears from mad as fuck shills?
MG Survival is going to flop and there's not enough threads you can make to prevent it.
I'm going to enjoy seeing you finally fuck off from this industry, you have absolutely nothing valuable to offer.
>It's going to have the exact same gameplay as MGSV
Wow, Konami employees have to pay for the game?
Talk about judaism.
>s-stop proving im an upset child who hates things irrationally! Why dont i fit in!
My sides
Lurk before you post kid.
le upvote
Considering the thread is not getting bumped, it means you are OP, and seeing that this thread has 27 posts and 9 IPs, everyone supporting this... thing, must be you.
Sorry, but nobody cares about MGS anymore, take your shill thread with you, and have a good day.
>mad as fuck
>that we are getting more content for a great as fuck game not to mention coop
Im so mad. Im going to have fun. I hate fun no fun allowed.
bye :^)
When did Kojima transform a military stealth franchise in a generic zombie survival game?
>thread just went first page
Youre not very smart are you.
>33 posts
>9 IPs
This is legitimate shilling, holy fuck, this is hilarious.
>theyre not zombies they are parasites!
Oh you
>Survival game
I bet it will have fucking crafting too.
It might actually be a good game to be honest
You seem confused, Mr. Konami marketeer, i'm not complaining about the presence of zombies, but about the fact that this game is a zombie survival game.
Will buy secondhand from Amazon to support a seller I like.
It doesnt change anything though. MGS was dead well before V even came out. This is hardly a insult to fans when its already dead and everyone knew it.
I find it hilarious people are bitching about zombies yet say they liked MGSV.
Gee, what the fuck is pic related? Even the Skulls were pretty much zombies!
I fucking hope so, it would be hilarious.
>Kojima plans zombie co-op for MGSV
>gets scrapped
>eventually Kojima bails out of Konami
>Konami, desperate, put together the co-op planned for MGSV
>they leave the industry
>Kojima indirectly makes Konami fuck off from the videogame industry.
>What the fuck is pic related
>Leaves the filename and doesn't even spoiler to hide it.
No, people are complaining about this being a zombie survival game, not about zombies being in the game.
MGSV was not a zombie survival game.
Jeez youre really upset over other people liking things.
I can see youre not going to stop so no more replies for you.
No, it's bad, so I don't like it.
It's a horrible concept, a spit on the franchise, and fortunately, Konami's death.
Also no, you are not going to stop giving me replies.
Not to mention both have the exact same "survival gathering" which is hold X over a crate.
MGSV and Survive are literally the same game. Except one has coop.
>Have zombies in the main game
>Boring enemy type that barely even exists as a threat
>No real reason for them to exist and their place in the story is limited
It's not that having zombies in the series at all is stupid, it's that they thought making an entire game around them is stupid.
I think he means the new Kojima game is a zombie game.
Which is somewhat likely considering who he hired.
Gotta love how MG Survive shills have literally only 2 narratives to fight the much deserved criticism
You forgot the fact that Sup Forums has spent nearly a year shitting on both Kojima and MGSV?
People are complaining about MG Survive being a zombie survival with crafting, a genre that has never been good, or original.
MGSV was not a zombie survival game, it was a stealth military game.
So basically, no reason to get MG Survive since I already have MGSV, gotcha.
>g-g-g-guys, there's still stealth in this g-game...
Yeah, sneaking around literally braindead zombies sure is going to be fun, when even sneaking around soldiers in MGSV was piss easy due to the retarded AI.
This game sounds legitimately boring.
>this entire thread
Konami, try in Reddit, those idiots are still clinging to the RUSE, you may sell them this garbage if you throw hints at Chapter 3 being in it.
>coop MGS
Dont care about setting im getting it.
Considering you have no friends and cant take advanatge of coop, yes thats fair.
>this post was not made by a new IP
As if we needed more proof that this thread is just shilling.
holy fuck you are literally this mad
>I'm not going to give more money to Konami, I don't want them to stay in the industry
Give me 10 reasons of why without mentioning MGS or Kojima
I could give you at least 15 or even a bit more but you probably are another "#fuckonami XD" guy
My sides
I have many friends, many of which I played MGO.
All of them agree that they are going to ignore MG Survive, unlike you, right, Mr. Marketeer?
Also, why do I feel like these two posts are by (You), Mr. Marketeer?
