>According to Xbox 360 World magazine, Nintendo Japan boss Saturo Iwata was the stumbling block to getting Goledneye on XBLA. Reggie Fils-Aime was apparently behind the idea, with Rare offering to port the game to Wii and also making their Nintendo back catalog available to the Virtual Console. This agreement allowed the game to be developed and was nearly completed until Saturo Iwata said that under no circumstances can the Nintendo game be released on another platform
30 minute goldeneye hd leaked footage
And this is why current day Nintendo is shit
Looks good. Surprised how close it was to being finished.
>Nintendo 64 loses another exclusive
So now that Iwata is dead should ms try again?
how would that have worked if another company owned the 007 license?
Activision had given the ok
Based Reggie.
Wait, how can Nintendo block this but not block Banjo Kazooie and Perfect Dark on XBLA?
>current day
Its something Nintendo has always stated and that's the exact reply they gave John Carmack and pre-ID Software.
It's one Nintendo's core principles, so no.
>Nintendo could share a game with 360
>instead chooses to let neither party have it
Why am I not surprised?
Rare retained the IPs, Nintendo had no say in the matter.
Not just one game either. Rare would have ported everything to the vc as part of the deal.
>and also making their Nintendo back catalog available to the Virtual Console
Now that Microsoft is friendly towards PC can Rare make a good FPS again?
But again, what ownership does Nintendo even have on this when Activision has the game license and M$ has Rare?
Nintendo published it
To be fair, Nintendo would have received the worse version with no updated graphics and no online multiplayer. They're still the assholes in this situation since it's a fair trade for Rare's entire back catalog.
>under no circumstances can the Nintendo game be released on another platform
Isn't almost every old Rare game available on the 360 and now the Xbone?
Also like said, Nintendo is retarded. This is pretty damn anti-consumer.
>Microsoft is friendly towards PC
>actually believing this
They're friendly towards PC being an extension of the Xbox brand.
the people that made goldeneye left rare to form free radical, who then became crytek UK. I don't know how many are still making shooters.
Perhaps Playtonic will make a shooter after Yooka Laylee
Nintendo published Banjo Kazooie?
World is Not Enough was wayy better than Goldeneye
No, 007.
More than a fair trade. Who cares about GoldenEye? It's a shitty movie adaptation that isn't even the best FPS on the N64.
More importantly, where the fuck was Pilotwings 64 on Virtual Console?
RIP Dr. Doak
Everything except Donkey Kong 64 (for obvious reasons) I believe.
It's a tricky situation. Basically All three parties (Activision,ms, and nintendo) all had to agree. 2 of the three did with Nintendo saying no.
Goldeneye is not an original ip and was a licensed game.
mario skins in minecraft, so fuck yeah
I always hated this smug asshole
>More than a fair trade
The kicker in all of this was that Nintendo didn't have to invest any money into development. All they literally had to do was sit back and collect money, but hey, gotta keep Muh 20 year old game exclusive to 20 year old console
What makes you better user? Post your life.
Instead we got nu-GoldenEye, which ended up getting a HD re-release on PS3/360 anyway.
Nintendo is such a paradox;
they love making money
they love going to no effort
but when it comes to making money with no effort, they are mysteriously reluctant
Come on, anons, Iwata had a point. Nintendo could potentially lose out on N64 sales.
Goldeneye was the first real "console" shooter, everything before was just a watered down PC shooter. It had a ton of exotic controller configs, had a unique movement mechanic (the fast strafing was put in to be the gamepad equivalent of strafe jumping in Quake), pushed N64 hardware to the limits (which Perfect Dark pushed even farther) and was one of the first games to have unique animations for different body parts being shot. It was the most ambitious console shooter at the time.
Holy kek I actually laughed at out loud
Clever observation
Glad iwata is dead
Perfect Dark is better than both of them.
Mmmmm... That music. This game probably has my favorite music out of all N64 games. I didn't know this game was being made, but now that I do, I want it so bad. You sold me OP. Thank you.
The graphics look amazing btw
I'm afraid it's actually cancelled and forever unreleased, my friend.
>You sold me OP.
On what? It was cancelled years ago
Literally money for old rope, Nintendo couldn't be more retarded
Was TimeSplitters 2 better than Perfect Dark?
Thanks Nintendo!
