Father! Is it over?

Father! Is it over?

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lol that's so cool. How did you do that? Do you have any Sup Forums guild I can join?

>every expansion villain after Arthas was just some faggot nobody cared about

Where did it all go wrong.

Killing off Arthas was a mistake.

Ever since I started playing WoW back in vanilla, I had always wanted to kill Arthas. His death symbolized the end of WoW's reign, and it became true.

To be fair, he was never the big bad even in WC3.

Sargeras and the Legion were always in the background

Arthas dying in WoW symbolized the death of WC3's storyline

actually no, it's not over
Legion is jus WoD with more content

WOD's problem was lack of content and repetitive tone (ORCS ORCS ORCS ORCS ORCS right after we had had ORCS ORCS ORCS).

Legion's tone at least looks a bit more varied.

Yeah but he was the most interesting villain.
Sargeras is just a grimdark edgelord who wants to blow up the universe because it might be infested by evil so to save it he will kill it.

Kil'Jaeden and Archimonde are just "MUH VELEN BETRAYAL" and "MUH PERSONALITY OF CARDBOARD" respectively.

Illidan was also good but then got shit on during TBC story-wise.

Are you ready for the other Fordragon to return and save our asses?

>implying he's not evil as fuck
Ner'zhul's still in the helmet fucking with his head.

>ner'zhul max jelly because gul'dan gets to suck demon dick
>wants in on that shit
>enemy of my enemy is my friend
i can see it happen

But Ner'zhul loathes the Legion, since Kil'Jaeden fucked up everything and ripped his body and soul to shreds.

well let's give him the revenge then
there's no way this guy isn't making an appearance
inb4 he's the next expansions big bad

No he's not, he's in Frostmourne now with Arthas.

Can't be, otherwise the helmet would have no significance and wouldn't have changed Bolvar upon wearing it.

>log in
>all my bank / inventory / void storage is full
>can't do shit


He is, Frost Death Knight Artifact quest confirms it.

>well let's give him the revenge then
that was already the entire plot of wc3.

Nope. Arthas killed him.


They got sucked out of the Helmet and into the shards of Frostmourne when it shattered, DK's put the shards back together and have to kill the Spirit of Ner'zul and Arthas.

Besides it's explained that The Lich King is all the personalities of previous users merged together, with whomever is wearing it being mostly in control.

just go play wc3 if you want that.

what if i want a reboot

tell blizzard to make wc3 hd

they're already doing that
just like with d2
blizzcon 2016

shut up ya dumb bitch, they added the wardrobe function so you can pawn all that junk off.

Doesn't mean a damn thing. I don't have vanilla items that don't exist anymore in my bank because of transmog, it's because the item is not in the game anymore


>this meme again

Characters like Tirion even referred to the Lich King as Arthas. In truth he was actually an amalgamation of multiple beings.

Either way, enough with your faggotry.

Yeah because the Lich King is the corrupted soul of Arthas controlled by Nerzhul. Everyone calls him Arthas because of sentimentality.

Arthas was completely in control.

In the Wrath book he completely discards Ner'zhuls essence.

>Everyone calls him Arthas because of sentimentality

Doubtful - it's most likely because it is the physical form of Arthas, and also because that is the person whose awful deeds are most recent in peoples memories.

Are that many people even aware the Lich King is/was Nerzhul? Seems like something the mages of Dalaran might be aware of, but not Johnny Randomfag.

>entire point is to have fun in emergent scenarios with thousands of other players
>all this story bullshit

When will the themepark meme end?

Sorry they're not like your weebshit mmo's. Some people like some actual lore with their games.

Ahhh shit, well I mean I get all my lore from the wiki and in-game.
>Reading books

Dude it's been over


>actual lore with their games.

It's lore.

It 's not very good lore, but it's there.

>It's lore.
>Titans didn't destrouyed Old Gods because it will destroy the entire Azeroth
>since vanilla Horde and Alliance killing Old Gods just for loot.

It's been confirmed the adventurers never kill the Old Gods, they just send them back to sleep.

So lore question, where go souls of warlocks, mages and DHs?

Autism is a fucking sin, user

My Warlock's soul shards :^)

Friend bought me some game time and I just can't stay logged in. It's painful to look at what Blizzard has done to WoW, it's a old man on life support.

That's fucking stupid

Will the scourge just disappear now?


No MMO lives forever, my son.

Why would they?

Mages can pass to the afterlife or bind their souls themselves with magic. One mage actually raised himself from the dead and the alliance was fine with it, although he is on the path of a warlock now being as he absorbed the soulbof a demon in a fight.
Dks arent evil, just raised dead like the forsaken. Warlocks more than likely are going to hell/nether unless they are the rare few that refused a dark pact and literally just use the power over the demons to fight. Most just want more power though or control

Do you guys think Arthas went to Hell?

>Dks arent evil
Tell that to the holy light smiting them for trying to raise more undeads.

Because the Lich King is gone?

fuck off, arthas is just darth vader. He's the stereotypical good character gone bad. Just because his archtype is cool doesn't mean he's any more or less interesting than those other characters

No. Legion will be more of the same.

But the light isn't 'good', it's just anti-undead.