>cant even spell or make a sentence anymore
I fucking love how upset you are that people have fun without you.
all me btw
Zombie survival games are really, really bad videogames.
MGSV was absolute trash, it was piss easy, and the microtransactions and development times were obnoxious.
Don't need more reasons.
>people have fun
With what?
You are already playing this turd?
Wouldn't be surprised, developers have access to it.
Tell me, where do you plan to go after Konami drops out of the videogame industry next year?
Left 4 Dead???
>i am literally so stupid i cant even come up with 10
Fucking priceless
now this is the face of true autism
At this point I just pity you.
Come up with 10 to be excited for it without mentioning Kojima or MGSV.
t. angry Konami developer desperate because he knows MG Survive is the end of his career
Nobody is going to buy this, and you know it.
>10 reasons
Not him but vidya isn't really deep enough to even have 10 things to describe them.
I'll buy Survive for 2 reasons, but I definitely can't come up with more than "metal gear themed oh cool" and "i like coop". There really isn't more than that. Come up with 10 reasons to buy it lol.
I'm going to buy it
>IP count has only increased by 5 in the last 50 posts
>Konami this mad they literally can't make anything work and that they have aliniated their entire audience
Remember all the BOOO'ing at the VGA's?
That's what people think of you.
If it gives me the opportunity to dick around with more crazy metal gear tech, I'll be happy, especially if you start fucking around with zombie genomes to create bio-weapons or some shit. At most we'll probably just see an infected metal gear though, so I'll remain skeptical for the time being. It really depends on how much effort they're going to put into this. If Konami is actually worried about losing their fans then maybe they'll step up their game, but they probably aren't if they think a zombie game is what people wanted.
Sure thing
>based on an amazing engine
>based on a great game
>stealth elements
>survival elements to help make the open world less boring
>coop grants new tactical opportunities
>will use all the new features from MGO3
>motherfucking crystalline metal gear
Inb4 you either go one by one or just say "i dun like so its bad!" to save save face, even though I knoe you'll do both. A simple (you) will suffice.
I'm not.
>he thinks 9+5=17
You suck at maths and shitposting.
How is this a good reason?
>based on an amazing engine
What's amazing about FOX Engine?
>based on a great game
I told you, no mention of MGSV.
How is this a good reason?
>stealth elements
What's the point of stealth around brain dead zombies when the game is built up upon MGSV, where even soldiers were absolutely retarded?
>coop grants new tactical opportunities
Which is pointless since there's no need to, the game is way too easy as is.
>will use all the new features from MGO3
Such as?
>motherfucking crystalline metal gear
How is this a good reason?
Now, give me 10 actual reasons.
>The Last of Us with coop
I eould prefer the actual last of us with coop but this will have to do
That doesn't make me excited at all.
Most of Sup Forums will roll their eyes if you mention "zombie" anywhere in this board.
>based on a great game
no mentioning MGSV you cheating faggot.
>coop grants new tactical opportunities
double entry
>motherfucking crystalline metal gear
and how do you know that, mr marketer?
Why are you replying to the OP when this isn't your first post in this thread?
The IP counter hasn't increased.
Are you getting paid for making these posts?
Called it. Thank you and goodnight.
>What's amazing about FOX Engine?
Of course, you have absolutely no counter arguments.
You can't come up with 10 legitimate reasons, and you can't justify them, fucking hilarious.
Looking forward to seeing this deliciously flop.
>>motherfucking crystalline metal gear
not him but it was in the trailer you moron
>tied to the engine
I'd honestly prefer if it just betrayed canon entirely and just let me play as Big Boss, Solid Snake, Raiden, etc. killing zombies for the hell of it
It's just a shadow or has a new trailer come out?
>METAL GEAR in the title
>instead of a game about fighting against metal gears, it's about zombies
sure it is, especially control
>it just a shadow
What the fuck are you smoking you hear it roar
You fight metal gears in it too
Yeah, that's why all Unreal Engine games like Gears of War, Batman Arkham Knight, Bioshock Infinite, Borderlands, Chivalry and Mirrors Edge have the same gameplay, right?
Jesus christ you can't possibly be this retarded.
V cucks mad a fucking zombie game is going to be better than their trash lmao.
>these are the people shilling MG Survive
>implying graphics and effects have no effect on gameplay
>implying FOX doesn't have the smoothest input this side of an id Tech engine
>not relevant to the engine
Fuck off Bethesds
The crystalline part, faggot