>Rare offering to port the game to Wii and also making their Nintendo back catalog available to the Virtual Console
I liked Iwata but goddamn what a fucking faggot he was for turning this down
I mean why are you against this Sup Forums? Nintendo's totally in the right by refusing to let them port a game they had jackshit to do with to protect an IP they absolutely don't own so they can protect the sales of a game they can't even legally touch with a ten foot pole
Don't you understand the law like me, armchair lawyer
fuck that gook, I hope he dies
The actual policy was put in place by Yamauchi and its something Iwata wasn't going to brake.
>I have to be more accomplished than a dude to hate him
cool story brah
Honestly, it is extremely apparent Iwata was holding Nintendo back now that he's gone. He had a nice stage presence and seemed cool, but man, so many bad decisions.
Look at that body. The man takes care of himself.
How funny how they tried to block this, when back at the N64 era Nintendo Japan hated this game because "it was too violent and out of Nintendo fanbase"
can the yakuza take miyamoto out next?
pretty please?
I love how N64 became the best console for FPS despite Nintendo not liking violence.
>banjo kazooie, tooie, donkey kong 64, goldeneye, perfect dark, etc could have all been on the wii
>but no, fuck that
How is the Perfect Dark sequel on the 360 anyway?
i could have fucking doaked people online in HD, fuck you iwata
the gamecube would have killed xbox if nintendo didn't sell rare
zero? it's fucking shit
>Reggie wanted Nintendo to have more money and more games
>Shigeru and Iwata holding them back because they hate filthy gaijins, even though shigeru's daughter is married to white cock
>the menu music and sounds
wew lads i wasn't prepared for this kind of nostalgia
klobb with the klobb for added insult
Best goldeneye level?
bump for curiosity
Moonraker, hands down.
just play goldeneye-source faggot
>making an mario world creature more appealing and sexual bad
can you like fuck off please
the one in the jungle where you can bounce grenades off xenas metal tits
Meh, Perfect Dark is so much better than Goldeneye yet doesn't get the love it deserves. Plus playing it with twin sticks and no auto aim feels just right, kb+m is too easy
>reminder it was going to have a button to instantly revert to the original graphics
It doesn't have the single player you fucktard.
It's no surprise Iwata was holding back Nintendo I'm glad he's gone.
My favorite was Surface for how open it was.
It's a console shooter with no auto aim, and focused entirely on accuracy. Make of that what you will. I like it
Are you fucking serious?
Yep. Might as well not exist.
I liked Depot/Train. Shame they didn't show it here.
PC release when? Goldeneye Source is really fun but the physics are kind of stupid.
there is no single player in golden eye source 5.0 and if they tried to add it in, it would have been the end because of a C&D, the team have done everything to not get taken down like changing all the characters subtley
Its a shame, at least we still have Goldeneye Source. Even if that is multiplayer only.
Surface was awesome, the music was pretty good. Also that glitch with the faces on the guards.
Never because it's cancelled
>It's a console shooter with no auto aim, and focused entirely on accuracy.
Their fps team is long gone.
I'm not even sure if they're at crytek UK anymore
>no single player
>all characters are the same height
no fuck you
they didn't even keep the proper fucking death animations and instead everyone just ragdolls
I'm fairly certain strafe running is just a unintended physics glitch they didn't fix. Obviously they knew about it as the speed run times for the levels required it, but it still wasn't built into the engine intentionally.
reminder you can emulate GoldenEya at 60fps with mouse aiming using 1964
yes, for two reasons
bricks and monkeys
>GoldenEye 007 was developed by an inexperienced team; eight of its ten developers had never previously worked on video games.[7][24] As programmer David Doak recalls, "Looking back, there are things I'd be wary of attempting now, but as none of the people working on the code, graphics, and game design had worked on a game before, there was this joyful naïveté."
It's not so bad, makes for an interesting kind of gunplay.
I'm pretty fucking sure "fast strafing" was also a quirk of the Quake 1 engine which also made its way into Half-Life and Goldsource until Valve fixed it. These developers sure as fuck didn't design fast strafing to be a thing you autist.
I don't know why they never released the remake on PC, fucking Activision.
>Nintendo stops their exclusives leaking to other consoles
>bwaaah they're evil
>devs make ports (pc or other consoles) of their games later down the line
>bwaaah they're evil
See you *directly* in Hell.
But we got Perfect Dark HD so it's okay
Anyone who complains about a game being available on more platforms is a fucking moron.