Otherwise it's like saying fire and water and good and evil. No, they're just opposed.

he went to super-hell where all undead are doomed to go to, apparently.

it got retconned anyway.

It was literally arthas after some book and icecrown says he discarded nerzhul from his entity.

With out its master's commands, the restless wowfugees will become an even greater threat to the online multiplayer community. Control must be maintained. There must always be a World of Warcraft.

I remember one of the books said right after Arthas took the helm Big N was happy then Arthas said nah my scourge now and he like disappeared forever.

>Super hell

>Dks arent evil, just raised dead like the forsaken.
I asked about Demon Hunters.
>Warlocks more than likely are going to hell/nether unless they are the rare few that refused a dark pact and literally just use the power over the demons to fight.
So uncorrupted warlocks finally were confirmed?

No MMORPG rules forever, my son.

why are warriors such shitty tanks

Punishment for Vanilla and TBC when they were the only viable tanks

because it's prexpac and scaling is all fucked. Just like every single pre xpac period where the game goes full retard.

Someone post the laughing garrosh

No, it was time for Arthas to get some closure.

Sure it was the APEX of the entire game but still, it was necessary.

All I give a fuck about is Jaina and Sylvanas; once I find out their fates and get closure with them, I'm jumping ship on Blizzard forever.


>Thinking books written by a woman are canon.


>ignore the pain


>No, it was time for Arthas to get some closure.

rofl why?

He did nothing all expansion, and then died. He wasn't even the character he was before in WC3.

>hurr im evil and incompetent
>let me job to this nobody mary sue

Good fucking closure amirite

it is

No he's not, the spirit of Ner'zul is gone, Lich King himself is eternal.

Best Warchief or best Warchief?

The Lich King is literally Ner'Zhul you dumb faggot

>take this guy that is suppose to be this cold calculative entity that has endless undead do his work for him while he commands them atop the desolate throne of Icecrown
>turn him into a Scooby doo villain that shows up all over the place saying "he will get you next time and that meddling paladin" and give him a redemption arc a la kerrigan
>the reason for this is apparently people complaining in TBC that they had no idea who the main villain was of the expac cause he didn't pop up allover the place
blizzdrones gentlemen

Look nigger, I'm 30 and worked at McDonalds for an entire summer when I was 16 to save up enough money to build my first RIG just for WarCraft 3.

I personally needed closure because I am old now and winter is coming.

There's no such thing as closure, idiot.

Best fucking character in the entire franchise now that the one TRUE king Arthas is gone.

She will defeat the Legion and cement her place as the Warchief of the Horde.

Then lead it it to victory over the faggot Alliance.

You all know it to be true.

Dont blood elves and forsaken make fun of the orcs behind their backs for terms like 'warchief' and barbarian trope stuff?

>he fell for the WoW meme again

That's not Garrosh.

It's not, and you should feel bad for having such shit opinions

Okay, Bojack take it easy.

I watched Arthas' obsession with vengeance lead him to his doom, betray his people and kingdom and ultimately his downfall.

Sounds like closure to me.

Two more characters and then I'm Audi.

>blizzshill: the post

I think the best explanation isnt "arthas is on the shard" "nerzul is gone", or anything like that.

Their soul are split. There are traces of NZ and Arthas in the frostmorne shards, in the helm, and freed. Probably most of the evil and wrath of both NZ AND Arthas are left in thr helm, corrupting bolvar. But bolvar still have most control, able to mostly supress the other 2

Ebin buzzword friendo.

>ultimately his downfall.

What downfall? He just dies. He was on the up and up but then he just dies. Why? Because they needed to sell copies of their game?

>Okay, Bojack take it easy.


>meme instead of answer

>people complaining in TBC that they had no idea who the main villain was of the expac cause he didn't pop up allover the place

To be absolutely fair, that made sense because the writing was completely nonsensical.

>the burning legion is trying to invade azeroth through the dark portal
>ok ignore them and invade hellfire citadel to kill illidan's fel orcs before they ???

>illidans naga are trying to drain the water from outland so they can ???

>we have to invade the black temple and stop illidan from ???

>oh btw kael'thas is now a bad guy
>ok turns out the real action is back on azeroth anyways, go stop kil'jaeden from coming through the dark portal

People praise TBC as the best expansion but holy shit the writing was all over the fucking place.

>Blizzard introduces Sydney servers
>90ms latency for what normally is 40ms
>having to press abilities twice because THEY ARE NOT READY YET

Thanks, Blizz.

Deathwing was a pretty cool villain, it's just that he was part of a really shitty raid

>tfw Bolvar is probably going to get blacked by muh corruption

It still hurts bros. Why did they fuck his shit up?

>2 rupees have been deposited into your account!

>>the burning legion is trying to invade azeroth through the dark portal
this is what the alliance/horde thought, not what actually happened

She'll make the Horde great again.

Most of the kids didn't even know who Deathwing was.

A QT3.14 I met at college and started dating/fucking; found out she played WOW but never played WarCraft 3 of TFT.

I told her she had one week to play and beat both; then there would be an oral quiz about the lore.

Then she gave me oral.

>I never played before Australian servers

consider yourself lucky

Or should I say unlucky because you're still playing neo-wow